27 March 06

A Kiss (Part 1)

Royo Girl – a criminology graduate who sends me scented letters and fantasy art by Luis Royo – shall be visiting here this summer, and we have agreed to kiss.

A kiss may not be a big deal to most people, but to a prisoner deprived of female contact, a kiss means a lot.

The prospect of kissing Royo Girl is something I’m looking forward to, but it has also caused some concerns to arise. What kind of a kiss will it be? A quick peck? A long-lasting lip lock? Will my tongue try to dive down her throat? Why do I feel as if I’m in high school again?

It’s been a while since I’ve experienced the pleasure of kissing. I'll probably just move in for a small kiss at first, and then try to build from there. I’ve never given so much thought to a kiss. Why am I so excited over something so simple? It’s only a kiss – right?

Email comments to writeinside@hotmail.com or post them below


  1. Anonymous8:33 AM

    It started with a kiss... ...

  2. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Huh...Do you think in what it will turn AFTER a kiss if you think sooo much on this before it happend?...Beware...Maybe, you'd even better to stay away from it, I don't know...

  3. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Have you seen her before?

    Do you know what she looks like?

    Does frankie know yet?!!!


  4. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I'd kiss you anyday Jon. Pitty I've never been to America! I hope she's good looking and nice. :D
    xx Pippa

  5. You should practise on Frankie :P

  6. Anonymous5:16 AM

    After reading your blog for so long, the new entry was a pleasant surprise. I am happy to hear that you have something to look foward to. However, I know you still have awhile in there and just don't want you to get your hopes up that you are going to develop a relationship from the kiss.

    You should tell us more about this 'friend'. Is she just a friend? How do you feel about her? Is she just having a bit of fun at your emotional expense? I worry about you and don't want you to get hurt.

    Regardless of my words of caution, I am happy that you will have some good heterosexual attention. Be careful you don't have a booty bandit backlash.

