Letter to Mom (by the Occult Killer)

Dubbed the Occult Killer by the media, Brandon is serving 6 to 12 years in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. His crime: he killed his best friend in a drunk-driving accident. When police investigators discovered Gothic paraphernalia in his bedroom, they naturally concluded Brandon had committed a sacrificial murder for the benefit of Satan.

There’s no need to feel that stopping by less often needs any justification. There were times when you’d visit that I could plainly see how worn out and exasperated it made you. Not the visit itself, but the circumstances of it. The anxiety of the night before, driving to the end of the state to come here of all places, then back home again. There are times I’d like to just have a video conference, so I could see you guys in a natural setting. All the hectic stuff going on, trying to have a sit down dinner, random people running through the house at odd intervals. I’d like to say “hi” via satellite to someone who just woke up, rooting around for cold cereal in a bathrobe. On the other hand, I could show you my crappy little cell. I’ve gotten rather comfortable with it, actually.

Click here to read the Occult Killer’s previous blog.

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Shaun Attwood


  1. This is Lorenzo Steele Jr.and I am a former New York City Correction officer. I mentor to youth about the consequences of breaking the law. I share with them the horrors that take place behind those walls. I am new to blogging but i am starting to share my prison experience with the world. anyone that wants to know the truth.
    Check out my website and go to a prison presentation i provide to students,teachers and communities.I also have a prison DVD called Scarface 4 Life taking viewers into the nations most violent prison on Rikers Island. For a copy please contact me at 646 529-1764 or email me lorenzosteele2@yahoo.com

  2. This was one of the first letters I received when my son began serving at the state level. Lorenzo, there is nothing I can think of that is more important than warning young people what life is like behind bars-it is nothing a person can even anticipate, nothing one can do once there. It is not good, even on the best day for the best reason, hell on families.

    Thanks for what you're doing.
    Sue Obaza (Mom)

  3. Lorenzo Steele Jr.

    Thanks for posting your links. I just watched your entire talk, completely gripped and fascinated. I admire what you're doing.

    Cheers from London!

