25 Sept 07


One of my neighbours, Lurch, a giant with learning difficulties, is serving time because he accidentally shot and paralysed his young friend. Thanks mostly to a public defender who worked against him and a prosecutor who charged him with all kinds of offences, he was sentenced to twenty years. In prison, members of the Aryan Brotherhood wielding socks filled with padlocks almost killed him.

Lurch allowed me to read his court documents and letters. Saddest was the letter from his mother to the judge. Also, I noticed some sentencing errors in his paperwork. He’s eligible for release several years before the prison calculation, so we’re going to see the counsellor to try and bring his release date forward. I'm also going to write a short story about Lurch.

Can you imagine how many more Lurches and Slingblades there are stuck in the prison system for want of help, their stories never heard?

Email comments to writeinside@hotmail.com or post them below

Copyright © 2006-2007 Shaun P. Attwood


  1. Anonymous8:58 AM


    Contact the Arizona Innocence Project. They not only help those who are innocent of crimes, but those sentenced through malice injustice, which seems to be Lurch's situation. The address and contact is:

    Osborn Maledon
    2929 N. Central, Suite 2100
    Phoenix, AZ. 85012

    Hope that helps. -Jose in San Diego

  2. Anonymous8:39 AM

    can you comment on the Gang situation in Prison Shaun, or will that have to wait until your release?
