16 Nov 08

From Warrior (Letter 3)

Warrior - Serving fourteen years for kidnapping and aggravated assault. Half Hispanic and Scottish-Irish with family still in Mexico. Brought up by a family steeped in drug commerce.



Hey, man…I just received your letter. It’s good to hear from you! I am glad you are OK and thriving.

Good luck on the new job. Man, that’s cool that you’ll travel telling your story, dissuading kids from drugs. I am happy to hear that! You’re giving back to society, and that’s what life is all about. It’s our responsibility to make a difference, especially when we are blessed with the mental faculties to do so. To hear that gives me more hope for myself. I have to thank you for that.

Please keep me posted on how your attempts to get your books published are going. I read what you sent me recently from your autobio. That was really good. I was impressed. My cellie and I are the biggest readers in our pod. He read it and said you have good skills. He was impressed too. You’ve improved since the last sections you sent me. You captured the moments, feelings, and texture of each event. I thought I was in the county jail with you. I could picture everything.

I’m going to do what you suggested, play with sentences and practice restructuring them. I’m going to check out some Pulitzer Prize winners like you suggested too. I need to improve on capturing details. I dig the way you express the details. I appreciate all of you advice and guidance on the writing craft. You know your stuff, so I take it as a compliment when you mention I am coming along. When you get your first mentor session, I’ll mentor underneath you. A mentor with a mentor. Ha ha ha.

I wouldn’t mind submitting one of my stories to a contest or a magazine. How would I go about something like that?

As for me, I’m cool. I was in a little dark cloud for a minute. My girl split on me. I had to shake it off. Hey, it happens, as that’s life. I’m doing the Internet thing too right now. I jumped on two pen pal websites, and MySpace. Trying to keep my pen busy with some needy, crazy, jealous, overbearing cuties to write. Ha ha ha. Can’t live with ’em or without ’em right.

I’ll get at Xena and show her your autobio chapters. Xena’s a trip ain’t she, cool people though. I’m sure you heard about the home surgery. I was in the pod when Xena did that. I’ve seen some crazy things in my day, but that right there wins the cake hands down.

Other than the usual monotony, I’m just trying to study all the basics in writing. I’m trying to relearn the fundamentals. Reading a lot too.
Well buddy, I’m glad you’re well and doing excellent. Hunt that “Rhinoceros Success.” It’s your time to shine. We’re proud of you this way. Create your legacy.
I wish you and your loved ones the best.
Keep your head to the sky.

Love & Respect,


Jose in San Diego wrote:


This is Jose in San Diego. How much time are you down and how much to go? I am piquing interest in your current situation. Are you more into self-preservation in terms of growing spiritually, or do you still tow the line and put in work? Do you handle your own number now or still roll with the car? After so much time, I would think you changed and decided to lay down the sword as you stated. I walked that linea before, and I gather that you are taking into consideration what the veterano Doc and Shaun have told you. Also, do you have a wife or a lady and kids waiting on you? I wish you the best and cuidate.

Jose in San Diego

Warrior responded:


I’m doing 14, 8 down already. About 4 to go, give or take a year.
As to whether I’m into self-preservation in terms of growing spiritually or tow the line and put in work. Nowadays it’s about me growing spiritually, mentally, emotionally. Instead of being the toughest guy on the block, I’d rather be the smartest or wisest. But I still have to pick and choose my battles like everyone else, and if I have to put in work, I won’t hesitate. I embrace, understand, and accept what I have to be here, that’s reality. I do my own number now. Unfortunately, when you do your own number, you battle carloads. But I’d rather stand alone as a man, than amongst a herd of jackasses.
I have kids, but no lady.

L & R,


To read From Warrior (Letter 2) click here.

Coming next: Warrior V Big E. (Part 4)

Email comments and questions for Warrior to writeinside@hotmail.com or post them below. To post a comment if you do not have a Google/Blogger account, just select anonymous for your identity.

Shaun P. Attwood


  1. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Thank you for the follow up on my questions Shaun, I truly appreciate it. Warrior, thank you for your insight. Your writing, though premature, demonstrate the ability to take your readers on a journey, with all of the anguish, excitement, and emotions that you feel, they are truly felt by the reader. I must say, your readings are as exciting as any action movie I have seen lately homeboy! And I am not pumping your shit up to provide a temporary moment of happiness, but man Warrior, you are 100% capable of following Shaun and taking your writing to the next level. Don't sit on it, write a book Warrior. There are authors such as Luis Rodriguez (Always Running), Kody Scott (Monster) and Nicky Cruz (The Cross and the Switchblade, Run Baby Run) who have chronicled growing up in the same lifestyle and then reaching incarceration. They all have written books that aside from the monetary benefit (NY times Bestsellers!), they have actually made a difference in the lives of many youngsters. As a matter of fact, Monster and Always Running are part of College Curriculums in Sociology at many Universities here in California. Interesting enough, The University of Berkeley, California has an accredited course solely on the life, books, and lyrics of Tupac Shakur. Keep staying positive and keep up the writing. Hopefully you can branch off into your own blog with outside assistance. Take care. And to you, Shaun, who has lent a voice to those incarcerated...your help goes beyond those walls and we can't thank you enough. -Jose in San Diego.

    P.S. - Royo Girl is so got damn hot, commence to making little Shauns!

  2. Nothing substantive to add, just that I really enjoy Warrior's writing and look forward to watching his writing continue to develop. What you write now is utterly engrossing.

    Would like to hear about any upcoming convos with Xena, as she has a knack for capturing a reader's interest - hope she is doing well.

  3. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Hay, get writing, I am sure shaun will post on here and i now fo sure i will be waiting to read with anticipation. I check everyday to see whats new on the blog. With writng maybe a tip i am not sure but rather than thinking the words feel the momet, see it in your head and then describe it in words to a blind man, becasue at the end of the day when we are reading it we are blind ?? See if it works for you it may it may not but its got to be food for thought at least. If you want to give it a try and ask Shaun to forward it to me I will happlier give my point of view ( like i have ever not given my point of view hehe). I am not much good as a pen pal as such but if you want and online pal ask shaun for my info sure he will pass it onto you. Keep the updates coming.
    The curry girl shaun knows who
    that is haha
