Eight Months Left (by Shane)

Shane - Denied psychiatric medication by ValueOptions, Shane turned to illegal drugs financed by burglaries. For stealing a few hundred dollars worth of goods, he was sentenced to eleven years. Shane is the author of the blog Persevering Prison Pages.

It’s been 8 years and 9 months since my arrest for burglary. In 8 months, I’ll be paroled on my 11¼ year sentence.

Although I’m a little nervous, and have been for a while now, the reality of my nearing release date hasn’t completely set in yet. It still seems so far away.

I’ve noticed that my attention span for things I’ve kept myself busy with in this stagnant prison system has grown short, such as my writing and artwork. My thoughts often bounce all over the place.

I’ve been in the process of buying my first home in Northern Arizona, which should be complete within a month. A place to call home and make good memories.

I’m working on my final project for a college course I paid for. A business law course. I’ve got 5 out of 15 short essays completed.

I recently received disciplinary sanctions for a dirty U.A. [pee test]. No worries though. I didn’t relapse onto heroin or crystal meth. I tested positive for morphine. I was borrowing over-the-counter pills (IBU’s, aspirin, etc) from other inmates for joint pain. Well, one of them, with a dirty U.A. of his own, slipped me a morphine pill and told the guards I was doing drugs in order to get out of his disciplinary ticket.

Unable to do anything about it, I explained my situation and pled guilty. It’s unfortunate. I have appealed to the unit deputy warden to dismiss the case or at least to reduce my disciplinary sanctions.

The other inmate got me good, but I’m going home in 8 months, so I’m not risking my release by retaliating. I’ve given too many years up by not caring. I care now.

Click here for Shane’s blog Persevering Prison Pages.

Shaun Attwood


  1. big jason8:07 AM

    Shit happens,especially in prison.
    I really hope the best for Shane. I know how much a problem parole can be. I also know that when you have a decent stash of money in your bank account, its easy to relapse and go back into old behaviors. Shane is a smart guy and as long as he stays headstrong and doesn't have bad influences around, I feel he will make it.

    ~Big Jason

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  3. I have read with avid interest much of your blog. I too have served time, albeit a mere two years in the state of Oregon. Following my release I was sent home to Australia. I am midway through a double degree (Arts and Business).
    It is unfortunate that you found yourself in disciplinary trouble for using pain killer medication over the mainline. I found this to be a common, everyday occurrence in the Oregon State Pen. It is extremely disappointing to read that you were snitched out.

    However, I must applaud the manner in which you have chosen to handle it from a retaliatory standpoint. It would be so simple to do the opposite of what you did and to find yourself ultimately in more trouble. It’s the prison way – to react abruptly and without the thought of what the future may hold in order to attain that instant gratification. I remember how difficult it was at times, particularly as I got closer to the gate, to maintain my composure and to keep doing the right things for the right reasons.

    I wish you nothing but the best. I hope you continue blogging on the outside. Good luck and congratulations.

  4. I will forward this post to Shane. It takes a while via snail mail to the US, but I'm sure he will be glad to respond. I just posted more about Shane today.

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