26 Nov 07

From Xena (Letter 1)

Dear Mr and Mrs Attwood

Hi, This is Xena. I hope this letter gets to you before Shaun does. I am sending a picture so he can remember me. I hope you like the pose. I want, and pray that your son accomplishes all that he sets out to do. He has a great mind. I am sure he inherited it from you two. He is such a good friend to me. I am going to miss him greatly. I already do!

Before I met him, I had not thought of, or believed in a larger spectrum of life than the one I was living. Prison has a way of robbing a person of self-identity. My identity although more lustrous than most others, was bland until I met your son. He has a knack with people like me, in surfacing qualities we knew not we had. Of this, I am so very grateful!

Keep a tight leash on him for a while. Prison time changes a person from normal thinking. He does need to readjust.

My love goes out to you.


Email comments to writeinside@hotmail.com or post them below

Copyright © 2006-2007 Shaun P. Attwood


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Jon/Shaun- You're a tease! Can we see the picture?! Please? :)
    - Mary in NC

  2. Anonymous7:32 PM

    This might be completely unrelated to this post, but I've simply got to join in the welcome chorus, albeit a bit late. I've been following this blog since Sheriff Joe's cockroaches made you an internet celebrity, and it's just so odd to think that you're finally out.
    Anyway, congratulations, from the very bottom of my heart. I have no doubt whatsoever that you will succeed in whatever you do, now that you're out.

  3. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Shaun, I've followed your progress since you were a guest in Arpaio's sewer, and I am heartily glad that you are finally home. As a free man, may I suggest to you the fighter pilots' prayer: "Please, God, don't let me fuck up."
    Be well, Shaun Attwood, be well.
    -Ol' Lurker

  4. Wow, what a statement-Xena was bland until you came along?? You have quite the effect on people! Seriously, you do.

  5. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Xena does seem like a pleasant gal - I wondered whether she'd write after you got out. I am rather hoping that you'll post the picture, or at least describe what Xena looks like, as it's intrigued me since I first read about her. It seems that Xena has built up quite a fanclub from your blogging!
    Congratulations on being a free man, and very best wishes to you and your family.

  6. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Like so many others, I just wanted to say congratulations on your release, and also a huge thank you for the hope and inspiration that your blog has been to me over the last five years. You can be a great solace to others in trouble of any kind. And you don't need an MA in Writing - your prose is untouchable as it stands. Hope to see the book soon. Very best wishes for the future and happy Christmas to you & your family.

  7. Anonymous7:28 PM


    Everyone posting on here is so happy you're home, me included.
    I think you should take a couple weeks/a month or so off blogging and just concentrate on being back home, being back with your family etc.
    Yes, you've been an amazing influence on a lot of us, and you've had a lot to write about and still do and will continue to do so.
    Just take some time out for yourself and for your family and come back in the not too distand future when things really start getting on track for you. You've a lot to assimilate, and you can tell us all about it when you're ready.
