From Polish Avenger (Letter 3)

Polish Avenger - A software-engineering undergraduate sentenced to 25 years because his friend was shot dead during a burglary they were both committing. Author of the classic "Shit Slinger" series.

We nearly lost Jack a while back due to lupus. He’s gaining strength, but still mostly in a wheelchair. Poor bugger. I suggested he demand Buddhist Sky Burial when the time comes. That’ll make the Arizona Department of Corrections have a fit!

I think your repeated attempts to get Hard Time in here are a lost cause. I never ever even knew it had arrived and been sent back. They are supposed to send us a notice, but I suspect that it’s so controversial (i.e. truthful) that the staff just quietly fired it back. Blighters! Ah well, come 2015, I’ll be able to read it on the outside, dammit, so I’ll wait for that. Hell, by then I should be able to just download it to my iPod Mark 7. :)

Making that float was insane, and also the most hours I’ve put into anything in years. One Saturday was kick ass, as we rigged up the stereo and had The Prodigy blasting away.

Click here for Shit Slingers V.
Click here for Letter 2 from Polish Avenger.

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  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Seriously good music taste there!


  2. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Hi from the UK, Polish Avenger, I hope to keep on reading your contributions to an excellent blog, like your style!!


  3. Hi from the UK, Polish Avenger, I hope to keep on reading your contributions to an excellent blog, like your style!! Mary
