BBC Interview/Woking Book Signing This Saturday

BBC Radio Surrey has requested to interview me about my free DVD's to schools program. Click here to listen live on Saturday at 8.25am.

This month, I've donated a copy of my DVD - presentation to schools on drugs and prison - to nearly every secondary school in Surrey, 78 in total. Budget cuts are reducing schools abilities to get outside speakers, so I've donated the DVD's because I feel it's important that young people still get the opportunity to learn about the consequences of drugs from my true story. I'm trying to extend the DVD donation program across the UK, and any teachers who would like the DVD can email me for a free copy.

I’m signing copies of Hard Time this Saturday September 17th at Waterstone's, Unit 44, The Peacocks Centre, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6GD (01483 767 564) from 12.30pm until 4pm.  Map.

I’m offering free signed copies of Hard Time to the first two students willing to dress in jail outfits and hand flyers out.

Click here to read what happened at the previous book signing in Woking that was overrun by SJB students, including pics and a video. 

Shaun Attwood


  1. Anonymous11:50 PM

    You should come to watersones Fareham. So I can come x


  2. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Good luck Shaun. Sorry I can't be there :-( x


  3. No worries, Charlotte. You've done more than enough! Enjoy your weekend.
