Liverpool One Waterstone's Signing

A big thank you to everyone who helped and attended the Liverpool One signing today. We sold 100 copies. Again, I had barely any voice, but with Wild John unleashed on the friendly Scousers, sales racked up and up and up... The mechanical cockroach resurfaced at today's signing. Can you spot it in the picture? Click on the pic to make it big.

Tomorrow (Monday Dec 19th) we are at Waterstone's in Warrington.

Click here for the previous signing blog

Shaun Attwood


Sue O. (aka Joannie, SS) said...

What is your total sales to date? Do you feel like you are "known" to a certain extent now? At least in England?

Jon said...

On its 4th print run in the UK, so over 10,000 copies sold.

Jon said...

Getting "Known" yes, but needs TV or movie level to really get known.