Another Sellout at Woking Waterstone's Thanks to SJB Students

My second Woking signing sold out once again - 40 copies - due to an influx of students from Saint John the Baptist High School. Students arrived throughout the afternoon, mostly in groups, asking numerous questions about the drugs and prison presentation I did there last week. Asked to comment on my visit, they said:
"The talk taught me to never take life for granted or go over the top at raves."
"It was the most inspirational talk we've ever had at our school."
"The talk inspired me to never get arrested."
The security guard on the right in this pic bought Hard Time at the previous signing. She rushed back into the store to tell me that she had read the book in two days, and could not put it down. She also asked if I was still with Claudia. Click here for an update on Claudia. 

Several SJB students unable to attend the signing have emailed asking where they can buy the book. Here is the link (click on the UK version at the top right hand side). I'm back at SJB on July 13 at 10am for Year 10. SJB students, please keep me posted on what you think of Hard Time, and if you like it, please leave customer reviews at Amazon.

Click here for what happened at the previous Woking signing, including a video of an SJB student commenting on my talk.

The next two Waterstone's signings are:
October 1st Manchester Trafford Centre
November 5th Oldham Upper Mall
Further info on all signings

Shaun Attwood


  1. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Yes my fiend!!The one on the end looks like him from the banana splits or the hair bear bunch.When you,re up north next nosferatu we,re going out mate and having a few beers.Take it easy. x


  2. Anonymous11:57 AM

    ....nice photos shawn...try and wash those black and white stripes with your old yellow belt....!!!...we could you give you a new nick name - "the wasp"...sounds better than the "cucumber"


  3. Anonymous11:57 AM

    The wasp sounds good my old fiend.The cucumber sounds like a weekend at mine!Probably got tickets for a liverpool match when you,re up one time my fiend,fancy going with me and the wildman?


  4. You can keep trying, Hammy, but you will never turn me and the Wild Man into jocks.

  5. Also, what's with the "x" Hammy? :)
