MMA Crossfire Conversations – Locked Up Abroad: Shaun Attwood’s cautionary tale of ecstasy

I really enjoyed being interviewed by Kenai Andrews of MMA Crossfire - a mixed martial arts blog featured at Postmedia's news/information website. It's the most comprehensive interview I've done so far. The subject matter ranges from karate to old-school rave anthems. If you like the interview, please vote at the bottom.

Please click here to read the interview packed with pics, videos and lots of laughs. 

Please click here to read my interview for National Geographic Channel.

Shaun Attwood


  1. Just watched you in Locked Up Abroad. Quite a journey ... we make these decisions and never know where they will take us.

    From personal experiences I could relate to some of yours. I hope all is well for you today and your family.

    Britain changed a lot while you were away!

  2. Thanks so much, Noor al Haqiqa. Yes, Britain changed a lot over the 17 years I was away. What is your experience?


  3. Kubilay4:15 AM

    Hello, I also saw you yesterday on TV...what a story lucky that you're still alive...when you entered those house/café from the Italian's...etc...& in jail...what a life/story/experience..every time you think you'll get out of it, they pull you back...that's the life of those man/people...lucky to you again..
