Giant Cockroach and Live Cockroach

The live cockroach is a Dubia cockroach. I purchased them from who sell them as reptile food. They cost £6.99 for 10 adults - almost 2 inches long - and were delivered by mail in a plastic live food tub. Its alias is the "Guyana spotted cockroach," as it is indeed of South American descent. Unlike my old pal, the American cockroach, it has a mellow disposition - it doesn't dart around and has difficulty scaling vertical surfaces - which makes it easy to photograph and film. Once I was used to the tickling sensation and had screamed a few times in a hysterical high pitch, I didn't mind them crawling on my face. At one point, there were several of them partying on my head, including two that looked as if they were having sex. The hardest part was when they were running over my eyelids. A week before this, I mentioned what I was up to with the cockroaches to a group of therapists I did a talk to at Regent's College, and they counselled me on ways to deal with them, so I wouldn't have a bad reaction such as flashbacks to Arpaio's jail.   

Publicity photos for Hard Time recently shot in London in Sheriff Joe Arpaio's famous black and white bee striped jail outfit.

Tags: cockroaches jail prison phoenix arizona sheriff joe arpaio shaun attwood hard time inmate prisoner human rights maricopa county insects cell police cops guards jon's jail journal blog

Shaun Attwood


  1. leigh2:27 PM

    you can tell that isn't the American Cockroach---it looks sort of fancy/ refined and less gross than ours

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