Live Cockroaches Crawling On My Face Part 2

Filming a scene from the book Hard Time yesterday.
Link to video at YouTube.

Tags: cockraoches jail prison phoenix arizona sheriff joe arpaio shaun attwood hard time inmate prisoner human rights maricopa county insects cell police cops guards jon's jail journal blog


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Ewww thats grose. Hope ur well??


  3. Anonymous7:51 AM

    fuckin sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. Anonymous9:49 AM

    That's great! I didn't know there was also going to be a film.

    Joey Crack

  5. Anonymous10:03 AM

    EEEEEEEEEEEEUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!! Where did you get them?

    Sue O

  6. Sue,

    I got them online from

    They're actually a slow moving South American cockroach, as the American cockroach darts too fast for filming purposes.


  7. Anonymous12:06 PM

    So do i take it they are turning your book into a film ??

    Sarah (curry girl)

  8. Sarah,

    This filming was done at a disused police station in London to provide some footage for promoting the book. There will be no movie deal brokered until after the book comes out.


  9. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Just goes to show you can get absolutely anything online! Great effect!

    Sue O

  10. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Did this experience remind you of your time in Joe's jail when they crawled into your ears to eat your ear wax?


  11. Jayne,

    Yes, it did. But a week before I did a talk to a group of psychotherapists, and they gave me advice on dealing with this situation.


  12. Anonymous10:34 AM

    In your blog you seemed to have a strange sort of relationship with the roaches in your cell. How did you feel about being in close contact with roaches again? Zac

  13. Zac,

    I did have a strange relationship with the roaches. Living with them everpresent gave me a deep understanding of their behaviour and characteristics.

    The roaches in these videos were of South American origin, and had a much calmer temperament than the American cockroach. Having them on me freaked me out a bit at first, but once I got over that their ticklishness didn't really bother me.


  14. Anonymous11:22 AM

    What did you do with the roaches after, take them home and keep them as pets?

  15. Anon,

    I should have mailed them to Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

  16. Anonymous7:35 AM

    1990 in adobe mt juvenile in maricopa county, my cellie and i would kill on average 75 german adult house roaches a night after lights went out, same situation with babies dropping onto you, youd wake up with 5 adults on your legs and one on your face. we were kids and they didnt care.

    in gulf isolation unit. the rooms were covered in semen, loogies,insects of various sizes and appearance. no bed clothes, no book, no nothing, dim light.

    i hated adobe mt so much. after a year there i was lucky to be let go, they were avoiding a major lawsuit shitstorm by geting rid of me~~~~ big j

  17. Anonymous1:25 PM

    NASTY !!!!

    Can I still get a signed copy of your book ? When I get some money, my mom wants a signed copy as well. She has followed you also since the beginning.

    Love you my friend

    Barry in Tonopah

  18. Big Dawg

    Or should that be 'Big Jessy'?

    Is that you squealing in this video or one of the crew? Please tell me it wasn't you, matey!

    Hugs & kisses, as always

    Chris H

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