03 May 05

Xena Responds

After reading the comments posted to the blog Bon Voyage Balls, Xena responded:

Anatomy check for those who do not know what a vas deferens is: the extension of the epididymis of the testis that ascends from the scrotum and joins the seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct. It is enclosed by fibrous connective tissue with blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics, and passes through the inguinal canal as part of the spermatic cord.
The operation was not done because Gina hated herself or wanted to cause any self-harm. She truly feels at peace, having performed her makeshift surgery, as I would considering her personality.
Yours truly, Xena

Comments can be posted below or emailed to: writeinside@hotmail.com


  1. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Good luck to Graham, Gina and Xena sounds horrendous but its their choice

  2. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Tell Xena to 'Go Girl!' with her sexy badass self. :-D

    For Graham- wow, now that takes some serious 'balls' to chop off your own balls and then flush them down the toilet. Determination or Desperation aside, that's quite a mental feat.

  3. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Hi Xena

    I am sorry if I caused you any offence; I am a skeptic and a scientist by nature and a medical student... so I question what I read at every turn. I guess I came off a little combative and insensitive. I certainly did not be to be seen as passing value judgements, although I found it extremely worrying felt you had to do something so horribly horribly risky.

    I hope you can understand I why I found the situation you were in to be far fetched. I remain horrified that you were placed in that position and did not receive the support you needed either inside or outside of jail.
    The world still has a long way to come on many fronts.

    I guess our anatomy textbooks differ, and we will have to agree to disagree on the other issue,



  4. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Opps... I have just realised my mistake in my previous reply... I should of course have been replying to Xena's letter about Gina... and not addressing Xena as if she were Gina. Sorry for the confusion...there is no edit function here to correct the mistake....
