Book Signing this Saturday – Liverpool Waterstone’s

Here's the info:

Saturday April 2nd, 2011 - Waterstone's, 12 College Lane, Liverpool, L1 3DL (0151 709 9820) from 1pm until 4pm. Click her for a map.

Students from Maricourt Catholic High and Maghull High in Liverpool have been emailing about the signing. Some of you have asked if it is OK to bring a copy of Hard Time to Waterstone’s to get it signed. Yes, that is fine, but I recommend you bring a purchase receipt, so there are no problems with the security guards. Oh the irony if you were to get arrested at one of my signings!

Today, I spoke to the Year 10 students at Maghull High. A student called Joey said that the Maricourt Catholic High students had raved about my talk to the Maghull High students, so they were all excited. They also knew that Joe (a Maricourt student) was using T-Bone as his profile pic. The talk was so well received that the students stayed an additional thirty minutes to ask questions, forfeiting their break time.

Out of an audience of 240 students at Maricourt, I ended up with over 60 Faceboook friend requests – that’s the most ever after a talk.

Clicking on the flyer makes it bigger:

Click here for future signings.

Click here for the previous book signing blog.

Shaun Attwood


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Have an amazing time in Liverpool - after this one you may not be able to call yourself a non-celebrity anymore... sounds like you're going to get MOBBED! Looking forward to seeing pics, as ever :-D

  2. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I bought my book of amazon so I don't have a recipt do ye reckon I could still go on saturday?


  3. ian,

    yes, you'll be fine because if an issue arises i'll tell security that you told me in advance

  4. again a cool blog looks like you stay on top of it too
