Hard Time Hardback Cover for US Edition

I'm curious as to what you think of this cover? The hardback just went on presale here in America.


  1. the cover is OK at best. I would assume that having the notorious Sherif on the front might push a few more books in Scotsdale but.....I would not give the asshole the publicity, he thrives on it and is getting what he loves...attention! Don't feed his narcisstic tendancies. I look forward to reading your book but I do hope the sherif is not on it. Maybe a collage of some of the "characters" we have read about for years?

  2. I take it thats the mean mofo runnin the joint?

  3. muz, yes, sheriff joe arpaio runs the jail i was at

    sean, i have no control over the cover design, the us publisher makes that decision

  4. Anonymous2:18 AM

    I like it better than the other.

    Stephanie Senn

  5. Anonymous2:18 AM

    is there a way that Amazon can put the reviews from your UK edition onto the page for the US edition?


  6. gabriella, unfortunately reviews can not be transferred in that way, amazon.com will not allow reviews for the hardback until near the time it goes on sale, at that time individuals can re post their reviews to amazon.com with the same log on info, amazon.com is allowing reviews for the uk softback edition here: http://www.amazon.com/Hard-Time-Brit-Americas-Toughest/dp/1845966511/ref=pd_rhf_p_t_3

  7. Anonymous2:50 AM

    ‎.....easy to read...hard to beat....


  8. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Despite what Sean says, the point is to sell books and if possible educated people about Arpaio. By putting his picture on the cover you may well reach more of those who need to know the truth about the Sheriff, i.e. his supporters.
    Be Well.

  9. My thought about the cover is that just from a face recognition standpoint, if the general public knows absolutely nothing except they may have seen this sheriff on tv, I think it is a good attention grabber. The blog audience is much more informed and savvy about these issues-the general public needs to be informed. Sue O.

  10. That's a raw, hardcore, dramatic, no-frills cover, in my opinion. The more the merrier!
