Postcards from Long Island (8)

Long Island - Promising young cellmate I taught to trade the financial markets. Released on the 11th of December '05 and rearrested February ’08. Alleged to have committed forgery and hit an officer with a car. He’s writing from Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Lower Buckeye jail.

It’s all over, and it’s not good. I signed a plea bargain for a 10½ year sentence. I can’t believe it ended like this. They have a new program called ROPE. It’s the repeat offender program. Because there were so many jewellery stores involved, I got ROPED. They brought in a special prosecutor, and I was lucky to get what I got. The final nail in my coffin was when we proved that the ballistics didn’t match the police report, so the cop’s partner lied about where he was shooting and the judge ruled against us. The cop also claimed he ended up on the hood of my car, which never happened. He was never even touched.

The only good thing is that I’ve been in here for so long, I have plenty of back time. After almost 2½ years, I’ll be leaving Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s stinking, rotting playground.

Click here for Long Island’s previous blog.

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Shaun Attwood

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:19 AM

    2 1/2 years in that place, wow. I would have cracked and taken out some guards or myself
