Book Giveaway

Here are six ways to get a free copy of my latest book, Hard Time 2nd Edition.

1 Enter this Goodreads Giveaway to win a signed copy.

2 Answer this question at Total Crime to win a signed copy: Competition now closed

3 Prisoners Abroad in this article have launched a competition to win signed copies of Hard Time 2nd Edition. Details are on their Facebook wallCompetition now closed

4 One For Ten - a wonderful group of death-penalty activists out of London, who I have met and know personally - are offering signed copies of Hard Time 2nd Edition as a perk to anyone who donates £50 to their latest kickstarter campaign.

5 If you are in the UK and you buy books on Amazon UK, you may be able to qualify for a free signed copy of Hard Time 2nd Edition if you are willing to spend a few minutes posting some reviews. Please email me for more details:

6 If you are satisfied with a digital copy, please use any of the links below to get a free version of Hard Time 2nd Edition, which you can download to any device, Kindle, phone, PC...
  FREE DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE: UK Kindle USA Kindle iTunes Kobo Smashwords (download to any computer, phone or device) 
If you do read Hard Time 2nd Edition, please keep me posted on what you think of it.

Shaun Attwood


  1. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Hi Shaun,

    Just discovered your blog and your story recently, and read all the way through from the beginning in a few days. I've had a very bad week and your stories have proven an excellent focal point to distract me from the bad vibes with a good old fashioned dose of escapism. I've noticed a lot of your regulars encouraging you to write a movie, and I think they're right. There's something about the way you write that puts me in mind of the silver screen.

    Anyway, the reason I decided to post is because I went for this giveaway and was informed by email earlier today that I'll soon be receiving a copy of Hard Time in the post! Perhaps this week will be better, eh?

    I should also mention that although I was dimly aware of Sheriff Arpaio before I read your story, I was unprepared for the shock of how bad his reign of terror really is. I have always been a supporter of prisoner's rights, and this is the kind of issue that makes my blood boil. What's truly sickening is how his supporters can stand by him, right wing patriots to a man, while he spits on their constitution.

    In my most cynical moments I can't help but think that far too much of the US is in the grip of elderly, angry, right wing racist white men like Joe Arpaio. Year after year it seems we find ourselves more and more simply unable to do anything except wait for them simply to die of old age and hope the next guy isn't such a bastard.

    Of course the problem with Sheriff Joe is that being in the position of power that he is, his army of staff have grown accustomed to the greed and corruption. He has sown the seeds of corruption throughout the entire Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. Assuming the next man or woman to take office is of pure intention, they will still face an uphill struggle against all the lazy, corrupt and resentful deputies, aides and correctional officers who wish for a return to the status quo when they could kick illegal immigrants in the face for entertainment.

    Anyway, I think I've said my piece for now. Shaun, you're doing a great thing here. What you are doing is truly good work. Keep on keeping on, and this one is for you, Jack, T-Bone, Warrior, Xena and all the other people you've encountered who are doing their best to be their best - keep fighting the good fight.

    For T-Bone, who is going through hard times right now - "don't let the bastards grind you down." I'm sure Shaun knows the reference :)

    - Jon the Londoner

  2. thanks Jon pls keep me posted re hard time, which way did you win it?

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Hi Shaun,

      Sorry I didn't specify, I answered the question at Total Crime.

      - Jon the Londoner


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