Two Tonys is Dead

Two Tonys - A whacker of men and Mafia associate who was serving multiple life sentences for murders and violent crimes. Left bodies from Tucson to Alaska, but claimed all his victims "had it coming." His fight with liver cancer is over.

Here’s the news as expressed in an email just received from his daughter:

Just wanted to let you know that my dad passed away last night. I received a call from the chaplain this morning. I visited him last Sunday in Tucson, he was really sick. He had gotten pneumonia a couple of weeks ago, and really never recovered from it. When I saw him, he couldn't speak and didn't make much sense. I am convinced he is much better off now. That medical unit in Tucson is miserable, and he always feared spending his last days suffering there. Thank God he was only there for less then a week. Thanks so much for being a great friend to him. I know they are hard to come by in there. Keep in touch.

Click here to read Two Tonys previous letter

Some vintage Two Tonys blogs:
Bad Weather
Solving the Murder of Joe Hootner
On Jesus Christ
On Friedrich Nietzsche
TV Mourners
Little Chickadees
On Solzhenitsyn
Literature and Schlongs
Versus Ogre
First Blog

Two Tonys said that he was going to stick around long enough to read my jail memoir. He managed that, but sadly the Arizona Department of Corrections refused to give it to him. As shook up as I am (and I'm sure some of the long term readers here are) by this news, at least Two Tonys is no longer suffering in prison. I'll be carrying the memories of him, not to mention his positive mental attitude around with me for the rest of my life. 


  1. I'm so sorry to hear the news, and yet it was coming. Two Tonys will always be remembered via the blog and future efforts, my friend. Thanks for the good stories and great memories of an unforgettable "character"! Sue O.

  2. Yes, Sue, he's gone, but his memory will certainly live on via his stories at JJJ.

  3. Derick and Barbara Attwood3:05 AM

    This is very sad news. Two Tonys was a genuine inspiration to our son, and he helped him in many ways.
    We are so glad to have known him and hope that he has now found peace.
    He has achieved immortality through the blog, and has given much pleasure to the followers of JJJ.
    In Two T's own words,
    'So big deal I’m gonna die in here. It could be worse. That’s what I’ve got comin’ 'cause I earned life in prison'
    Thank you Two Tonys.

  4. Anonymous3:56 AM

    RIP TT

  5. Anonymous4:57 AM

    sorry to hear, i enjoyed the stories

  6. what can i say, good stories and good positive messages he made. his energy carries on in many different ways. his impact while negative, came around to be a positive force in many peoples lives.

    you are not forgotten tony, Big Jason

  7. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Thank you Shaun for letting us get to know Double T's through your blog. You managed to paint a picture and personalize him in a fashion many have a difficult time doing. One of the first people you introduced us to. Thanks again. Regardless of what he has done, God will be the judge of his exploits. RIP two tonys. Can't wait for his book! -Jose in San Diego.

  8. Oh Shaun,

    so sorry to hear this.
    I know he was very sick and maybe it is good so.
    But I know also he was a good friend for you.

    Heartfelt condolences.


  9. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Terrible news. As a long time reader of your blog, I always looked forward to news from Two Tonys. Rest in peace.

  10. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Sorry to hear that; lovely message from you about him and his passing, an amazing man with amazing stories to tell. He left them behind for us to learn from. RIP Two Tony.


  11. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Tony was a man. Unlike some, he made no excuses for the crimes he committed and accepted his karma for those actions with both dignity and grace. May you sleep with God my friend and rest in peace.

    Allan Mac Donald, AKA Wierd Al/Noodles

  12. regardless what his life was like, may he find peace.

  13. i'm sad to hear about his death but i'm so glad that he's no longer feeling so bad and in pain- and glad he's finally free of that place.

  14. Your website is inspirational.

    I'm running a similar website, featuring letters of inmates across the USA that want to have their voices be heard.

    Contact me if you have anything you would like to add to my site.

    The Jungle USA

  15. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Can we get TT's real name?

  16. Shaun

    Sorry to hear the news, I've only just seen it.

    Hope you're bearing up ok. If you speak to his family again, please pass on my condolences.

    Chin up, mate.

    Chris H

  17. Thanks, Chris, and everyone else. His daughter has been emailed the link to this blog, so she will be getting your condolences.

  18. I'm sorry to hear about this - I enjoyed his posts and inspiration...

  19. Anonymous6:42 AM

    A stone cold killer to some. A Guardian Angel, friend, father to others.
    Rest In peace Tony.

  20. Anonymous6:25 PM

    RIP Duo of the Tony's :( x
