Guildford Waterstone’s Book Signing

I had a sore throat all week, so I took a pain killer before the signing. Even so, my voice kept trailing off while talking to customers, and I couldn’t recite my usual lengthy jail anecdotes or draw on my voice inflexion. Without the help of Charlotte, I wouldn’t have sold nowhere near the 40-something copies of Hard Time. I presently have no voice left. I can only whisper.
 My yoga buddy, Mark

Click here for the previous signing blog
Shaun Attwood


  1. Anonymous10:36 AM

    You and Charlotte did very well then. The only way to recover, if you have laryngitis is not to speak. Apparently whispering puts even more pressure on the vocal cords. Lucky you've got no schools. It took about 4 days to go when I had it.

    Take it easy, and you should be fine by next week. If the infection in your throat doesn't clear up you need antibiotics from your doctor.

    All your achievements speak for themselves and your sanity.

    Take care




  2. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Well Done it sounded a very successful day - apart from losing your voice.

