07 Jan 09

Six Months to Live – Two Tonys

Two Tonys - A whacker of men and Mafia associate serving multiple life sentences for murders and violent crimes. Left bodies from Tucson to Alaska, but claims all his victims "had it coming."


Hey friend,

Greetings and salutations from across the big pond.

I guess I owe you an explanation as to why I’ve been slow in getting back to you. The big one is that I’m going through a little bend in the river right now. Without going Dr. Sanjay Gupta on you, here’s what’s up. I’ve been sick. It’s a funny kind of sick. A few weeks ago I’m called to Medical for a blood test. 5 vials. Then a week or two later they did it again, but it was a retest. Then a few days later the Dr. calls me up there and tells me I’m scheduled for a serious test at St. Mary’s, and the reason is my tests are off the chart with negative results for the big C. So I’m waiting to go.
Now it ain’t no big fuckin’ deal. But I just want a yea or nay so I can settle down. As soon as I can get some answers, you’ll hear from me, and one way or another I’ll settle in and get down to writing you more. I know you understand where my head is at, plus I’m not feeling real good.

Anyway, how’s your life going? I know it’s good and I’m happy for you and proud of you. Give Mom-Dad my love and respects and you be a good son and brother (I know you are).

Hey! Sorry I haven’t written you more. But I’ll make it up to you big time. We’ll go where no man or woman has dared to go before. If God, Buddha, Mohammed, Fate or Mother Nature fucks with me, then it’s on big time. In the words of that great sage “W” “Bring it on.”

Thanks for the mail!

Stay strong,

Your pal,

Two Tonys

A few weeks after receiving this letter I received an email from Two Tonys’ daughter stating a doctor had told him he has cancer of the liver, has six months to live, and was about to begin treating him with chemotherapy.


Hi Friend,

What can I say? I’ll start by saying happy holiday to you and yours. Then I want to apologize for taking so long to tell you what’s going on. I’ve been procrastinating. You know how that goes, and I know you’ll understand.

Allow me to thank you very much for your letters, pictures and the book you sent me, Shantaram. I just started it, and I know I’ll enjoy it because you don’t send no Tom Clancy shit or James Patterson and John Grisham junk.
It’s funny but I like to think that I am responsible for taking you from the cheeseburger to beef Wellington of the literary world, even though I know I didn’t. So indulge an old scoundrel such as I am.
The book Maux was off the hook. I really enjoyed it and got the message in my own mind, which was survival. I read it in 2 days.

Hey, I’m taking that morphine plus anti-nausea, along with my high blood pressure, and then the chemo meds twice a day. So please forgive my sloppy writing and spelling.
Look, this thing I’m going through ain’t no thing.

Yeah, Barack socked it to that senile bastard McCain and that stupid woman he chose for his V.P.. The two of them were pathetic. Now if Obama can do what he says he’ll do and not become another corrupt S.O.B. and get all full of himself, I’ll pull for him.

So I’m really happy for you and that your foundation is building. Man, I believe in you. Your skills amaze me.
I wish I could be out there with you. We’d go eat a meat pie or two, and then do London. That would be fun.
So tell me, what’s the progress in your goals and adventures? Your name comes up from time to time and it's all good of course. Two Tonys would not have it any other way. But I’m a good judge of sincerity and it’s sincere. Your legacy lives on, and of course this is just one part. Now with your second chance, you can get busy. Don’t blow it! I believe in you and so do many others. I might not be around to see it blossom, but you will blossom. All I ask is every now and then have a nice thought of our conversations and laughs.

Richard K. sent me some books, including Whom the Bell Tolls. He seems really nice. Give him a shout out for me.

Hey bro, revisiting my situation even though I closed it earlier, I just want to say I like to think that I’ve lived my life as a tough old bastard, a non sniveler.
I watched an hour show on St Jude Hospital for sick kids. They all had cancer. They had their heads shaved, and all of them had a smile and a good attitude. Even in pain they smiled and were just sweet little bald kids. I loved them all. So for me to act any other way would be a disgrace not only to those little kids but to myself. They gave me strength.
Plus look at what I did to others even if I try to justify it and say they asked for it and had it coming or they were in de bizzness. They only had 2 seconds to get their affairs in order, at least I’ve got a few months maybe longer to get my affairs in order. But I can’t dwell in past days. It’s all about here and now.
My energy level is low. I’ve lost a lot of weight. I was 179 lbs a few days ago, and going lower. No appetite. Nothing. Food is bland, but I get a resource 3 times a day. I like those a lot.

Will you readers want me to continue on with Two Tonys blogs? I can give it a try. I always like to answer their questions.

Stay strong and do the right thing. I’ll write more soon, I promise.


Two Tonys

If you wish to send letters, cards or books to Two Tonys to show our love for him as he fights to hold onto what’s left of his life then please email me with your full name and contact address, and I will provide you his information.

You can also send him your well wishes by posting a comment.

Our friends inside appreciate your comments.

Email comments for Two Tonys to writeinside@hotmail.com or post them below. To post a comment if you do not have a Google/Blogger account, just select anonymous for your identity.

Shaun P. Attwood


  1. Anonymous7:00 AM

    This is very sad news. We wish Two Tony's l&r in his his tough battle ahead.

  2. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Two Tonys,

    Thank you for sharing the legend of Two Tonys with us all over the years. You're a natural fighter so draw on those insticts to keep you going right now. You've certainly developed a following through this blog, and of course we all want to see you continue writing, and let us know how you are doing and what we can do for you.


  3. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Two Tony's,

    This is sad news for all of us regulars. I wish you the best and don't go down without a fight. Swing till the bastard takes your last breath. I want to request that you please keep on posting here at Jons. Don't stop. Your posts are humourous, thoughtful, insightful, and damn well entertaining. Jon, please keep us posted regularly on TT's condition. Ride it til' the wheels fall off Double T!

    -Jose in San Diego

  4. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Hi Shaun,

    Happy new year!

    This is really sad news, poor guy! I have been reading the blogs. As you know from my letters etc i know what it is like to see someone this ill. Please can you let him know from me to try to stay positive and concentrate on fighting, it can be done my Dad proved it for over 3 years. From his example all i can say is for him to focus on the people he loves, things he likes doing and try to kick the cancers ass!

    Best wishes,


  5. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Hey Two Tony's,
    This is Barry from Tonopah.

    While keeping in touch with Shaun through the years, I feel as if I know you also.

    I am sure that you have faced worse odds before and I believe in you and your ability to kick ass on this.

    Keep strong brother!


  6. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Stay strong, Two Tonys, your strength has helped you survive the years of incarceration and it will help you deal with this.

    You haven't let yourself become bitter with hate. You are neither a complainer nor a fraud. You have owned up to your wrong doings and you've done your time.

    Your philosophical writings, intelligent and humorous are a delight.

    During his incarceration you were an inspiration to my son.You still are. Keep on being that inspiration.


  7. Anonymous9:24 AM

    two tonys,

    i have been moved and enjoyed following you and your fellow inmates, so thank you.

    i hope and pray you will see this through,

    stay true and best wishes in this difficult time for you,


  8. Anonymous9:29 AM

    fight the fight!!!!!

    don't let no quack jailhouse doctor tell you you only have 6 months

    postpone your appointment with the reaper for as long as you can, i read about people living for years after their doctors ttold them this kind of stuff

  9. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Two Tony’s, I was very sad to hear this news. You helped our son turn his life around, and watched out for him and we will always be grateful to you for that.
    I also want to thank you for pointing me towards one of the finest writers in the US today.

    'America - It is a fabulous country, the only fabulous country; it is the only place where miracles not only happen, but where they happen all the time.'
    Tom Wolfe

    Two T's,I hope you get your miracle…

  10. Anonymous10:52 AM

    If I may quote a great mind, "...life is one of those things you can enjoy while you have it regardless of whether you’re strugglin’ to put one foot in front of the other in a snow storm on Mount Everest or layin’ on a bed with tubes in your nose in a hospital or layin’ on a cell floor in the hole readin’ a Time mag or even hangin’ from a waterboard in Abu Ghraib ..." You are wise and strong, Two Tonys, you will be alright no matter what.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about this...he is so funny to read about...but Two Tony's will finally have his freedom, and that is something.

  12. Jose's comment about riding it til the wheels fall made me feel a stab. But Shaun literally has your life on paper, and you'll still be such a presence even when you're gone. If anybody's tough enough to put up the final fight, you are. Best wishes to you-hope it's ok to say you're being prayed for.

  13. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I am sorry to hear about this.

    I second the "fight the fight!" and "kick ass!"

    Keep writing...

    Cindy in CO

  14. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Hi Shaun,

    Thanks for the info on Two Tony's.

    His writing style is good and you must get his OK to publish his stuff when he passes on as he surely will with liver cancer. What you have, and are building up in all your work is vital for the future. Regardless of political rhetoric Obama, Bush, Brown, Israel/Gaza etc. You must maintain this line of communication for the lonely and opressed people of the world and keep on working for the people "banged up" by a careless society who, like Pontius Pilate washed there hands through expediency. (This isn't mean't to sound like a religious message!!!)

    Have a really good 2009


  15. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Two Tonys climb that mountain! You have people all over the world rooting for you. Never give up hope!

    Yes, fight the fight!

    And yes, keep writing!

    Big W

  16. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I am so sorry to hear about our friend two tony's.
    my uncle Charlie Bats Battaglia(desceased)was obviousely important to him since Charlie was purportedly one of the killers of the two Tonys, Tony Trombino and TonyBroncato..... this acording to Jimmy "the Weasel Fratiano" in his book. I have written a book also, "Mafia, Cowboys and Cocktails" at Amazom.com if Two Tony's orders my book I'll sing it for him and donate the money to the charity of his choice. Sincerely Johnnie Bennett Battaglia/ Author

  17. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Hey T. Tony!

    Im August (female) in North Fla. (Redneckville) age 52, 4'11" and not a chubbette :)

    A few years back, a man who used to cut my hair as a child, got colon cancer. Since he was gay, neither of his kids, felt inclined to care for him. I told you... Im in Redneckville.

    Well Tony, that sissy man, taught ME how to accept death with the strength of a real
    champion. With grace and courage.

    He kept his sense of humor when things got especially ugly,for us, ( I was no Florence Nightingale) He met his spritual demons head on, and made peace with them, and went out like the bravest of men.

    I only hope that you can be made comfortable and that you leave someone like me, to tell about you in your time of uncertainy.

    Sometimes, it only takes a short time to impress a person with who you are inside.

    Try to be kind, & patient, even when you dont want to, and try to keep your humor when things are their grimest.

    I wish you comfort, in the night,love and a BIG hug, from little me, trust me, Im not too shabby...

    I will be thinking about you,alot. Ok? Big smile, from me to you.

    With Love- August~

  18. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Two Tonys,

    You are as funny as fuck. Your philosophy is fucking awesome. What a character you are! That's why we love you.



  19. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Hey mr t.tonys. i was so heart-broken to hear the news.and ive followed this blog like a lion would stalk his prey,so in a way it feels like i know you and i wish so much that i culdve met you,but im far to far away.so the doctors said you have 6 mnths to live? well who died and made them God? no.u got ur life to live.and t-tonys u live like u hav been living it,like when shaun was there with you.imagine the funny,wise and amazing t-tonys has died of something so small like cancer.i cant see that in your future.i see you fighting it and God is there right next to you helping you. two-tonys i am 21 years of age and live in south africa.female.i wish so much that you werent in that place,i wish you couldve shared your wisdom and humor with the world.but i want you to know something.you dont even know this,but your words taught me many lessons that i will teach my daughter later on.thank-you.so you fight this fight and if you leave us all just remember that youll be in such a better place.so in the end, you win. im praying for you.love and peace and blessings.tarryn.

  20. Two Tonys

    Very sad to hear about the big C - glad you are getting the treatment you need, though.

    Along with everyone else here, your writings have been a great source of enjoyment to me - I particularly like it when you and Shaun get into politics and philosophy.

    I hope you beat this thing & keep writing as long as you're able.

  21. Anonymous1:57 AM

    i,m in work fed up and our house move has fell through.so i decide i,ll cheer myself up by requesting more 2t,s writings from you as it,s been a while and then i get the news about the big man.i,m gutted for the old scoundrel,suddenly havin shit nieghbours and even losing money dont seem so bad compared to losing a mate who i have learnt from and who always makes me laugh.respect to the original scoundrel himself.


  22. Anonymous2:58 AM

    Two T's,

    Your recent quote is most apt:

    Now I ask you: can a person who’s just been diagnosed with cancer develop the same frame of mind? Or a person who’s just been given a life sentence or two? Or sent to the hole to suffer?
    I think they can and some do. They know it’s pain comin’ but they feel a sense of reward by endurin’ the pain.

    Your words of wisdom will live on long after we are all gone. Keep writing!


  23. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Dear Two Tony's,

    This is Shaun's sister. I was so sad to hear the news but I feel confident that you will fight this with bravery and dignity.

    Thank you for being such a special friend and mentor to my brother. I am sorry I didn't get to spend time with you in person - you have always been my favourite on the blog and I told Shaun ages ago that he must get your life story down and write about it. I know that you words and companionship gave Shaun strength on some of the darkest days.

    I have been living in Abu Dhabi with my husband for the last nine months but we have returned to London now - Shaun will be moving here soon so we will be able to spend more time together. I'll keep an eye on him!

    Good looking out dawg! We are all looking out for you.

    lots of love,

    Karen xxxx

  24. Anonymous4:51 AM

    focus hard and drive that cancer out, never give in.


  25. Damn, damn, damn! Of all the people Shaun has introduced us to, I think you have the most to say... and now, maybe, the least time to say it in.

    Since I don't know you, I'm just going to be selfish and hope you take it as the complement it is:


    I was hoping for years more of your observations and philosophy. It is solid and valuable, and will last far beyond the day-to-day stories that make up most conversation.

    Your approach to life is one that I wish I had, and as it shines through your writing, I am inspired, and I absorb a little, and I am better for it...

    So please, write as much as you can, about whatever you want, and (I think I am speaking for many people) let Shaun publish it. I don't know if there's time left for a book, but I hope so - I imagine that more people would read a book, and thus the world would be improved, plus there'd be more for me to read.

    See, I told you I was selfish, asking for large fractions of suddenly scarce time... my request is sincere, but I'm sure you will do what is best for you, and it will be the right thing.

    Damn, damn. I'll be in touch directly as soon as Shaun sends me your address.

  26. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Dear 2 T’s

    I sit here wondering what on earth I could say that would help you. Then I realized nothing. You don’t know me, and I have never met you. But, through Shaun’s Blog I feel like I have learned a little about you. Your one HELL of a character 2Tonys and I say that with respect. You live in one HELL of a place, and I feel that all your life you tried to make the best of a situation, and stand out from the rest of the masses. In most cases you succeeded. You’ve created a reputation, both personally and professionally that will live long past your demise. As for that reputation, it’s not up to me to judge you, others will gladly do that. And, from your letters to Shaun I have learned that you take responsibility for your life’s actions, but offer no apologies. That’s O.K. too, for again I will not judge. There are others that will do that.

    You and I are in the same age group, and therefore I know you have heard of, if not admired the voice and reputation of Frank Sinatra. He sang a song once that I believe was written just for him. I don’t know if you can sing, but you can write. Therefore, I guess it’s safe to assume, that you too can now say: “I Did It My Way”. So tonight I will raise a glass in your honor, and say a few words about someone I only met from a Blog page. You’re a person who scares me, but at the same time intrigues me. So “here’s looking you kid”. Good luck 2Tonys

    Mr. D.

  27. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Two Tonys,

    I've avidly followed all of your posts going back to your hilariously dangerous conflict with Ogre. One of your best posts was the advice you gave Shaun about drugs. In the greater scheme of things, I think its important that you continue to impart your wisdom to the world via this blog. You said you are ready to take us where no man or woman has gone before, so bring it on. Now's the time to reveal things you have perhaps procrastinated about, and to really let the world have it. I am looking forward to your next post.

    Soldier on!


  28. Anonymous7:02 AM

    two tonys.,
    my heart goes out to you and yours in this time of need.dont fold your cards yet my friend, this show aint over yet. im betting you got more fight than a game pit bull. never tuck tail and cur, go at it with all you got, then if in the end it looks like youve lost, you did your best. thanks bro for the stories, they helped me in a time of my life when i was going thru some real mental pain. i cant relate to average joes who dont know the life or lifestyles some of us have chosen and have to live with. so when i read about guys like you and shane, t bone and warrior etc.. it keeps my spirits lifted and gives me hope. i hope you can find hope and support in all of us who are here for you. thanks again tony, ~big Jason~

  29. Anonymous7:46 AM

    What comes across to me from Two Tonys is an absence of self-pity, an acceptance.

    I suggest that this makes perfect sense, for much of his life has been spent in wiping slates clean, and now it is time to make the transition from the physical world to the spiritual.

    This transition may be delayed, but not avoided, so I would suggest that what is needed is a clear head, so I question the neccessity of a 'fight', when it is understanding that counts.

    As Two Tonys correctly says, it is here and now that matters, and it is only now that can be changed.

    My understanding is that when the body ceases to breathe, the birth-to-death I-dentity leaves the body, and hurtles down a dark tunnel towards an incredible light.

    There one is met by people you know, people who love you, and sometime soon afterwards you go through a life review.

    During this you see how your thoughts, words, and actions affected everyone you ever encountered.

    This enables you to plan your next life by identifying areas needing work.

    'I did well here, OK there, but this needs attention!'

    The birth-to-death I-dentity of 'Two Tonys' then ceases to exist, having been reabsorbed within the Spirit that created 'you'.

    This Spirit exists within The One Mind (TOM) that created the Universe to experience itself.

    The only judgement you encounter is your own, and shorn of the baggage carried by the I-dentity, it is loving, creative, and forward-looking.

    Which this world is not.

    This world formed you, socially-programmed your thinking, but you, and you alone, defined who you are by your choices.

    These choices lead to consequences, which some call 'Karma'.

    Your previous life's karma dictated where you were born, and how you were programmed, and within that understanding, you have acted as you were taught, or as you chose, or a combination of both.

    As you rightly say, you have time in which to reflect upon your life, and to reach greater understanding, and to me, that is the purpose of life.

    The most difficult thing is to learn to love yourself, exactly as you are, for this world teaches hate.

    The change occurs within, because nothing truly exists without.

    As you change within, TOM knows instantly, and will mark your forward movement with a good experience.

    This process is challenging, so expect tests.

    I cannot say for certain that this is exactly how it works, but it is my understanding as a result of a life during which I have thought deeply, and met my own spirit guides.

    I hope it helps you on your journey.

    Good Luck! Zen :-)

  30. Anonymous9:55 AM

    life ain't nuthin but a donut anyways two tonys, you said it, and it keeps getting bigger

    wishing you strebngth and courage


  31. Two Tonys,

    I'm so sorry to hear your news. You have brought new thoughts, ideas and dimensions to my world, and I'm sure many others. Keep sharing and fight the good fight.


  32. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Two Tonys,
    Sorry to hear you are ailing. I know those chemo meds are no picnic, either. But please, please do keep writing. I love the stuff you write!

    Take care,

  33. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Two Tonies,

    So sorry to hear about your illness, it wouldnt be easy for anyone in your situation. If life is one big experiment, does that mean God is the vivasectionist?
    I hope you get some comfort from the love of your family & goodwill of your many fans.

    .....Paul K

  34. Anonymous4:51 AM

    for Two to T.

    I don't know what to say except isn't death a mandatory part of life? I've never been confronted to my own death only life so far and can't imagine what you are feeling, perhaps you might see it as an exit...you are after all getting out of prison just not the way you would have hoped. As we say in French when someone is going on a trip... Bon voyage. Make it a good one. I enjoyed discovering your character in Shaun's written words. These I suspect will be the most difficult yet fulfilling last months of your life because high on emotion. Be well.
    Cat Eyes

  35. Anonymous9:24 PM

    I wish you the best Two Tonys! Cancer is a tough battle but then I would say you're no stranger to tough. I hope you'll show them all and pull through.


  36. Anonymous3:29 AM

    This is terrible news about Two Tonys. It saddens my heart greatly.

    Long Island (JS)

  37. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I'd just like to be a part of this amazing out-pouring of respect for you Mr 2 Ts. Normal people have to die before they get this kind of eulogy. You did some good work for Darwin and cleaned up the gene pool for the rest of us. But it's your wry sardonic humour that twisted the lid for me, there's something about philosophy and murder that just goes together.
    Well big respect to a big guy, you have shone a little Maglight into our souls and we thank you and Shaun for showing us that love. peace

  38. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Two Tonys,

    I heard about you on the radio today, and read most of your blog entires. I must agree with the last comment, you definatley have an original angle being a murderer natural philosopher. The question is not whether you should continue to write, it is how deep can you write now that you are facing death? You're not the type to stop writing and I am looking forward to your next post.


  39. Anonymous1:45 AM

    hey Two Tonys

    I have followed tribulations for a long time now but this is the first time I've written directly to you.

    I do wish you all the best in dealing with this bend in the river. You are clearly a man of strong character and ideals - whilst some would argue that, I believe you believed in everything you were doing in your past - we all choose our own world to live in and yours, whilst not alligned to mine, was your choice.

    Take care and I wish you happiness moving forward.

    With warm regards

