What do you think of Sheriff Joe Arpaio?

Next August, Arpaio is up for re-election and we have a chance to get him booted out.

On Friday, I had a really productive Skype with the man running against Arpaio, Lt. Mike Stauffer, and his campaign manager, West Kenyon. With Arpaio's margin of election victory way down since his early landslides and him creating so many enemies, including the Hispanic community, I think Mike has a great chance of winning.

Mike’s horrified by the jail conditions described in my book, Hard Time, and he intends to change them and to make the jail a safer environment for staff and inmates.

I want to help Mike defeat Arpaio. Apparently, Arpaio has spread the word in America that his support overseas is overwhelmingly positive, including from the UK public. I don’t believe that is the case. I urge anyone with an opinion on Arpaio to LIKE Mike’s Facebook page and post your opinion as a comment (underneath Mike’s latest wall post - you have to LIKE the page to be able to leave comments), stating your first name and where in the world you are located. Here’s the link:

If you are not on Facebook then please post your comment to this blog entry. Your comments may be used to counter Arpaio’s claim that he is worshipped globally.

Thanks for taking the time to help get Arpaio removed from office!

Shaun Attwood   


  1. Derick (U.K.)8:06 AM

    Maybe in these economic Hard Times, money will talk to the voters of Maricopa County, as the constant bad publicity Arpaio receives regarding the way he runs his jails doesn't seem to affect his chances of re-election.

    As of May, defending the MCSO in legal cases has cost Maricopa County taxpayers more than $50 million since Arpaio took office in 1993, according to County Risk Management Department.
    The MCSO's been sued nearly 6,300 times under the Arpaio regime -- and every time it costs taxpayers money.
    Last month, ABC 15 compared that number to Harris County, Texas, which includes Houston and is almost the same size in population as Maricopa County. During the same time period, the Harris County Sheriff's Office was only named in 283 lawsuits.

  2. I have left this on Stauffer's FB:-

    I came across Shaun's JonsJailJournal blog while surfing the net in about 2002, and was so moved by his description of the appalling conditions that inmates were forced to endure, and by Shaun's evidently strong and positive character, I wrote and told him that he was "the right man in the right place at the right time", as clearly something needed to be done, and that the experience - as horrendous as it was - would be the making of him as a man, and would do some good.

    We exchanged letters throughout his imprisonment, and it was heart-warming to see Shaun expand and grow, and also how he gave a lifeline to others to write and describe their own experiences.

    To achieve that within such a terrifying environment, speaks volumes for Shaun the man.

    Shaun's book "Hard Times" is finally telling the truth, and I am very pleased to see that Lieutenant Mike Stauffer is challenging Sheriff Arpaio.

    Changes are urgently needed,
    because ultimately there is only one law that matters - The Law of Karma = what you put out, comes back!

    In my experience, if you treat everyone you meet with honour and decency, they tend to respond positively.

    I have met men extremely angry,
    and ready to explode into a fight with anyone, simply to vent the rage, and due to the way I think, act, and speak, defused their anger within a minute or two, to the point where they are a friend.

    Sadly, authority does not teach
    that the best battle ever won
    is that where the sword never leaves the scabbard, and huge numbers of people are permanently scarred by authority's abuse of power.

    For this reason, I sincerely hope that Lieutenant Mike Stauffer is the man ready, willing, and able to seize the moment, and put right the self-evident wrongs.

    "Good Luck!" Zen

  3. Anonymous10:28 AM

    It's about time this publicity-hungry useless 'law enforcer' was removed from office

  4. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Mike looks to be a good bet to oust Arpaio

  5. Anonymous10:36 AM

    If for no other reason, do you really want a 79 year-old Sheriff? (80 by Nov)
    Bill, Crewe, UK

  6. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Arnold Schwarzenegger Afraid To Travel To Arizona!!
    Watch this video to find out why,


  7. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I think good old Sheriff Joe will find that he has far less support in the UK than he thinks. The majority of people that I know utterly despise the methods that he uses to degrade and dehumanise the jail population that he is caretaker of. The people of Maricopa County need to realise that the world is watching and condemning his actions and those of the people that work for him. Vote for Lt. Mike Stauffer at the next election and ensure that these human rights abuses cease once and for all!

    Charlotte, Surrey UK
