Attempted Murd** of My Killer & Giving Birth In Prison - Gemma - True Cr...

Today at 9PM UK on YouTube!

Perhaps the most emotionally charged true crime podcast that we have ever published!

Attempted Murd** of My Killer & Giving Birth In Prison - Gemma

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Call me naive, crazy, stupid, or even a middle-aged boomer. But I am also a single mom with a pure heart and the fighting spirit of a lion.

    And today this lioness wants to share her experience with everyone. About a young woman. A young woman who presents herself here. Simply because I question her. Is this the only story she should tell, or is there more?

    yes, much more even. and that is why I feel the urgency to share that other story as well. only then will everyone know the real truth.

    After seeing and hearing this podcast multiple times, I have had several conversations with my myself. Do I even want to call her out? But, having to pick up the pieces of a broken heart myself for way too many times, it became pretty clear to me that there are not only “fuckboys and bad guys out there”.

    This girl who calls herself “Gemma" has stolen the heart of my cousin. For almost 2 years I have witnessed all the love, joys, and sorrows every day from the sidelines. Each smile his son had when he received a gift from you. We have opened so many birthday presents or Christmas packages. Why also break an innocent little boy’s heart? 

The thought of dropping my cousin off at the airport, waving him goodbye on the way to his great love in England while you where also living a completely other life is mind-blowing.
    Yes, Gemma, we met too. We talked so often via FaceTime. The chats about your dreams, future, and happiness here on the other side of the sea. 

To now having to hear that this is all one big fat lie is simply shocking. I'm seriously dumbfounded and open-mouthed astonished.
    “How can anyone maintain this double life for more than 24 months?

    Apparently there are also women who are manipulative, narcissistic, and capable of completely destroying the lives of a man and a young boy. Leaving them completely shattered. Heartbroken and full of sadness and doubt. 

Was it all just fun for you? Was it just a distraction for you?  A fun pastime to forget your pain and questionable past? Are you even really who you pretend to be? Is your name even Gemma? Who knows? We'll never know. That’s for sure.
I thought long and hard about speaking up. But if there is something that I hold in high regard, it’s honesty. As a big, loving family, we will always promote values such as respect, trustworthiness, and loyalty. We will never stop to fight for everything and everyone we love. Too bad you will never be a part of our family ever again.
    I guess your lessons of life are always presented to you at your present level of understanding.

    For now, I’m not saying goodbye to you, "Gemma." I'm saying goodbye to Jane Doe, because we will never know.

    I think you are underestimating the importance of honesty.
