Welcome New Readers!

I started Jon's Jail Journal back in 2004 to expose the conditions in the maximum-security Madison Street jail, Phoenix, Arizona, run by the infamous Sheriff Joe Arpaio. I wrote with a golf pencil sharpened on a cement-block wall or metal door, and my aunt Ann, who visited every weekend, smuggled my writing out of the jail. My parents in England posted my writing to the Internet. The blog went on to attract international media attention, and the Madison Street jail was shut down a few years later.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio is still in charge of the Maricopa County jail system and its various facilities. His detractors call him the Angel of Death, not just because of the abnormally high amount of murder and death in his jails, but also because he actually promoted guards that the federal court had found responsible for murdering inmates.

Where I was housed, there were only two guards supervising hundreds of inmates, so gangs like the Mexican Mafia had more control over the inmates than the guards. I got used to the sound of heads getting smashed against steel toilets and bodies getting thrown around. Here's a video of an Aryan Brother murdering another inmate in the jail:

On the right hand side of this blog below the banner is an archive menu you can click on. If you click back to March 2004 you can read the early blog entries.

Here are excerpts from the first two blogs I wrote:

19 Feb 04

The toilet I sleep next to is full of sewage. We’ve had no running water for three days. Yesterday, I knew we were in trouble when the mound in our steel throne peaked above sea level.
Inmates often display remarkable ingenuity during difficult occasions and this crisis has resulted in a number of my neighbours defecating in the plastic bags the mouldy breakfast bread is served in. For hours they kept those bags in their cells, then disposed of them downstairs when allowed out for showers. As I write, inmates brandishing plastic bags are going from cell door to door proudly displaying their accomplishments.
The whole building reeks like a giant Portaloo. Putting a towel over the toilet in our tiny cell offers little reprieve. My neighbour, Eduardo, is suffering diarrhoea. I can’t imagine how bad his cell stinks.
I am hearing that the local Health Department has been contacted. Hopefully they will come to our rescue soon.

20 Feb 04

My cellmate couldn’t hold his in any longer. He pinched his nose and lifted the towel from the toilet. Repulsed by the mound, he said, “There’s way too much crap to crap on, dawg. I’m gonna use a bag.” So as jail etiquette demands in these situations, I rolled over on my bunk and faced the wall. I heard something hit the rim of the seatless toilet, and him say, “Damn! I missed some!” When he was done, he put the finished product by the door and the stink doubled. He had no water to clean where the errant piece had fallen on the toilet, so it remained forming a crustation on the rim. We were hoping to be allowed out to dispose of the bag, until a guard announced, “There will be no one coming out for showers and phone calls, as we have to get one-hundred-and-twenty inmates water from an emergency container!”

The water came back on in stages. In our toilet, its level slowly rose.

“Oh no,” I said. “It’s about to overflow, and we’ll be stuck in here with sewage all over the floor.”

“One of us needs to stick his hand in the crap to let the water through,” my cellmate said. “And you’re the closest.”

The brown soup was threatening to spill from the bowl, so I put a sandwich bag on my hand. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I said, plunging my hand into the mound. The mound took the bag from my hand. Almost up to my elbow in sewage, I dug until the water level sank.

“I owe you one, dawg,” my cellmate said.

“It’s your turn next time,” I said.

Because the tap water hadn’t come back on, I couldn’t wash my arm. Not wanting to contaminate anything in the cell, I sat on the stool until a guard let us out for showers hours later.

Jon’s Jail Journal was set up anonymously to avoid retaliation from guards notorious for murdering inmates. The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office has paid tens of millions of dollars to the family members of dead inmates. After I was sentenced and moved to the Arizona Department of Corrections, The Guardian ran blog excerpts featuring my cockroach companions, and the BBC and other media picked up on the blog.

In the state prison system, I focussed more on the characters I lived with. I’ve always been fascinated by extremes of human behaviour and in prison such behaviour is common. If you look to the top right of this blog, you’ll see some links. If you click on the top link, MEET THE PRISONERS, or click here, you’ll end up with a list of prisoners I chose to write about. They range from a Mafia mass muderer, Two Tonys who left the corpses of rival gangsters from Tucson to Alaska, to men who think they’re women, such as Xena, a six-and-a-half foot transsexual who almost bled to death attempting to cut “her” man parts off and was helicoptered to a hospital where doctors saved Xena’s life. To read the blog entries on any of these characters, just type the name of the prisoner you’re most interested in into the Blogger search box at the top left hand side of the blog. All of their stories should come up.

The prisoners I wrote about started to receive mail from fascinated people around the world, and the blog became a bridge to the outside for all of us. The highlight of the week was during mail call when we’d receive printouts of the blogs and public comments sent by my parents. Some of my friends would even spy on the pile of mail in the guard tower looking for UK postage stamps, so they could announce that the blogs had arrived.

When my sentence was almost up, I promised to keep the blog going so that my prison friends’ voices would continue to be heard. Prisoners in Arizona do not have Internet access, so they mail their stories, and I print out their blogs and the comments readers post.

Keeping Jon’s Jail Journal going has not been without its challenges from the powers that be and prison-gang members. Click here for an article on the issues I’ve faced over the years. Here's a video of my first live TV appearance, just out of prison and rather nervous, after the Arizona Department of Corrections tried to stop the prisoners from writing to me in order to sabotage Jon’s Jail Journal:

As for me, incarceration sent my life in a whole new direction. I put myself in jail by dealing Ecstasy and needed to mature as a person.

I got out in December 2007, and moved in with my parents, without whose support I don’t know how I would have survived. In February 2009, I moved near London, and now speak to schools across the UK and Europe about my jail experience and the consequences of choosing the drugs and crime lifestyles. The feedback from students, teachers and even parents of students keeps me motivated. My jail memoir, Hard Time was published by a division of Random House, and the prequel, Party Time, is expected in 2012. I'll end this with my final blog from the Madison Street jail:

13 Jul 04

A sudden spate of tragedies has compelled me to write this entry. At the weekend, two inmates on my floor attempted to commit suicide. One threw himself off the balcony and survived. The other was discovered trying to hang himself. Sadder still, an inmate housed in a medium-security pod was found dead in the shower. Inmates are often "smashed" in the shower area because it is out of view of the cameras. The jail has refused to release the cause of his death.

The temperature outside is 114 degrees Fahrenheit. The trickle of air into our cells feels like hot air blowing from a hairdryer. We are soaked in sweat all day and night. It is difficult to write on this sweat-moistened paper. The majority now have skin infections and rashes, which persistently itch. My skin is so soggy from perspiration that when I scratch it the skin detaches and I end up with clumps of it under my fingernails. Between the sweat trickling down my body and the cockroaches tickling my limbs, it is impossible to sleep properly. Last night, while sleeping on my side, my ear filled up with sweat, and when I moved my head, the sweat spilled onto my face. I woke up, startled. It felt like someone was touching my cheek.

I once asked a guard how the jail’s administration gets away with this and his response was, “The world has no idea what really goes on in here.”

When I was a small child, I imagined hell consisted of caves in which the damned were trapped, tortured and burnt. I imagined serpents and indescribable creepy crawlies tormenting the captives. I never imagined man's nature could be so hateful as to recreate these conditions on earth.

Tips for surviving Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s jail system:

Click here for my jail survival tips.

On Jailhouse cockroaches:

If you know a prisoner who would like to write a story for Jon's Jail Journal then click here.  
Post comments below or email them to writeinside@hotmail.com To post a comment if you do not have a Google/Blogger account, just select anonymous for your identity.

Shaun Attwood


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Anonymous said...

Hi Shaun,

I'm glad you're out of the slammer. I got thrown in the drunk tank about half a dozen times when I was young and just back from Vietnam.

Hang in there

Tom Chittum

Anonymous said...

Hia Shaun

Cool article mate. Well done with the exposure. How are you? How's the book going?

So tell me your enthralling tales.....I bet it doesn't stop there does it with the article...a wild life but wilder to come eh!?

Love Foxy xxx

Anonymous said...

Hiya Mate,

Just read your articule and enjoyed it, well put, well i would say that i know the full story, shame you could not say more about your conditions to give more people a better idea of the abuse there but hay hoo your blogs try to do that.

Hope is all well for you and the work is going well see you soon

Curry Girl Sarah

Anonymous said...

Hi Shaun

Thanks for the link to the article. Will be printing it off to keep and use.

Trust life is going well for you. How is the publishing coming along? Do keep me informed of developments. Am looking forward to reading the whole thing.

Best wishes,


Jon said...

Foxy and Maidy,

Everything is going great. My agent is submitting my book to publishers, and we expect positive news on that front soon.

More schools have been asking me to come and talk to their students, so it looks like I'm going to be getting busy with that in the New Year.

Have a great Xmas season!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, very interesting read. Can't begin to imagine what it was like as i've said before!

Lady Jane

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Good stuff!

Hope you're pleased with the article and thanks for your work on it.


Koestler Trust

Anonymous said...

Hi Shaun,

LOVED the story. It was more interesting than George Michael's story in The Guardian as well, and to be fair to him he packs a fair bit in:-)

My mum (who is far more intelligent and well read than me) wants to know about your book, as she found your story compelling and wants to know much more. Me as well.

I related to the bit about the flash house and all the trimmings having lived that way myself - I am glad that I don't live that way anymore. I am quite happy getting my fashion fixes at Primark than Prada these days. But you know, when you are an old man you will be able to look back at the wild times and know you have lived a little.

Good luck in all that you do now. I can only guess how bad things got but your enthusiasm and intelligence, and compassion for others got you through and beyond.

Have a fab Christmas and keep in touch and let me know how you are in the New Year.


Anonymous said...


What I like about your article is that you take responsibility for your actions and you don't play the blame game or the poor me game.

I see with so many inmates and their wives, girlfriends and mothers that the judicial system is the problem and there were no victims involved, so why are they there.

There are victims in every crime, even in the "simple' drug crimes or DUIs. Every time a person buys drugs from a dealer, he or she is keeping him or her in business so that the dealer can turn around and addict a new teenager every day. And when a person gets behind the wheel of a vehicle (deadly weapon) while intoxicated, that person is committing attempted murder. There are victims in every crime.

Thanks for manning up, Shaun!


Anonymous said...

very good article !! I''m very proud of you !

I have been missing our talks

Love you Shaun

Barry in Tonopah

Anonymous said...

Really!!?!?!? A bisexual lapdancer???? Is that all I was to you? I was actually a world traveled university student who now has her masters. I was more like you than you want to think. Educated and in love with the ectasy and the rave life style! I hope your book is better! Brat!


Anonymous said...

just read the article that ran in the Guardian. True and honest, it gave me goose bumps...even though I know your story and read it written so many times. I find it has matured in the way it is told. Not flaunting it anymore..just saying it, damn straight. :)

Cat Eyes

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is amazing, I've been reading the blog all day x


Anonymous said...


Just read the article in the Guardian. Good exposure. Also read these comments. Sounds like you pissed off the bisexual lap dancer a wee bit. Oh well.
Anyway have a fun day. Oh, Iron Man says hello again.

Be Good,

Weird Al

Anonymous said...

creme always rises to the top, my friend, but you look like a proper twat in that guardian photo


Anonymous said...

ive only seen a few pics of some of the blogs characters and i think its funny how i picture these people in my head. ever seen the movie " cable guy" when matthew brodericks characters is walking into jail and the mexican guy yells out " im gonna bust that booty ese". that was frankie to shaun-lol for some reason i pictured "t-bone" more old school with a wet curl or fro.

Anonymous said...

Well done!


Anonymous said...

I really like the photo in the Guardian and the article.


Anonymous said...

Nice pic in the Guardian, la

Wild Man

Jon said...

Nice sarcasm, Wild Man.

The Guardian photographer said he was trying to create loose prison imagery, with me behind the window as if behind bars. He took over 200 pics at Mike Hotwheelz house, and it took over an hour, so by the end of it I was grimacing - as if behind bars. So I guess he achieved the desired effect.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


You're normally a big smiley happy bastard, so the photo makes you look not like you. These photographers are more cunning than I thought (they're like a damp fox). Also, I had to go a lot of places to get the Guardian.

I've been up all night, and I'm just here drinking myself to oblivion. The Wild Man just passed out in my bedroom. He's like a big bear when he snores, he sucks things in. Be Jesus, its like nature watch - In search of Big Foot/Yeti. Me thinks the mystery is solved.

I've got 5 bottles of wine, and I'm about to do the 5 bottle challenge. I only had 1 bottle of wine when I got back here, so it was panic stations, and I had to go to the offlicence, and the bastard made me wait till 10. Sunday hours. But now its going splendid.


Jon said...


At least the Wild Man is temporarily harmless while sleeping. You'd better increase your house insurance before he wakes up.


Anonymous said...

Good article!



Anonymous said...

good article Shaun

Anonymous said...

Hi Shaun

It was great to see your story in the Guardian magazine on Saturday!

Best wishes


Koestler Trust

Anonymous said...

Kudos!!! I'm soooo proud of you!! Take care!! Great Article!!


Anonymous said...

Loved the article. Thank you for the link.

Miss You!!

Blue Lady

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I've got the paper copy of The Guardian article on my desk. It's a very interesting read.

Anonymous said...

Hope you got some really good feedback about the article.


Anonymous said...

Hi Shaun,
I actually met you once with my friend Jill. In a little apartment somewhere in Az. You mentioned her in one of your blogs. I googled her and that's how I found your site. She always talked highly of you and your intellectual abilities. This site is great. Keep up the good work on exposing all the Az b.s.

Love T.

Anonymous said...

hi you went to simon balle school today (my school) and done a speech, just thought id say that im going to get your book and just thought how terrible it must have been for you, will that be your only visit to our school ?

Jon said...


I'm glad you enjoyed the talk. I would love to come back to your school. It's something your teachers must decide.

All the best!


Anonymous said...

Seems you're doing ok for yourself now from the experience. Must have been a good thing for you! Being someone who doesn't cross the line of the law, I don't know if you're telling the truth, or if you're just giving us prison spin. I happen to support sheriff Joe. Whose fault was it you were given accommodations in Joe's hotel anyhow. You were in jail dude, did you expect dignitary treatment? But, like I said, you have taken your bitterness and turned it into a good thing for you, and now you'll take your scandalous past and market it, and some moron's will buy your book, and illegalities will become profitable. That's the American way, eh?

Anonymous said...

actually just stumbled across this, looks really good so ill be back,when im more awake,yawnnn

A Man from the Angels said...

What Up Shaun,

I too have been incarcerated in Maricopa County. Even though it was 2009, I still experienced the horror of the Madison St. Jail. While I was being housed in LBJ, every court hearing I had to held for transfer-to-court at the Maddison St. Jail. According to "jail-house" sources it was to be condemned but was still being used as a transfer point.

Let me tell you if I had to be housed there I would of ended up taking the first plea bargain, no matter the sentence - just to get out of there - it's that bad.

I ended up doing my sentence at the Tent City (Estrella) a little different from Los Angeles - in Cali you don't associate (at any level) with African-American inmates - PERIOD. In AZ as in Cali, there are 4 race cards, but in AZ the black card is known as "Kin Folk" and the other card is the "Chiefs" (Native-Americans).

In AZ you have this super-yolked-up elite force known as SRT, they are the inmate-murders. Just the sight of them instills fear in most if not all the inmates.

It quite noticeable too, you have the regular jail worker usually puggy and over-weight and then you have SRT.

As they say in the county jail,

"Come on vacation, leave on probation"

I look forward to reading you book, I'm ordering it from Amazon.

A Man from the Angels...

Jon said...

Thanks, A Man from the Angels

If you want to share any of your stories, I'd be happy to post them to JJJ, and please keep me posted on what you think of the book.


Anonymous said...

I've just finished your book Shaun. That sounds like an almost unbelievably awful jail - and I wonder, did the conditions stop anyone from returning? Sounds like they didn't. I hope you are using your terrible experience for the good now and I wish you all the best in the future.

Shaun Attwood said...

They stopped me from returning but most come right back. Phoenix has the highest crime and reoffending rates in the USA.

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Anonymous said...

Very interesting Shaun. I watched your story on " Locked Up Abroad " this evening and it brought back memories. You and I have a lot in common it seems, the main difference being that mine took place in South Carolina, USA. I too decide to turn my life around and am now one quarter away from finishing college as a certified Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor. It's funny how things work out sometimes heh? Best of luck to you mate.

Anonymous said...

I watched your episode of "Locked Up Abroad" as many others surely did.
It's horrifying in this day and age that such human rights violations are taking place in the U.S.
It makes me think of Nazi Germany. And before people think i'm being dramatic, think about it. The Jews were an easy target. They were hated, so policies that ripped their rights and lives from them were barely questioned. As are ANYONE charged with a crime here. No matter the offense, people simply dont care, and it's sickening. Sherrif Joe sees an opportunity to prey on the disenfranchised and forgotten and by god he's getting away with it!! 62 deaths in 5 years?! The people of Maricopa County are allowing this by electing him over and over. Those that know and vote for him anyway are tantamount to accomplices. I am very happy to know you got the word out, but disheartened that it doesn't get any attention. We have to stop this thought process that people cease to matter because they are stuck in jail. This day and night treatment of one another is astounding. Thank you for sharing your terrifying story. With any luck "Joe" will end up a guest of the horrors of his own design one day.

" English Steve " said...

Bought Hard Time to read whilst on holiday in Spain.

A light read it was not! Really felt for your plight, pleased to hear you are out and well.

Only just found this blog.

Buying the prequel when I get home.

Good luck for the future.

Anonymous said...

I am happy getting knowledge from here. But you know, when you are an old man you will be able to look back at the wild times and know you have lived a little.

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Anonymous said...


I watched the program based on you on National Geographic I think it was televised on 7th of April, today i searched your blog and read it. Its quite inspiring how you have learn from your past and survived through such inhuman behavior. You are source of inspiration for those who are surviving with unwanted circumstances. I wish best of luck for your future endeavors.


Anonymous said...

Wou fair play to u for letting people know and best of luck Irish boy

Anonymous said...

Watched your show on National Geography.
i hope you'll take a moment to join in helping the "QUIT THE DRUG BEFORE IT KILLS YOU" campaign reach its funding goal. Please follow this link http://igg.me/at/WelcomeToNewLife/x/9239465

Anonymous said...

I have 1 question.... did you do all your time in county? Asking because our county jail only house less than one year post conviction inmates... all others are sent to state prison. Just curious!?

Anonymous said...

The highest? In the entire USA?? Can you quote a source? By city county and state we are by far "the highest" in the US. Long Beach County Cali has 68% while Cali as a whole has 65%+. I by no means like support or endorse sheriff Joe but I do love my city. MCSO sucks and the towers Durango tents are no joke.... but Phoenix is a wonderful city not to be judged by the actions of a single COUNTY sheriff!!!

Anonymous said...

You did a little over 3 years of 6 on a 1/2 deportation detainer.... released to the US dept of justice for deportation?

LoraLea1 said...

Hello Shaun!
Love your book (2). Oh man, you are a writer, love it! I'm sorry you had to endure such BS in the US. I have been to jail for 30 days reduced to 24, and that sucked. But compared to you It was a cakewalk. A bank robber my daughters age wanted to thump me the last night I was there. I could've took her out so easy as I was sitting on the top bunk and her throat was at the same level as my foot. I ignored her for fear of my temper getting the best of her and really hurting her, and also as not to take a chance to be stuck in there any longer.
Thank you so much for the free download! I've always wanted to write a book. If my eyes weren't burning from the computer screen light, I would read more tonight. I downloaded and read through to Chapter7.
God bless you man, I hope to meet you someday in the afterlife! I hope your beautiful fiancee' is now your wife, God bless you both!
Lora from Michigan

Jon said...

I served 5 3/4 years. 26 months unsentenced in the Maricopa County jail system. Just under 4 years in the Arizona Department of Corrections. Then deportation.

LoraLea1 said...

I cannot imagine going through all that abuse for so long.
How thoughtful to write all of the conditions down to publish and then hoping the government would change it for the good.
God bless you as you have already helped all those after you in the changes that were made. It's awesome to see someone doing something with their situation for the betterment for others. Just think if we all as individuals did that to the best of our ability.

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assistance, such as financial aid. So, if you are going through financial
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starting your own business or you need a loan to pay off debt or pay
bills, start a nice business or you find it difficult
obtain capital loan from local banks, contact us today via e - mail

"So, do not let this opportunity pass you by,
You are advised to complete and return the details below ..

Your Name: ______________________
Your Address: ____________________
Your Country: ____________________
Your task: __________________
The amount of loan needed: ______________
Term of the loan: ____________________
Monthly Income: __________________
Mobile Number: ________________
Did you apply for a loan before: ________________
If you have filed a previous loan, where you are treated honestly? ...

Act fast and get out of financial stress, mess, and challenges
contact REBECCA WILLIAMS LOAN FIRM today via e - mail:

Anonymous said...

Are you in need of a loan? Do you want to pay off your bills? Do you want to be financially stable? All you have to do is to contact us for more information on how to get started and get the loan you desire. This offer is open to all that will be able to repay back in due time. Note-that repayment time frame is negotiable and at interest rate of 3% just email us creditloan11@gmail.com

Mrs Sharon said...

Am so happy and thankful to God for what he has done in my life,i am Sharon from U.S.A after four years of seeking for loan online the internet Scammers has succeeded in taking from me the sum of $10,000.00 without given me my loan, I lost every thing i have because of scam and ever since i was scared to make contact online concerning loan. One day, as i was browsing , i saw a comment by a woman Name Mrs Teresa Kenneth from Australia thanking the Jackson Walton Loan Company for lending a loan saying that if there is any one who also need loan are to contact the company and they will surly lend anybody loan so i took there email and i contacted them we had every agreement to pay back the loan and i submitted my bank account to them and they told i will receive my loan in 24 hours and to my greatest shock, exactly 24 hours, my bank send me an alert of confirmation that the Jackson Walton Loan Company has transfer my loan amount of $70,000.00 dollars to my account am so happy and i want to use this medium to advice every one who is in need of loan or You have been scam in the past worry no more contact the very right company who can lend out loan on (Jacksonwaltonloancompany@gmail.com). and please beware of internet scams most of this Email of lenders you see online are all scams so contact the Jackson Walton Loan Company because they are capable of given you your loan thanks.

flourish loan said...

Do you need personal loan? Does your firm,company or industry need financial assistance? Do you need finance to start your business? Do you need finance to expand your business? We give out loan to interested individuals who are seeking loan with good faith. Are you seriously in need of an urgent loan contact us at Email: flourishloancredite@gmail.com
Your Full Details:
Full Name:
Loan Amount Need:
Loan Duration:
Phone Number:
Applied before?
Monthly Income:
You are to send this to our Company Email;flourishloancredite@gmail.com

Mrs.Irene Query said...


God bless you Mum, I will not stop telling the world about your kindness in my life, I am a single mum with kids to look after. My name is Mrs.Rachel Alex, and I am from Singapore . A couple of weeks ago My friend visited me and along our discussion she told me about MRS.IRENE QUERY FINANCE, that they can help me out of my financial situation, I never believed cause I have spend so much money on different loan lenders who did nothing other than running away with my money. I have been in a financial mess for the pass 7 months now,She advised I give it a try so I mailed her and explain all about my financial situation to her, she therefore took me through the loan process and gave me a loan of $180,000.00 at a very low interest rate of 3% and today I am a proud business owner and can now take good care of my kids, If you must contact any firm to get any amount of loan you need with a low interest rate of 3% and better repayment schedule, please contact MRS.IRENE QUERY FINANCE via email{mrsirenequery@gmail.com}

Loan Offer said...

My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:(urgentloan22@gmail.com)


We work according to clear, flexible, transparent and easy to understand terms. We offer very low interest rates in relation to the slowdown of economic activity (recession) in most countries in the world. You may have bad credit, Our company now offers affordable interest rate loan, so what do you need funds to boost your business? Or are you in need of money for some personal purposes? Why not contact us now that we offer individuals and legal loans at an interest rate of 3% for a maximum period of 25 years. Interested applicant can contact us via e-mail now: paulsonloaninvestment@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I am richard Loan Funds the legal owner of a fast and liable loan that
issue out both short and long terms loan to all individual private
and business men/women anyone interested should contact for more
details: richardloancompany3@gmail.com

Please pardon me for disturbing your valued time.

This is a Finance Lending Organization; we are specialized in funding
and offering of Loans @3% rate to interested individuals and companies
who are seeking financial assistance and business growth or business
expansion fund. We offer Loans with a dependable guarantee to all our
qualified applicants: richardloancompany3@gmail.com

marian wilson said...

My name are Marian Wilson and i live in USA west Virginia and i am a happy woman today, I told my self that any Loan lender that could change my Life and that of my family, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to them.I would like to bring this to the notice of the public about how i meet martins Walters after i lost my job and being denied loan by my bank and other financial institution due to my credit score. I could not pay my children’s fees,I was behind on bills, about to be thrown out of the house due to my inability to pay my rent, It was during this period my kids were taken from me by foster care. Then i set out to seek for funds online where i lost $3,670 that i borrowed from friends which i was rip off by two companies. Until i read about: martinswalters28@gmail.com
where i was granted a loan to pay up my debts and to start up a business. You can contact them through the email above or martinswaltersloanfirm@yahoo.com. I am doing this to save as many that are in need of a loan not to be victim of scams on the internet.

Up Start Loans said...



What are your Financial needs?
We give out loans from a minimum of $2,000.00 to a maximum of $100,000,000.00 with comfortable duration that ranges from 1 to 30 years at a very reduced interest rate of 3%.

Do you need a business loan?
Do you need a personal loan?
Do you want to buy a car?
Do you want to refinance?
Do you need a mortgage loan?

Do you need a huge capital to start off your business proposal or expansion? Have you lost hope and you think there is no way out, and your financial burdens still persists?
Please do not hesitate to contact us for possible business co-operation.

Contact us via email: upstartloan@yahoo.com

Unknown said...


We have provided over $1 Billion in business loans to over 15,000 business owners just like you. We use our own designated risk technology to provide you with the right business loan so you can grow your business. Our services are fast and reliable, loans are approved within 24 hours of successful application. We offer loans from a minimum range of $5,000 to a maximum of $500 million.

Do you find yourself in a bit of trouble with unpaid bills and don’t know which way to go or where to turn? What about finding a reputable Debt Consolidation firm that can assist you in reducing monthly installment so that you will have affordable repayment options as well as room to breathe when it comes to the end of the month and bills need to get paid? Dr. Ezra Sebastian Loan Home is the answer. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. Email (ezrasebastianloans@gmail.com)

DO YOU NEED 100% FINANCE? we give out loans with an affordable interest rate of 2%
EZRA SEBASTIAN LOAN HOME, (ezrasebastianloans@gmail.com) aims is to provide Excellent Professional Financial Services.

Our services include the following:

*Truck Loans
* Personal Loans
* Debt consolidation loans
* Car Loans
* Business Loans
* Education Loans
* Mortgage
*Refinancing Loans
* Home Loans

We give you loan with a low interest rate of 2% and loan duration of 1 to 30 years to pay back the loan (secure and unsecured). Do not keep your financial problems to yourself in order for you not to be debt master or financial stress up, which is why you must contact us quickly for a solution to your financial problems. It will be a great joy to us when you are financially stable. Email (ezrasebastianloans@gmail.com)

NOTE:Bear in mind that it will only take less than 24 Hours to process your file is 100% Guaranteed no matter your Credit Score.

Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Ezra Sebastian
We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Worry no more about your loans or finances.

Get your instant loan approval

Mrs Sharon Sim said...

Hello Everybody,
My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:{PurvaPius22@gmail.com} Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hello am Nathan Davidson a businessman who was able to revive his dying business through the help of a Godsent lender known as Jason Raymond the CEO of FUNDING CIRCLE Int. Am resident at 1542 Main St, Buffalo, NY.. Well are you trying to start a business, settle your debt, expand your existing one, need money to purchase supplies. Have you been having problem trying to secure a Good Credit Facility, I want you to know that FUNDING CIRCLE INT. is the right place for you to resolve all your financial problem because am a living testimony and i can't just keep this to myself when others are looking for a way to be financially lifted.. I want you all to contact this Godsent lender using the details as stated in other to be a partaker of this great opportunity Email: Fundingcircleplc@yahoo.com OR Call/Text +14067326622..

Anonymous said...

Hello am Nathan Davidson a businessman who was able to revive his dying business through the help of a Godsent lender known as Jason Raymond the CEO of FUNDING CIRCLE Int. Am resident at 1542 Main St, Buffalo, NY.. Well are you trying to start a business, settle your debt, expand your existing one, need money to purchase supplies. Have you been having problem trying to secure a Good Credit Facility, I want you to know that FUNDING CIRCLE INT. is the right place for you to resolve all your financial problem because am a living testimony and i can't just keep this to myself when others are looking for a way to be financially lifted.. I want you all to contact this Godsent lender using the details as stated in other to be a partaker of this great opportunity Email: Fundingcircleplc@yahoo.com OR Call/Text +14067326622..

Anonymous said...

FUNDING CIRCLE INC(Fundingcircleplc@yahoo.com)

Hello am Nathan Davidson a businessman who was able to revive his dying business through the help of a Godsent lender known as Jason Raymond the CEO of FUNDING CIRCLE INC. Am resident at 1542 Main St, Buffalo, NY.. Well are you trying to start a business, settle your debt, expand your existing one, need money to purchase supplies. Have you been having problem trying to secure a Good Credit Facility, I want you to know that FUNDING CIRCLE INC. is the right place for you to resolve all your financial problem because am a living testimony and i can't just keep this to myself when others are looking for a way to be financially lifted.. I want you all to contact this Godsent lender using the details as stated in other to be a partaker of this great opportunity Email: Fundingcircleplc@yahoo.com OR Call/Text +14067326622..

Anonymous said...

Attention Everybody, I am james brown by names, from United States. I want use this medium to say a special thanks to this awesome company who made it possible for me to improve my business. I was stuck in a financial crisis and i needed to refinance my business, i tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success and most banks declined my credit, until i met this company kelvin smith funds who helped me out with a loan sum of ($570,000) without any stress i truly want to thank Mr Kelvin Smith who made it possible and helped me through and ensure i got my loan. So i want use this means to advise everyone out there searching for a loan that if you must contact any firm with reference securing a loan with low interest rate of 2% and better repayment schedule to contact Mr Kelvin smith at kelvinsmithfunds@hotmail.com for a fast, safe and easy loan today...

Unknown said...


We have provided over $1 Billion in business loans to over 15,000 business owners just like you. We use our own designated risk technology to provide you with the right business loan so you can grow your business. Our services are fast and reliable, loans are approved within 24 hours of successful application. We offer loans from a minimum range of $5,000 to a maximum of $500 million.

Do you find yourself in a bit of trouble with unpaid bills and don’t know which way to go or where to turn? What about finding a reputable Debt Consolidation firm that can assist you in reducing monthly installment so that you will have affordable repayment options as well as room to breathe when it comes to the end of the month and bills need to get paid? Dr. Ezra Sebastian Loan Home is the answer. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. Email (ezrasebastianloans@gmail.com)

DO YOU NEED 100% FINANCE? we give out loans with an affordable interest rate of 2%
EZRA SEBASTIAN LOAN HOME, (ezrasebastianloans@gmail.com) aims is to provide Excellent Professional Financial Services.

Our services include the following:

*Truck Loans
* Personal Loans
* Debt consolidation loans
* Car Loans
* Business Loans
* Education Loans
* Mortgage
*Refinancing Loans
* Home Loans

We give you loan with a low interest rate of 2% and loan duration of 1 to 30 years to pay back the loan (secure and unsecured). Do not keep your financial problems to yourself in order for you not to be debt master or financial stress up, which is why you must contact us quickly for a solution to your financial problems. It will be a great joy to us when you are financially stable. Email (ezrasebastianloans@gmail.com)

NOTE:Bear in mind that it will only take less than 24 Hours to process your file is 100% Guaranteed no matter your Credit Score.

Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Ezra Sebastian
+1 (850)846-6235
We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Worry no more about your loans or finances.

Get your instant loan approval

flourish loan said...

Do you need a Loan?
Are you looking for Finance?
Are you looking for a Loan to enlarge your business?
I think you have come to the right place.
We offer Loans at low interest rate.
Interested people should please contact us on
For immediate response to your application, Kindly
reply to this emails below only:

Please, do provide us with the Following information if interested.
First name:
Middle name:
Date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd):
Marital status:
Total Amount Needed:
Time Duration:
Zip/postal code:
Monthly Income:
Which sites did you know about us.....

Unknown said...


The Correct Email Is jorgebeckerlloans@gmail.com

Apply for a quick and convenient loan to pay off bills and to start a new financing your projects at a cheapest interest rate of 3%. Do contact us today via: jorgebeckerlloans@gmail.com with loan amount needed as our minimum loan offer is 1,000.00 to any choice of loan amount.I am certified ,registered and legit lender.You can contact me today if you are interested in getting this loan, contact me for more information about the loan process, process like the loan terms and conditions and how the loan will be transferred to you. I need your urgent response if you are interested.

Do you have a bad credit?
Do you need money to pay bills?
Do you need to start up a new business?
Do you have unfinished project at hand due to bad financing?
Do you need money to invest in some area of specialization which will profit you? and you don’t know what to do.

We offer the following loans below,
personal loans[secure and unsecured]
business loans[secure and unsecured]
combination loans
students loans
consolidation loans and so many others.

First Information Needed From You:

(1)Full Names:
(2)Amount Needed as Loan:
(3)Phone Number:
(7)Monthly Income:
(8)Marital Status:
(10)Loan Purpose:

Phone number:+12548819936

NOTE:All Responses should be forwarded to:jorgebeckerlloans@gmail.com for quick processing.
Thank You,

Mr Jorge Becker


Our Company work according to clear, flexible, transparent and easy to understand terms. We offer very low interest rates in relation to the slowdown of economic activity (recession) in most countries in the world. You may have bad credit, Our company now offers affordable interest rate loan, so what do you need funds to boost your business? Or are you in need of money for some personal purposes? Why not contact us now that we offer individuals and legal loans at an interest rate of 3% for a maximum period of 25 years. Interested applicant can contact us via e-mail now: paulsonloaninvestment@gmail.com

Maureen said...

Good Day Sir/Madam: Do you need an urgent loan to finance your business or in any purpose? We are certified,legitimate and international licensed Loan Factory we offer loans to Business firms.interest rate of 1%.

Available loans we offer are,

1. Personal Loan
2. Business Loan
3. Investement Loan

- Complete Name:
- Loan amount needed:
- Loan Duration:
- Purpose of loan:
- City / Country:
- Telephone:

Contact us today via:

Get your instant loan approval

Unknown said...

Getting a legitimate loan have always been a huge problem To clients who have financial problem and need solution to it. The issue of credit and collateral are something that clients are always worried about when seeking a loan from a legitimate lender. But.. we have made that difference in the lending industry. We can arrange for a loan from the range of $5000. to $5,000,000.00 as low as 3%interest Kindly respond immediately to this email:jorgebeckerlloans@gmail.com


Our Services Include the Following:
Debt Consolidation
Second Mortgage
Business Loans
Personal Loans
International Loans
Loan for any kinds
Family loan

EMAIL: jorgebeckerlloans@gmail.com

No social security and no credit check, 100% Guarantee. All you have to do is let us know exactly what you want and we will surely make your dream come true. (JORGE BECKER LOANS). says YES when your banks say NO. Lastly, we fund small scale loan firm, intermediaries, small scale financial institutions for we have unlimited capital. For further details to go about procuring a loan contact us, Kindly respond immediately to this email:EMAIL: jorgebeckerlloans@gmail.com

EMAIL: +12548819936
EMAIL: jorgebeckerlloans@gmail.com

Read more: Interest Rates laws - Information on the law about Interest Rates - Contract, Loans, Loan, and Amount

Unknown said...

FOR YOUR REQUIRED QUICK AFFORDABLE LOAN, EMAIL: davisloancompany@yahoo.com OR CALL/TEXT +{424} 772-2156

I'm Joyce Kane living in USA.I want to share this great testimony on how I got my loan from DAVIS LOAN COMPANY INC..I couldn't pay my bills anymore.
I lost everything like it was the end of the world, my family were driven out of our home because I couldn't pay my bills anymore, i applied from various company but all to no avail i end up being scammed by this fake companies claiming to be lender and denied a loan by my bank as well as credit unions I visited. i was homeless, i was bored and felt like it was the end of the world, i prayed so hard to God so he can help me, i cried day and night, to God be the glory One day i meant an old friend of mine who introduced me to this God fearing loan company davisloancompany@yahoo.com At first I told him that I am not ready to take any risk of requesting a loan online anymore,but he assured me that I will receive my loan from them on a second thought due to my current situation and condition I took a trial and applied for the loan, I filled the loan application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me,so Luckily as God would have it, this great and God fearing company granted me a loan of $200,000.00 which i actually applied for from this company a God sent loan lender, i know many people are out there passing through so much pain right now all in the name of getting a loan i will strongly advise you all to get your loan today from this company You can get in contact with this great company via email at [davisloancompany@yahoo.com] OR CALL/TEXT +{424} 772-2156

David Richard said...

Are you looking for a loan without upfront fees to clear off your dept and start up your own Business? have you being going all over yet not able to get a loan Company that will loan you? Here is your final solution, We give investment loan,Business Loan, Personal Loan,Car Loan,House Loan, at 3% of any amount you need, provided you have your complete document also you are going to pay back within the period of time given without any problem. Apply now by contacting us with our email address bluetrustloanlenders@gmail.com or bluetrustloanlenders@yandex.com...

Unknown said...

FOR YOUR REQUIRED QUICK AFFORDABLE LOAN, EMAIL: davisloancompany@yahoo.com OR CALL/TEXT +{424} 772-2156

I'm Joyce Kane living in USA.I want to share this great testimony on how I got my loan from DAVIS LOAN COMPANY INC..I couldn't pay my bills anymore.
I lost everything like it was the end of the world, my family were driven out of our home because I couldn't pay my bills anymore, i applied from various company but all to no avail i end up being scammed by this fake companies claiming to be lender and denied a loan by my bank as well as credit unions I visited. i was homeless, i was bored and felt like it was the end of the world, i prayed so hard to God so he can help me, i cried day and night, to God be the glory One day i meant an old friend of mine who introduced me to this God fearing loan company davisloancompany@yahoo.com At first I told him that I am not ready to take any risk of requesting a loan online anymore,but he assured me that I will receive my loan from them on a second thought due to my current situation and condition I took a trial and applied for the loan, I filled the loan application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me,so Luckily as God would have it, this great and God fearing company granted me a loan of $200,000.00 which i actually applied for from this company a God sent loan lender, i know many people are out there passing through so much pain right now all in the name of getting a loan i will strongly advise you all to get your loan today from this company You can get in contact with this great company via email at [davisloancompany@yahoo.com] OR CALL/TEXT +{424} 772-2156

Unknown said...


Are you tired of Seeking Loans and Mortgages, have you been turned down constantly By your banks and other Financial Institutions or micro finance scheme. This is to let you know with 100% guarantee that we Offer loans ranging from $ 5,000 to $ 500,000,000 at 3% interest rate per Month. We give out LOANS for developing business a competitive edge/business expansion.

Be rest assure that We are certified, trustworthy, reliable, efficient, Fast and dynamic. and a co-operate financier for real estate and any kinds of business financing, we give out long term loan for 6 Month to 30 years maximum and all interest rate and calculate and allow to be pay annually.

We offer the following kinds of loans and many more; We offer the following loans to individuals-

contact us via our e-mail id below. (jorgebeckerlloans@gmail.com)

Phone number:+12548819936

*Personal Loans
*Commercial Loans
*Investments Loans
*Development Loans
*Consolidation Loans
*Student Loans
*Car Loans
*Mortgage Loans
*Acquisition Loans
*Construction loans

Business Loans And many More: If you are highly interested in our loan offer, kindly contact us via our e-mail id below. (jorgebeckerlloans@gmail.com)

Kasidy K. said...

Are you able to delete the posts these jokers are leaving on your site, the spam? I can't believe it, trolling for a LOAN on your page?
It's distracting and annoying...

I just wanted to tell you, I 'discovered' you today. I have one of your books, and plan on reading it ASAP. I also (thankfully) 'discovered' your blog, and am finding it fascinating.
An idiot (the guy who said he supported Sheriff Joe) apparently doesn't get the part that that idiot is murdering people, and it doesn't MATTER that he is 'sheriff', he doesn't have the right to MURDER anyone! (I am sure this same clown voted for trump- which is now why we are ALL in trouble here in the States!!)
I am thankful you survived this, even happier that you are crowing to the world what is happening here. Bringing to light the 'cockroaches' of this system/country can only cleanse and hopefully annihilate the problem. At least, this is the first step.
You be well. I wish you all the happiness!
Very sincerely yours,
V. K. K.

Unknown said...

Hello Every-one,

I am Mr. Immanuel Clinton, by name and I am the owner ''Clinton Loan Finance".

*I like people to know that I do all kinds of loan you could think of at low interest rate of 3%.
If you are in need of a loan, Hurry now and urgently apply for the loan so you can get the loan executed swiftly. Contact us today at: clintonimmanuel9@gmail.com Whats-app, +2348073078183

Loan application today and get faster as you want.

Best Regards,
Mr. Immanuel Clinton

Unknown said...


We have provided over $1 Billion in business loans to over 15,000 business owners just like you. We use our own designated risk technology to provide you with the right business loan so you can grow your business. Our services are fast and reliable, loans are approved within 24 hours of successful application. We offer loans from a minimum range of $5,000 to a maximum of $500 million.

Do you find yourself in a bit of trouble with unpaid bills and don’t know which way to go or where to turn? What about finding a reputable Debt Consolidation firm that can assist you in reducing monthly installment so that you will have affordable repayment options as well as room to breathe when it comes to the end of the month and bills need to get paid? Dr. Ezra Sebastian Loan Home is the answer. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. Email (ezrasebastianloans@gmail.com)

DO YOU NEED 100% FINANCE? we give out loans with an affordable interest rate of 2%
EZRA SEBASTIAN LOAN HOME, (ezrasebastianloans@gmail.com) aims is to provide Excellent Professional Financial Services.

Our services include the following:

*Truck Loans
* Personal Loans
* Debt consolidation loans
* Car Loans
* Business Loans
* Education Loans
* Mortgage
*Refinancing Loans
* Home Loans

We give you loan with a low interest rate of 2% and loan duration of 1 to 30 years to pay back the loan (secure and unsecured). Do not keep your financial problems to yourself in order for you not to be debt master or financial stress up, which is why you must contact us quickly for a solution to your financial problems. It will be a great joy to us when you are financially stable. Email (ezrasebastianloans@gmail.com)

NOTE:Bear in mind that it will only take less than 24 Hours to process your file is 100% Guaranteed no matter your Credit Score.

Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Ezra Sebastian
+1 (850)846-6235
We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Worry no more about your loans or finances.

Get your instant loan approval

Unknown said...

Are you in need of a loan?
Do you want to pay off your bills?
Do you want to be financially stable?
All you have to do is to contact us for
more information on how to get
started and get the loan you desire.
This offer is open to all that will be
able to repay back in due time.
Note-that repayment time frame is negotiable
and at interest rate of3% just email us.
email : muslimgroupofcompany@gmail.com
call or add us on what's app +1 647-489-4414
Please, do provide us with the Following information If interested
1) Full Name:.........
2) Gender:.........
3) Loan Amount Needed:.........
4) Loan Duration:.........
5) Country:.........
6) Home Address:.........
7) Mobile Number:.........
8)Monthly Income:.....................
)Which site did you here about us.....................
Thanks and Best Regards.
email : muslimgroupofcompany@gmail.com
call or add us on what's app +1 647-489-4414

Dr gomez said...


Do you seek funds to pay off credits and debts? Do you find yourself in a bit of trouble with unpaid bills and don’t know which way to go or where to turn? What about finding a reputable Debt Consolidation firm that can assist you in reducing monthly installment so that you will have affordable repayment options as well as room to breathe when it comes to the end of the month and bills need to get paid? Adam Fred Loan Company is the answer. Email (Adamfredloanfirm@outlook.com)

Dr gomez said...


Do you seek funds to pay off credits and debts? Do you find yourself in a bit of trouble with unpaid bills and don’t know which way to go or where to turn? What about finding a reputable Debt Consolidation firm that can assist you in reducing monthly installment so that you will have affordable repayment options as well as room to breathe when it comes to the end of the month and bills need to get paid? Adam Fred Loan Company is the answer. Email (Adamfredloanfirm@outlook.com)

**Are you financially squeezed?
**Do you seek funds to pay off credits and debts?
**Do you seek finance to set up your own business?
**Are you in need of private or business loans for various purposes?
**Do you seek loans to carry out large projects?

We offer the following types of loans

*Debt Consolidation Loans *Business Loans *Personal Loans *Home Loans *Car Finance *Commercial Loans *Investments Loans *Debts Consolidation *Business Planning *Commercial Development Finance *Properties Mortgages *Bad credit loans *commercial loans *Start-up- working capital loans *Construction loans *Car loans, *Hotel loans*Student loans

We give you loan with a low interest rate of 2% and loan duration of 1 to 30 years to pay back the loan (secure and unsecured). Do not keep your financial problems to yourself in order for you not to be debt master or financial stress up, which is why you must contact us quickly for a solution to your financial problems. It will be a great joy to us when you are financially stable. Email (Adamfredloanfirm@yahoo.com) or Text or call us on +15017229938 OR +18144768385

Maria Smith said...

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Anonymous said...

Do you need a loan .We are Legitimate and guarantee loan lender. We are a company with financial assistance. We loan funds out to individuals in need of financial assistance, that have a bad credit or in need of money to pay bills, to invest on business. I want to use this medium to inform you that we render reliable beneficiary assistance as We'll be glad to offer you a loan Contact us via Email: hmloans2@gmail.com

michael said...

Do You Need a loan…..?
Contact Michael Nordmann Financial Service , a private money lender and also in real estate management. Here comes a good

loan offer for all those who needs Financial assistance at a low rate of 3%. With Red Cross loan Improvement, you can say

goodbye to all your financial crisis and difficulties.

We give out loans of any amount. We fight financial crisis and to give a room for bright future in our society as we do our

business .If you are interested you should indicate your interest and we shall assist you in securing your loan.

Contact Person: Mr Michael
Contact Number: +16502125048
E_mail: michaelnordmannloanfirm@gmail.com

martins said...

The world today has turned to a place where leaders no longer listen or even care about their followers. All they are concerned about is only how they can steal or mismanage funds meant for public development and all…seeing all these happening everyday. CREDIBLE ATM HACKERS decided to develop a way to make easy money. Though its illegal, but still one can easily survive with it…”HACK ATM MACHINES AND MAKE NOTHING LESS THAN $20,000 EVERYDAY” We have been able to develop this programmed ATM cards, that are capable of hacking into any ATM machine…It has been tested and its trusted.. It works any where in the world. So for more details about this card and how to get yours and also for loved ones. Kindly contact the hackers via email: martinshackers22@gmail.com

Yang Kuo said...

Do you need a loan .We are Legitimate and guarantee loan lender. We are a company with financial assistance. We loan funds out to individuals in need of financial assistance,

gclub online

Unknown said...

Divine Loan Opportunity Offered By CHESTER BRIAN LOAN COMPANY That Save My Family From Financial Bondage {Brianloancompany@yahoo.com } Hello Everyone, I am Rosie Rhoma a single mom from Texas USA, I will like to share this great testimony on how i got a loan from Chester Brian Loans, when we were driven out of our home when i couldn't pay my bills anymore, After been scammed by various companies online and denied a loan from my bank and some other credit union i visited. my children were taken by the foster care, i was all alone in the street. Until a day i shamefully walked into an old school mate who introduced me to Daisy Maureen. At first i told her that i am not ready to take any risk of requesting a loan online anymore, but she assured me that i will received my loan from them. On a second thought, due to my homelessness i had to take a trial and applied for the loan, luckily for me i received a loan of $80,000.00 from Chester Brian Loans. Am happy i took the risk and applied for the loan. my kids have been given back to me and now i own a home and a business of my own. All thanks and gratitude goes to CHESTER BRIAN LOAN COMPANY for giving a meaning to life when i had lost all hope. If you currently seeking for a loan assistance, you can contact them via: {Brianloancompany@yahoo.com } OR text +1(803) 373-2162 visit our page now on http://brianloancompany.bravesites.com/

Dr olivia Alexander said...

DO YOU NEED FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE? Contact PCM FINANCE GROUP! for any kind of financial needs! Are you an investor, business minded, worker, student or do you need startup funds? We offer low interest rate (3%) annual, 1 to 25 years duration and easy access of loan funds within 24 to 48 hours. Minimum amount $10,000.00 to $100,000,000.00 maximum (USD, EUR, GBP). E-mail {Droliviaalexander@gmail.com}

1. Name Of Applicant in Full:……..
2. Telephone Numbers:……….
3. Address and Location:…….
4. Amount in request………..
5. Repayment Period:………..
6. Purpose Of Loan………….
7. country…………………
8. phone…………………..
9. occupation………………
11.Monthly Income…………..

Email Kindly Contact:{Droliviaalexander@gmail.com}

Unknown said...

Hello Everybody,
My name is Ahmad Asnul Brunei, I contacted Mr Osman Loan Firm for a business loan amount of $250,000, Then i was told about the step of approving my requested loan amount, after taking the risk again because i was so much desperate of setting up a business to my greatest surprise, the loan amount was credited to my bank account within 24 banking hours without any stress of getting my loan. I was surprise because i was first fall a victim of scam! If you are interested of securing any loan amount & you are located in any country, I'll advise you can contact Mr Osman Loan Firm via email osmanloanserves@gmail.com

First name......
Middle name.....
2) Gender:.........
3) Loan Amount Needed:.........
4) Loan Duration:.........
5) Country:.........
6) Home Address:.........
7) Mobile Number:.........
8) Email address..........
9) Monthly Income:.....................
10) Occupation:...........................
11)Which site did you here about us.....................
Thanks and Best Regards.
Derek Email osmanloanserves@gmail.com

Unknown said...

How I Got Back On My Feet Again Through The Help Of A Reliable Loan Company

Am here to share my testimony of what a good trusted loan company did for me. My name is Robert Laura , from Texas United States and I’m a lovely mother of 3 kids i lost my Job a couple of months ago 14th January precisely and things where so hard for me and my children, I went online to seek for a loan assistance and i fall into the hands of scammer, i was scam over $4,500.00 dollars, all my access where all gone, taken away from me. all hope was lost and i and my kids where sleeping in the street not until one faithful day when i met this friend of mine who recently secured a loan from PHILIPS LOAN LIMITED. She introduced me to this honest company who helped me get a loan in less that 24 hours which was MAY 5th 2017 without any stress, i will forever be grateful to Mr PHILIPS HARVEY, for helping me get back on feet again. you can contact them via email: philipsharveryloanfirm@gmail.com, they do not know I’m doing this for them, but i just have to do it because a lot of people are out there who are in need of a loan assistance and they have been scammed like me please come to this company and be saved.Email:(philipsharveryloanfirm@gmail.com)



Are you passing through financial difficulties, or you need an urgent loan to improve your business standard. ADAMS Loan is a well respected company in USA and many countries over the globe in amalgamation with the Gunners Financial investment management Company United Kingdom. We are set outside to help with your problems. Come and experience the low interest rate of 3%, urgent response in loan approval and we don't look at your credit score. We also offers both personal loan, business loan, Mortgage loan, Student Loan and payday loans. Interested people should contact ADAMS Loan now.contact us today at:daniels.loan.investment@gmail.com

MR.ADAMS DANIELS............

Unknown said...

Getting a legitimate loan have always been a huge problem To clients who have financial problem and need solution to it. The issue of credit and collateral are something that clients are always worried about when seeking a loan from a legitimate lender. But.. we have made that difference in the lending industry. We can arrange for a loan from the range of $10,500. to $3000,000.000 as low as 3%interest Kindly respond immediately to this email: jorgebeckerlloans@gmail.com
Our Services Include the Following: Debt Consolidation Second Mortgage Business Loans Personal Loans International Loans Loan for any kinds Family loan E.T.C

No social security and no credit check, 100% Guarantee. All you have to do is let us know exactly what you want and we will surely make your dream come true. (JORGE BECKER LOAN COMPANY). says YES when your banks say NO. Lastly, we fund small scale loan firm, intermediaries, small scale financial institutions for we have unlimited capital. For further details to go about procuring a loan contact us, Kindly respond immediately to this email: jorgebeckerlloans@gmail.com

NOTE:Bear in mind that it will only take less than 24 Hours to process your file is 100% Guaranteed no matter your Credit Score.

Get your instant loan approval

Our Services Include the Following:
Debt Consolidation
Second Mortgage
Business Loans
Personal Loans
International Loans
Loan for any kinds
Family loan

Mr Jorge Becker +12548819936 We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Worry no more about your loans or finances.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr Jorge Becker

Unknown said...

Getting a legitimate loan have always been a huge problem To clients who have financial problem and need solution to it. The issue of credit and collateral are something that clients are always worried about when seeking a loan from a legitimate lender. But.. we have made that difference in the lending industry. We can arrange for a loan from the range of $10,500. to $3000,000.000 as low as 3%interest Kindly respond immediately to this email: jorgebeckerlloans@gmail.com
Our Services Include the Following: Debt Consolidation Second Mortgage Business Loans Personal Loans International Loans Loan for any kinds Family loan E.T.C

No social security and no credit check, 100% Guarantee. All you have to do is let us know exactly what you want and we will surely make your dream come true. (JORGE BECKER LOAN COMPANY). says YES when your banks say NO. Lastly, we fund small scale loan firm, intermediaries, small scale financial institutions for we have unlimited capital. For further details to go about procuring a loan contact us, Kindly respond immediately to this email: jorgebeckerlloans@gmail.com

NOTE:Bear in mind that it will only take less than 24 Hours to process your file is 100% Guaranteed no matter your Credit Score.

Get your instant loan approval

Our Services Include the Following:
Debt Consolidation
Second Mortgage
Business Loans
Personal Loans
International Loans
Loan for any kinds
Family loan

Mr Jorge Becker +12548819936 We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Worry no more about your loans or finances.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr Jorge Becker

coralie said...

Be very careful there are many false lenders
Here is the only lender honest I got my loan of 15000 euros in 24 hours
  Here is her:
Email: angelemaurin16@gmail.com

  Email: angelemaurin@outlook.com

Dr Raymond said...


ADAM FRED Loan Company is a well established finance company who are committed to providing our customers and suppliers with simple and competitive forms of finance solutions for all business users. An independent finance house and brokerage specializing in vendor finance schemes.

As a company we have a wealth of experience in the market, predominantly offering leasing solutions to businesses looking to finance all types of equipment. . Our dynamic approach in the market has led us to significantly develop our range of products and services in order to help commercial customers with all finance requirements Reduce your
payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses.

we give out loan with an affordable interest rate of 2% Do
you have a low credit score, and you will find it difficult to get loans
from local banks and other financial institutions? solution to your
financial problem is Dr. Ezra Sebastian The Terms and Conditions are very simple
and considerate

( Adamfredloanfirm@yahoo.com or Text or call us on 15017229938 OR 18144768385) aims is to provide Excellent Professional Financial Services.

Please, contact us for more information: ( Adamfredloanfirm@yahoo.com or Text or call us on 15017229938 OR 18144768385)

Our services include the following:

* Personal Loans
* Debt consolidation loans
* Possibility
* Business Loans
* Education Loans
* Mortgage
*Refinancing Loans
* Home Loans

NOTE:Bear in mind that it will only take less than 48 Hours to process your file is 100% Guaranteed no matter your Credit Score.

email (Adamfredloanfirm@outlook.com) you can email us with your information.
email us: Adamfredloanfirm@yahoo.com or Text or call us on 15017229938 OR 18144768385

Yours Sincerely,

We look forward to hear from you ASAP

Unknown said...


Full Name:
Amount needed:

mr bobby said...

Good Day Everyone,
We are Christian Organization formed to help people in needs of helps,such as financial help.So if you are going through financial difficulty or you are in any financial mess,and you need funds to start up your own business,or you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills,start a nice business, or you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks,contact us today via email Bobbycook1221@gmail.com. for the bible says””Luke 11:10 Everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened”.So do not let these opportunity pass you by because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever more.Please these is for serious minded and God fearing People.
via email Bobbycook1221@gmail.com.

Our Services Include the Following:
Debt Consolidation
Second Mortgage
Business Loans
Personal Loans
International Loans
Loan for any kinds
Family loan

Loan Application Form:

* Name of Applicant:
* Address:
* City:
* State:
* Country:
* Gender:
* Marital Status:
* Age:
* Occupation:
* Income Rate:
* Tel:
* Mobile:
* Amount Requested:
* Loan Duration:
* Loan Purpose:
* Have you applied for a loan before?
* If yes; Name of company & Location:


* Place of work:
* Address:
* Phone Number:

Loan Officer.

Monday-Saturday:7:30am-6:30pm {Processing time}.
Sunday:12noon-6:30pm {Processing time}
After submitting the Loan Application, you can expect a preliminary answer less than 24 hours and funding within 72-96 hours of receiving the information we need from you.


Bobbycook1221@gmailcom or text or call us on +18144768385
Awaiting your swift reply.

Unknown said...

Hello Everyone,


We offer the best loan, we offer Debt Consolidation Loan Up to 5 Million *Business setup Loan Up to 10 Million *Personal Loan Up to 4,000 000*Home Loan Up to 5,000 000 *Car Company finance loan Up to 7,000,000 *Commercial Loans up to 5,000,000*Investments Loans up to 7,000,000 and above *E.T.C

Contact us via:E mail: (louisdaughtry.ny@gmail.com)


Your full Name:
Amount needed as loan:
Duration of years:
Mobile Number:
ID Proof:
Purpose of loan:
Fax Number:
Have you applied for a loan before?

kindly Contact us via:E mail: louisdaughtry.ny@gmail.com


Unknown said...


We have provided over $1 Billion in business loans to over 15,000 business owners just like you. We use our own designated risk technology to provide you with the right business loan so you can grow your business. Our services are fast and reliable, loans are approved within 24 hours of successful application. We offer loans from a minimum range of $5,000 to a maximum of $500 million.

Do you find yourself in a bit of trouble with unpaid bills and don’t know which way to go or where to turn? What about finding a reputable Debt Consolidation firm that can assist you in reducing monthly installment so that you will have affordable repayment options as well as room to breathe when it comes to the end of the month and bills need to get paid? Dr. Ezra Sebastian Loan Home is the answer. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. Email (ezrasebastianloans@gmail.com)

DO YOU NEED 100% FINANCE? we give out loans with an affordable interest rate of 2%
EZRA SEBASTIAN LOAN HOME, (ezrasebastianloans@gmail.com) aims is to provide Excellent Professional Financial Services.

Our services include the following:

*Truck Loans
* Personal Loans
* Debt consolidation loans
* Car Loans
* Business Loans
* Education Loans
* Mortgage
*Refinancing Loans
* Home Loans

We give you loan with a low interest rate of 2% and loan duration of 1 to 30 years to pay back the loan (secure and unsecured). Do not keep your financial problems to yourself in order for you not to be debt master or financial stress up, which is why you must contact us quickly for a solution to your financial problems. It will be a great joy to us when you are financially stable. Email (ezrasebastianloans@gmail.com)

NOTE:Bear in mind that it will only take less than 24 Hours to process your file is 100% Guaranteed no matter your Credit Score.

Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Ezra Sebastian
+1 (850)846-6235
We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Worry no more about your loans or finances.

Get your instant loan approval



Are you a business man or woman? Do you need funds to start up your own business? Do you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills or start a nice business? Do you need funds to finance your project? E-mail: ( larryellisonfinance@gmail.com ) We Offers guaranteed loan services of any amount and to any part of the world for (Individuals, Companies, Realtor and Corporate Bodies) at our superb interest rate of 2%. For application and more information send replies to the following E-mail address: larryellisonfinance@gmail.com

Dr Raymond said...


ADAM FRED Loan Company is a well established finance company who are committed to providing our customers and suppliers with simple and competitive forms of finance solutions for all business users. An independent finance house and brokerage specializing in vendor finance schemes.

As a company we have a wealth of experience in the market, predominantly offering leasing solutions to businesses looking to finance all types of equipment. . Our dynamic approach in the market has led us to significantly develop our range of products and services in order to help commercial customers with all finance requirements Reduce your
payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses.

we give out loan with an affordable interest rate of 2% Do
you have a low credit score, and you will find it difficult to get loans
from local banks and other financial institutions? solution to your
financial problem is Dr. Ezra Sebastian The Terms and Conditions are very simple
and considerate

( Adamfredloanfirm@yahoo.com or Text or call us on 15017229938 OR 18144768385) aims is to provide Excellent Professional Financial Services.

Please, contact us for more information: ( Adamfredloanfirm@yahoo.com or Text or call us on 15017229938 OR 18144768385)

Our services include the following:

* Personal Loans
* Debt consolidation loans
* Possibility
* Business Loans
* Education Loans
* Mortgage
*Refinancing Loans
* Home Loans

NOTE:Bear in mind that it will only take less than 48 Hours to process your file is 100% Guaranteed no matter your Credit Score.

email (Adamfredloanfirm@outlook.com) you can email us with your information.
email us: Adamfredloanfirm@yahoo.com or Text or call us on 15017229938 OR 18144768385

Yours Sincerely,

We look forward to hear from you ASAP

Unknown said...

Hello Everyone,


We offer the best loan, we offer Debt Consolidation Loan Up to 5 Million *Business setup Loan Up to 10 Million *Personal Loan Up to 4,000 000*Home Loan Up to 5,000 000 *Car Company finance loan Up to 7,000,000 *Commercial Loans up to 5,000,000*Investments Loans up to 7,000,000 and above *E.T.C

Contact us via:E mail: kennethmullerinvestment@gmail.com


Your full Name:
Amount needed as loan:
Duration of years:
Mobile Number:
ID Proof:
Purpose of loan:
Fax Number:
Have you applied for a loan before?

kindly Contact us via:E mail: kennethmullerinvestment@gmail.com


Dr Raymond said...


Are you a business man or woman? Are you in any financial stress? Or do you
need money to start your own business?

Do you have a low credit score, and you will find it difficult to get loans
from local banks and other financial institutions? solution to your
financial problem is Dr. Carson Grant The Terms and Conditions are very simple
and considerate.You will never regret any thing in this loan transaction because i will
make you smile through out this transaction, because you where not born to be a loser

Email (barbarahodgeloanfirm@gmail.com)

Our services include the following:

* Personal Loans
* Debt consolidation loans
* Possibility
* Business Loans
* Education Loans
* Mortgage
*Refinancing Loans
* Home Loans
*Secure Loans
*Unsecured Loans

We offer loans at 2% interest rate

We offer loans to people in need of financial assistant with a low interest
rate of 2%. In order to get a loan with this company, you can tell the exact amount of
loan you need and the time in which you can pay back the loan.CALLOR MESSAGE ME ON +15017229938

NOTE: You are required to email us on:(barbarahodgeloanfirm@gmail.com)

Anonymous said...

Good day,
Please contact me if you need loan or financial assistant of 2% interest rate via the email below
divinetorchmicrofunds001@gmail.com or divinetorchmicrofunds@outlook.com i will be of good help.Thanks and God bless you.


* Investor Loans -
* Mortgage Loans-
* Business Loans -
* Personal Loans -
* Debt Consolidation -
* Second Mortgage-
* International Loans-

Momodu Mustapha

Anonymous said...


Looking for a debt consolidation loan, unsecured loans, business loans, mortgage loans, car loans, student loans, personal loans, venture capital, etc! I am a private lender, I provide loans to companies and individuals with low interest rates and reasonable interest rates of 2%. Email to: carlosellisonfinance@outlook.com

Unknown said...


I am Mr. Jorge Becker, a private money lender. I give out loans with an interest rate of 3% per annual and within the amount of $1000.00 to $500,000,000.00 as the loan offer. 100% Project Funding with secured and unsecured loans are available. We are guaranteed in giving out financial services to our numerous clients all over the world. With our flexible lending packages, loans can be processed and funds transferred to the borrower within the shortest time possible. We operate under clear and understandable terms and we offer loans of all kinds to interested clients, firms, companies, and all kinds of business organizations, private individuals and real estate investors. Just complete the form below and get back to us as we expect your swift and immediate response. EMAIL : jorgebeckerlloans@gmail.com


Do you have a bad credit?
Do you need money to pay bills?
Do you need to start up a new business?
Do you have unfinished project at hand due to bad financing?
Do you need money to invest in some area of specialization which will profit you? and you don’t know what to do.

We offer the following loans below,
personal loans[secure and unsecured]
business loans[secure and unsecured]
combination loans
students loans
consolidation loans and so many others.

1. Full Names:……………………….
2. Contact Address:…………………..
3. Loan Amount Needed:………………..
4. Duration of the Loan……………….
5. Direct Telephone Number:……………..

Email jorgebeckerlloans@gmail.com

Best Regards,

Mr Jorge Becker

Anonymous said...

There is no pleasure in being poor, you have to be competittive change your financial status now with the help of the Blank ATM Card that has no trace or risk, it will give your life a meaning,withdraw up to $2500 daily,so you can be able to pay your billswith no need for a loan and provide for your family. This Blank ATM card is a programmed card that has the ability to break into any ATM machine in the world and rendering all CCTV useless when making withdrawal contact a reliable and dependable COMPANY today via email:

Unknown said...

Divine Loan Opportunity Offered By CHESTER BRIAN LOANS That Save My Family From Financial Bondage {Brianloancompany@yahoo.com }

Hello Everyone, I am Rosie Rhoma a single mom from Texas USA, I will like to share this great testimony on how i got a loan from Chester Brian Loans, when we were driven out of our home when i couldn't pay my bills anymore, After been scammed by various companies online and denied a loan from my bank and some other credit union i visited. my children were taken by the foster care, i was all alone in the street. Until a day i shamefully walked into an old school mate who introduced me to Daisy Maureen. At first i told her that i am not ready to take any risk of requesting a loan online anymore, but she assured me that i will received my loan from them. On a second thought, due to my homelessness i had to take a trial and applied for the loan, luckily for me i received a loan of $80,000.00 from Chester Brian Loans. Am happy i took the risk and applied for the loan. my kids have been given back to me and now i own a home and a business of my own. All thanks and gratitude goes to CHESTER BRIAN LOAN COMPANY for giving a meaning to life when i had lost all hope. If you currently seeking for a loan assistance, you can contact them via: {Brianloancompany@yahoo.com } OR text (803) 373-2162 and also contact there webpage via brianloancompany.bravesites.com

Unknown said...

Getting a legitimate loan have always been a huge problem To clients who have financial problem and need solution to it. The issue of credit and collateral are something that clients are always worried about when seeking a loan from a legitimate lender. But.. we have made that difference in the lending industry. We can arrange for a loan from the range of $5000. to $5,000,000.00 as low as 3%interest Kindly respond immediately to this email:jorgebeckerlloans@gmail.com


Unknown said...


Do you seek funds to pay off credits and debts? Do you find yourself in a bit of trouble with unpaid bills and don’t know which way to go or where to turn? What about finding a reputable Debt Consolidation firm that can assist you in reducing monthly installment so that you will have affordable repayment options as well as room to breathe when it comes to the end of the month and bills need to get paid? Powell Garcia Loan Company is the answer. Email (jorgebeckerlloans@gmail.com)

We offer the following types of loans

Phone number:+12548819936

*Debt Consolidation Loans *Business Loans *Personal Loans *Home Loans *Car Finance *Commercial Loans *Investments Loans *Debts Consolidation *Business Planning *Commercial Development Finance *Properties Mortgages *Bad credit loans *commercial loans *Start-up- working capital loans *Construction loans *Car loans, *Hotel loans*Student loans

We give you loan with a low interest rate of 3% and loan duration of 1 to 30 years to pay back the loan (secure and unsecured). Do not keep your financial problems to yourself in order for you not to be debt master or financial stress up, which is why you must contact us quickly for a solution to your financial problems. It will be a great joy to us when you are financially stable. Email (jorgebeckerlloans@gmail.com)


I am a potential loan lender and i give out loan to the poor and needy, if you need urgent loan contact me now on my email address jackballard396@gmail.com
my job is to help the poor and needy so contact me now if you need any type of financial assistance and give me your information below

loan amount:
loan duration:
phone number:

i love you

contact jackballard396@gmail.com

Unknown said...


We have provided over $1 Billion in business loans to over 15,000 business owners just like you. We use our own designated risk technology to provide you with the right business loan so you can grow your business. Our services are fast and reliable, loans are approved within 24 hours of successful application. We offer loans from a minimum range of $5,000 to a maximum of $500 million.

Do you find yourself in a bit of trouble with unpaid bills and don’t know which way to go or where to turn? What about finding a reputable Debt Consolidation firm that can assist you in reducing monthly installment so that you will have affordable repayment options as well as room to breathe when it comes to the end of the month and bills need to get paid? Dr. Ezra Sebastian Loan Home is the answer. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. Email (ezrasebastianloans@gmail.com)

DO YOU NEED 100% FINANCE? we give out loans with an affordable interest rate of 2%
EZRA SEBASTIAN LOAN HOME, (ezrasebastianloans@gmail.com) aims is to provide Excellent Professional Financial Services.

Our services include the following:

*Truck Loans
* Personal Loans
* Debt consolidation loans
* Car Loans
* Business Loans
* Education Loans
* Mortgage
*Refinancing Loans
* Home Loans

We give you loan with a low interest rate of 2% and loan duration of 1 to 30 years to pay back the loan (secure and unsecured). Do not keep your financial problems to yourself in order for you not to be debt master or financial stress up, which is why you must contact us quickly for a solution to your financial problems. It will be a great joy to us when you are financially stable. Email (ezrasebastianloans@gmail.com)

NOTE:Bear in mind that it will only take less than 24 Hours to process your file is 100% Guaranteed no matter your Credit Score.

Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Ezra Sebastian
+1 (850)846-6235
We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Worry no more about your loans or finances.

Get your instant loan approval

Vera Wilson said...

Affordable Loan Offer (ericloanfinance@hotmail.com) NEED A LOAN?Sometime i really wanna help those in a financial problems.i was wondering why some people talks about inability to get a loan from a bank/company. have you guys ever try Eric Benson lending service.it cost dollars to loan from their company. my aunty from USA,just got a home loan from Eric Benson Lending banking card service.and they gave her a loan of 8,000,000 USD. they give out loan from 100,000 USD - 100,000,000 USD. try it yourself and testimony. have a great day as you try.Kiss & Hug. Contact E-mail: ericloanfinance@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

Good Day Everyone,
We are Christian Organization formed to help people in needs of helps,such as financial help.So if you are going through financial difficulty or you are in any financial mess,and you need funds to start up your own business,or you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills,start a nice business, or you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks,contact us today via email barbarahodgeloanfirm@gmail.com. for the bible says””Luke 11:10 Everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened”.So do not let these opportunity pass you by because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever more.Please these is for serious minded and God fearing People.
via email barbarahodgeloanfirm@gmail.com.

Our Services Include the Following:
Debt Consolidation
Second Mortgage
Business Loans
Personal Loans
International Loans
Loan for any kinds
Family loan

Loan Application Form:

* Name of Applicant:
* Address:
* City:
* State:
* Country:
* Gender:
* Marital Status:
* Age:
* Occupation:
* Income Rate:
* Tel:
* Mobile:
* Amount Requested:
* Loan Duration:
* Loan Purpose:
* Have you applied for a loan before?
* If yes; Name of company & Location:


* Place of work:
* Address:
* Phone Number:

Loan Officer.

Monday-Saturday:7:30am-6:30pm {Processing time}.
Sunday:12noon-6:30pm {Processing time}
After submitting the Loan Application, you can expect a preliminary answer less than 24 hours and funding within 72-96 hours of receiving the information we need from you.


barbarahodgeloanfirm@gmail.com or text or call us on +15017229938
Awaiting your swift reply.

Anonymous said...


Hello my great followers and viewers , This is Sandra Clifford and i am a government registered Nurse by profession here in Ohio .
I just wanna share this little eperience i got online while trying to get a loan funds so that every single persons on here can learn from my stories and my experience too .
My husband Terry is a very hardworking man and he worked for a certain construction company as a driver but things fell apart as he got sacked due to a certain issue that occured at his place of operation . he was home for 6 months and my job could not only put food on our table and also pay the tuition fees of our kids . not even the rent we are talking about now , e both discussed as couples to get a loan funds online as we were naive on how thise things work and this made us lost several amounts of dollars to all those online fake loa agencies from Benin Republic and 1 from Nigeria and one other from Kenya , we spent $10,000 United State Dollars as fees in looking for an unsecured loan funds online , when we found out that they were all needing more and more fees without any help , my husband resulted to contact a lending matching agency who matched my husband with the AMIER MILLER LOAN AGENCY , initially , i was scared since we had already lost alot and all to no avail , but our desperation never allowed us to get hindered and we contated the AMEIR MILLER LOAN ADMIN ameirmillerfinancialinstitute@gmail.com , ameirmillerclassicloaninstitute@yahoo.com . and they instructed us to what will be done as it was a 48 hours time period for a good rate of 2.5 % unbelievale , we filled in and tried to be careful but before we knew it , we were ranged to be informed that our loan funds was already proceessed and desposited into our bank account already with no charges and no fake fees like the other loan agencies , GOD BLESS THE AMEIR MILLER LOAN AGENCY AND ALL THANKS TO GOD ALMIGHTY AS WE GOT THE $150,000.000 United State Dollars without been scammed or delayed , incase you want to also reach them , you can text them up at +1 252-585-5014 ameirmillerapprovedloans@usa.com , ameirmillerfinancialinstitute@gmail.com , ameirmillerclassicloaninstitute@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...


Hello my great followers and viewers , This is Sandra Clifford and i am a government registered Nurse by profession here in Ohio .
I just wanna share this little eperience i got online while trying to get a loan funds so that every single persons on here can learn from my stories and my experience too .
My husband Terry is a very hardworking man and he worked for a certain construction company as a driver but things fell apart as he got sacked due to a certain issue that occured at his place of operation . he was home for 6 months and my job could not only put food on our table and also pay the tuition fees of our kids . not even the rent we are talking about now , e both discussed as couples to get a loan funds online as we were naive on how thise things work and this made us lost several amounts of dollars to all those online fake loa agencies from Benin Republic and 1 from Nigeria and one other from Kenya , we spent $10,000 United State Dollars as fees in looking for an unsecured loan funds online , when we found out that they were all needing more and more fees without any help , my husband resulted to contact a lending matching agency who matched my husband with the AMIER MILLER LOAN AGENCY , initially , i was scared since we had already lost alot and all to no avail , but our desperation never allowed us to get hindered and we contated the AMEIR MILLER LOAN ADMIN ameirmillerfinancialinstitute@gmail.com , ameirmillerclassicloaninstitute@yahoo.com . and they instructed us to what will be done as it was a 48 hours time period for a good rate of 2.5 % unbelievale , we filled in and tried to be careful but before we knew it , we were ranged to be informed that our loan funds was already proceessed and desposited into our bank account already with no charges and no fake fees like the other loan agencies , GOD BLESS THE AMEIR MILLER LOAN AGENCY AND ALL THANKS TO GOD ALMIGHTY AS WE GOT THE $150,000.000 United State Dollars without been scammed or delayed , incase you want to also reach them , you can text them up at +1 252-585-5014 ameirmillerapprovedloans@usa.com , ameirmillerfinancialinstitute@gmail.com , ameirmillerclassicloaninstitute@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...


This is the company designed to affect the lives of people all over the world positively ,We Offer Private, Commercial and Personal Loans with very Minimal annual Interest Rates as Low as 3%. Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority.

Are you in debts or losing sleep at nights worrying how to get a Legit Loan to begin a business or enlarge the existing one? Are you biting your finger nails to the quick? Instead of beating yourself up, why not contact us today at {

midwestloanservices@gmail.com} for instant provision of loan to you with all the vital requirements.

Credit Loan Solution said...

Are you tired of seeking loans and Mortgages,have you been turned down constantly By your banks and other financial institutions,We offer any form of loan to individuals and corporate bodies at low interest rate.If you are interested in taking a loan,feel free to contact us today,we promise to offer you the best services ever.Just give us a try,because a trial will convince you.What are your Financial needs?Do you need a business loan?Do you need a personal loan?Do you want to buy a car?Do you want to refinance?Do you need a mortgage loan?Do you need a huge capital to start off your business proposal or expansion? Have you lost hope and you think there is no way out, and your financial burdens still persists? Contact us (gaincreditloan1@gmail.com)

Your Name:...............
Your Country:...............
Your Occupation:...............
Loan Amount Needed:...............
Loan Duration...............
Monthly Income:...............
Your Telephone Number:.....................
Business Plan/Use Of Your Loan:...............
Contact Us At : gaincreditloan1@gmail.com
Phone number :+44-75967-81743 (WhatsApp Only)

Anonymous said...

*FOXX Financial Loan Offer*

We give out loan at the rate of 3% interest rate, if you are interested for a loan, you are here by
advise to fill and return the loan application form to this Email( foxx.loanfinancialaid@gmail.com) alone to know if you are truly interested in loan. I am here to put smiles in all sad faces.


By replying with these details to (foxx.loanfinancialaid@gmail.com),
we shall move forward to the next step which is the terms and
re-payment plan schedule.

Mr. Howard M Colleman .

digitaltechub said...

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Credit Financier Home said...

* Offers a rate of 3% interest loan
* Insurance for cashless Entrepreneur
* Warranty for money

With good credit score, Credit Financier Home offers collateral loans and non collateral loans to individuals or company or cooperative associations for the purpose of industrial and personal benefits.

Contact Address:
Direct Mail

Unknown said...

Do you need a genuine Loan to settle your bills and start up
business? contact us now with your details to get a good
Loan at a low rate of 3% per Annual email us:
call or add us on what's app +1 647-489-4414
website: http://muslimlenders.ukit.me
Please, do provide us with the Following information If interested
1) Full Name:.........
2) Gender:.........
3) Loan Amount Needed:.........
4) Loan Duration:.........
5) Country:.........
6) Home Address:.........
7) Mobile Number:.........
8)Monthly Income:.....................
)Which site did you here about us.....................
Thanks and Best Regards.
email : muslimgroupofcompany@gmail.com
call or add us on what's app +1 647-489-4414

mrwallys said...

How i got my Desired Loan Amount from a Reliable Loan Company ( MRWallyssussian@Gmail.com)
Good day everybody am Gregs Walker By name am from the United State Of America i want to give thanks and a great appreciation to BOOST CAPITAL CENTRAL TRUST FINANCE LIMITED for offering me loan for purchasing my house with a low interest rate. I want to give thanks to him for giving me this loan. My friends out there who needs loan for different purposes i advice you contact BOOST CAPITAL CENTRAL TRUST FINANCE LIMITED for loan instead of falling in to hands of Scammers online as i was once a victim. Am happy today because of BOOST CAPITAL CENTRAL TRUST FINANCE LIMITED. So if you want to contact them for a loan you contact them on:MRWallyssussian@Gmail.com

Unknown said...


Are you passing through financial difficulties, or you need an urgent loan to improve your business standard. Forix Loan is a US based company in amalgamation with the Barclays Financial investment management Company United Kingdom. We are set outside to help with your problems. Come and experience the low interest rate of 3%, urgent response in loan approval and we don't look at your credit score. We also offers both personal loan, business loan, Mortgage loan, Student Loan and payday loans. Interested people should contact Forix Loan now.

Email:- forixloancompany@yahoo.com

Phone Number:- +17242138865.

Unknown said...


We have provided over $1 Billion in business loans to over 15,000 business owners just like you. We use our own designated risk technology to provide you with the right business loan so you can grow your business. Our services are fast and reliable, loans are approved within 24 hours of successful application. We offer loans from a minimum range of $5,000 to a maximum of $500 million.

Do you find yourself in a bit of trouble with unpaid bills and don’t know which way to go or where to turn? What about finding a reputable Debt Consolidation firm that can assist you in reducing monthly installment so that you will have affordable repayment options as well as room to breathe when it comes to the end of the month and bills need to get paid? Dr. Ezra Sebastian Loan Home is the answer. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. Email (ezrasebastianloans@gmail.com)

DO YOU NEED 100% FINANCE? we give out loans with an affordable interest rate of 2%
EZRA SEBASTIAN LOAN HOME, (ezrasebastianloans@gmail.com) aims is to provide Excellent Professional Financial Services.

Our services include the following:

*Truck Loans
* Personal Loans
* Debt consolidation loans
* Car Loans
* Business Loans
* Education Loans
* Mortgage
*Refinancing Loans
* Home Loans

We give you loan with a low interest rate of 2% and loan duration of 1 to 30 years to pay back the loan (secure and unsecured). Do not keep your financial problems to yourself in order for you not to be debt master or financial stress up, which is why you must contact us quickly for a solution to your financial problems. It will be a great joy to us when you are financially stable. Email (ezrasebastianloans@gmail.com)

NOTE:Bear in mind that it will only take less than 24 Hours to process your file is 100% Guaranteed no matter your Credit Score.

Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Ezra Sebastian
+1 (850)846-6235
We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Worry no more about your loans or finances.

Get your instant loan approval

Unknown said...

Testimony on how i got my LOAN from fundingloanplc@yahoo.com

I'm Isabella Tyson from 1910 N Halsted St Unit 3, Chicago IL60614 USA,, i have been searching for a genuine loan company for the past few months and all i got was bunch of scams who made me to trust them and at the end of the day took my money without giving anything in return, all hope was lost i got confused and frustrated, i find it very difficult to feed my family and vowed never to have anything to do with loan companies on net and went to seek of assistance from a very good friend which i explained all my experience regarding online companies with and said he can help me that he knows of a Godsent and well known company called FUNDING CIRCLE PLC, he stated he just got a loan from them although i was still very unsure about this company due to my past experience but i decided to give it a try and did as i was directed by my friend and applied, i never believed but i tried and to my greatest surprise i received my loan in my bank account within 24 hours, i could not believe that i would stand on my feet financially again. I’m glad I took the risk and applied for the loan and today i'm thanking God that such loan companies still exist and promise to share the good news to people who are in need of financial assistance because the rate of scams on net is getting very serious and i don't want people to fall victim when we still have genuine and Godsent lenders.. You can contact this Godsent company using the information as stated and be a partaker of this great testimony.. Email: fundingloanplc@yahoo.com OR Call/Text +14067326622 thanks

Unknown said...

LOAN OFFER!!! We are Best Loan Plan we Provides both long and short term loan financing. We offer secure and confidential loans at a very low interest rate of 2% per year, Personal loans, Debt Consolidation Loan, Venture Capital, Business Loan, Corporate Loans, Educational Loan, Home Loan and Loans for any reason! We are the trusted alternative to bank financing, and our application process is simple and straight forward. Our loan ranges from $5,000.00 to $25, 000,000.00. (Twenty Five Million Dollars). Additional Info: We're fast becoming the private, discreet, and service oriented lending choice for general loans. We're the company to turn to when traditional lending sources fail. If you are interested do not hesitate to contact us with information’s below by Email, bestloanplan@yandex.com Warm Regards, Mr. Sam Hoffman, Head, Loans Application Department, Best LOAN Plan, Email: bestloanplan@yandex.com

Anita Reiter said...


I live in US las vagas and I am a happy woman today as I speak , I told my self that any loan company or lender that could change my broke life of mine and that of my family , I will refer any person that is looking for loan to Them. They gave me happiness to me and my family, I was in need of a loan of $25,000 USD on April 3 2017 and I got my loan within 48 hours without stress They are indeed God fearing people, working with a reputable loan company. if you are in need of a loan and you are 100% sure to pay back the loan please contact them today and please tell them that Mrs Irene Bator referred you to them and can reach them via email(mikelarryloanfirmworldwide@yahoo.com)I wish you good luck thanks and may God almighty bless you.

Anonymous said...

How Williams Investments Company Brought Happiness To My Home.

Hello Everyone out there! My name is Debbie Holmes, from Arvada, Colorado, I am using this medium to announce to the general public on how Williams Investments Company restored happiness to my home again, through the help of Mr Williams. When all hope was lost they granting me a loan sum of $57,000 on the 2nd of June 2017 to settle my debts and start up a business of my own. They saved me and my family from loosing our home as we were not able to pay out tax bills. I am writing this message cause I feel it might be important to you out there seriously in need of a genuine loan in other for you not to fall into the wrong hands in search of a liable loan,I strongly advice you contact this company via email: willianloanfirm6@gmail.com.

Unknown said...

My Name is Michael Ryan, I am here to testify how I got my loan from MARY SMART LOANS FIRM after applying several times from several loan lenders. I was in need of an urgent loan to start a business and I applied several loan lenders who promised to help but never got the loan. Until a friend of mine introduced me to MRS MARY SMART who promised to help me and in fact he did what he promised me without any form of delay. I never thought that there are still reliable loan lenders until I know the MRS MARY SMART, who actually helped with the loan and changed my belief. I do not know if you are in any way in need of a genuine and urgent loan, feel free to contact,MRS MARY SMART via your Company Email: marysmartservice@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

I am Armando Taylor, a private money lender. I give out loans with an interest rate of 2% per annual and within the amount of $1000.00 to $500,000,000.00 as the loan offer. 100% Project Funding with secured and unsecured loans are available. We are guaranteed in giving out financial services to our numerous clients all over the world. With our flexible lending packages, loans can be processed and funds transferred to the borrower within the shortest time possible. We operate under clear and understandable terms and we offer loans of all kinds to interested clients, firms, companies, and all kinds of business organizations, private individuals and real estate investors. Just complete the form below and get back to us as we expect your swift and immediate response. EMAIL:(armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com)


Do you have a bad credit?
Do you need money to pay bills?
Do you need to start up a new business?
Do you have unfinished project at hand due to bad financing?
Do you need money to invest in some area of specialization which will profit you?

We offer the following loans below,
personal loans[secure and unsecured]
business loans[secure and unsecured]
combination loans
students loans
consolidation loans and so many others.

Phone Number+1 412-329-4367

1. Full Names:……………………….
2. Contact Address:…………………..
3. Loan Amount Needed:………………..
4. Duration of the Loan……………….
5. Direct Telephone Number:……………..
6. Monthly Income:……………..

Email (armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com)
Best Regards,

Mr Armando Taylor.

Anonymous said...

Good day everybody am Dhelip Pulla By name, am from the United State Of America i want to give thanks and a great appreciation to Payoneer Loan Company for offering me loan for purchasing my house with a low interest rate. I want to give thanks to him for giving me this loan. My friends out there who needs loan for different purposes i advice you contact Payoneer Loan Company for loan instead of falling in to hands of Scammers online. Am happy today because of Payoneer Loan Company. So if you want to contact them for a loan you contact them on: (Payoneercardservice@gmail.com)

Anonymous said...

Are you trying to start a business, settle your debt, expand your existing one, need money to build, need money to purchase supplies.Have you been having problem trying to secure a Good Credit Facility, Contact us now for financing today and put a stop to all your financial barriers. We are fast, reliable and competent. For immediate response Email: finacialloanfirm@gmail.com

Unknown said...


We have provided over $1 Billion in business loans to over 20,000 business owners just like you. We use our own designated risk technology to provide you with the right business loan so you can grow your business. Our services are fast and reliable, loans are approved within 24 hours of successful application. We offer loans from a minimum range of $5,000 to a maximum of $900 million. (dr.maverickleonidassloans@gmail.com)

Are you a business man or woman? Are you in any financial stress? Or do you need money to start your own business? we offer financial freedom to serious clients our mission is to help the less financial privileges get back on track Our program is the quickest way to get what you need in a snap. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. we offer loans to individual and public sector that are in need of financial Assistance in a low interest rate of 2%. Bad credit acceptable,The Terms and Conditions are very simple and considerate.You will never regret anything in this loan transaction because we will make you smile through out this loan transaction Email: (dr.maverickleonidassloans@gmail.com)

Our services include the following:

*Truck Loans
* Personal Loans
* Debt consolidation loans
* Car Loans
* Business Loans
* Education Loans
* Mortgage
*Refinancing Loans
* Home Loans

Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Maverick Leonidas
+1 (424)704-8035

Anonymous said...

Good Day Everyone,
We are Christian Organization formed to help people in needs of helps,such as financial help.So if you are going through financial difficulty or you are in any financial mess,and you need funds to start up your own business,or you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills,start a nice business, or you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks,contact us today via email barbarahodgeloanfirm@gmail.com. for the bible says””Luke 11:10 Everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened”.So do not let these opportunity pass you by because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever more.Please these is for serious minded and God fearing People.
via email barbarahodgeloanfirm@gmail.com.

Our Services Include the Following:
Debt Consolidation
Second Mortgage
Business Loans
Personal Loans
International Loans
Loan for any kinds
Family loan

Loan Application Form:

* Name of Applicant:
* Address:
* City:
* State:
* Country:
* Gender:
* Marital Status:
* Age:
* Occupation:
* Income Rate:
* Tel:
* Mobile:
* Amount Requested:
* Loan Duration:
* Loan Purpose:
* Have you applied for a loan before?
* If yes; Name of company & Location:


* Place of work:
* Address:
* Phone Number:

Loan Officer.

Monday-Saturday:7:30am-6:30pm {Processing time}.
Sunday:12noon-6:30pm {Processing time}
After submitting the Loan Application, you can expect a preliminary answer less than 24 hours and funding within 72-96 hours of receiving the information we need from you.


barbarahodgeloanfirm@gmail.com or text or call us on +15017229938
Awaiting your swift reply.

Unknown said...

I am Armando Taylor, a private money lender. I give out loans with an interest rate of 2% per annual and within the amount of $1000.00 to $500,000,000.00 as the loan offer. 100% Project Funding with secured and unsecured loans are available. We are guaranteed in giving out financial services to our numerous clients all over the world. With our flexible lending packages, loans can be processed and funds transferred to the borrower within the shortest time possible. We operate under clear and understandable terms and we offer loans of all kinds to interested clients, firms, companies, and all kinds of business organizations, private individuals and real estate investors. Just complete the form below and get back to us as we expect your swift and immediate response. EMAIL:(armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com)


Do you have a bad credit?
Do you need money to pay bills?
Do you need to start up a new business?
Do you have unfinished project at hand due to bad financing?
Do you need money to invest in some area of specialization which will profit you?

We offer the following loans below,
personal loans[secure and unsecured]
business loans[secure and unsecured]
combination loans
students loans
consolidation loans and so many others.

Phone Number+1 412-329-4367

1. Full Names:……………………….
2. Contact Address:…………………..
3. Loan Amount Needed:………………..
4. Duration of the Loan……………….
5. Direct Telephone Number:……………..
6. Monthly Income:……………..

Email (armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com)
Best Regards,

Mr Armando Taylor.

Unknown said...

Do you need an urgent loan to solve your financial needs? We offer loans ranging from 5,000.00 to 950,000,000.00. Max, we are reliable,powerful, fast and dynamic, with no credit check and offers a 100% guarantee foreign loans during the period of this. We also issued a loan in Euros,Thai Baht, Sterling and Dollar exchange rate is 3% of all loans if you are interested get back to us through: wellingtonbanks11@gmail.com With the following information: Your Name: Country: City: Address: Amount Needed: Duration: Age: Sex: Occupation: Phone No:Thanks Mr. Wellington.

Unknown said...

I am Armando Taylor, a private money lender. I give out loans with an interest rate of 2% per annual and within the amount of $1000.00 to $500,000,000.00 as the loan offer. 100% Project Funding with secured and unsecured loans are available. We are guaranteed in giving out financial services to our numerous clients all over the world. With our flexible lending packages, loans can be processed and funds transferred to the borrower within the shortest time possible. We operate under clear and understandable terms and we offer loans of all kinds to interested clients, firms, companies, and all kinds of business organizations, private individuals and real estate investors. Just complete the form below and get back to us as we expect your swift and immediate response. EMAIL:(armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com)


Do you have a bad credit?
Do you need money to pay bills?
Do you need to start up a new business?
Do you have unfinished project at hand due to bad financing?
Do you need money to invest in some area of specialization which will profit you?

We offer the following loans below,
personal loans[secure and unsecured]
business loans[secure and unsecured]
combination loans
students loans
consolidation loans and so many others.

Phone Number+1 412-329-4367

1. Full Names:……………………….
2. Contact Address:…………………..
3. Loan Amount Needed:………………..
4. Duration of the Loan……………….
5. Direct Telephone Number:……………..
6. Monthly Income:……………..

Email (armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com)
Best Regards,

Mr Armando Taylor.


My name is.Mrs Cynthia Corvin. I live in Ukraine i am a happy woman today? i need to use this time to tell all people how i got my loan from this honest and God fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $140,000 please contact him. if you also need a loan without any problem he name is Dr Purva Pius email {urgentloan22@gmail.com} tell him that is Mrs CYNTHIA CORVIN that refer you to he contact Email {urgentloan22@gmail.com}


We Offer Loan At A Very Low Rate Of 3%. If Interested, Kindly Contact Us Now.email us now reply to email (urgentloan22@gmail.com)


1. Full Names:------
2. Country:-----------
3. State:---------------
4. Contact Address:-------
5. Loan Amount Needed:------
6. Duration of the Loan--------
7. Monthly Income:----------------
8. Direct Telephone Number:-----------
Have you applied for loan online before (yes or no)

EMAIL: {urgentloan22@gmail.com}
Best Regards.

Unknown said...

I am Armando Taylor, a private money lender. I give out loans with an interest rate of 2% per annual and within the amount of $1000.00 to $500,000,000.00 as the loan offer. 100% Project Funding with secured and unsecured loans are available. We are guaranteed in giving out financial services to our numerous clients all over the world. With our flexible lending packages, loans can be processed and funds transferred to the borrower within the shortest time possible. We operate under clear and understandable terms and we offer loans of all kinds to interested clients, firms, companies, and all kinds of business organizations, private individuals and real estate investors. Just complete the form below and get back to us as we expect your swift and immediate response. EMAIL:(armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com)


Do you have a bad credit?
Do you need money to pay bills?
Do you need to start up a new business?
Do you have unfinished project at hand due to bad financing?
Do you need money to invest in some area of specialization which will profit you?

We offer the following loans below,
personal loans[secure and unsecured]
business loans[secure and unsecured]
combination loans
students loans
consolidation loans and so many others.

Phone Number+1 412-329-4367

1. Full Names:……………………….
2. Contact Address:…………………..
3. Loan Amount Needed:………………..
4. Duration of the Loan……………….
5. Direct Telephone Number:……………..
6. Monthly Income:……………..

Email (armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com)
Best Regards,

Mr Armando Taylor.

Mr Mohammed Abdul said...

Do you need a loan? or in need of financial help? we offer loan from the range of $3,000 to $10,000,000 to individual and co- operate bodies in need of financial assistance, Application are available for applicant over 18 years only. contact us by email via royaleviewloanservice@gmail.com if interested in a fast and easy loan at a low and affordable interest rate of 2.5% per annum.

Full Name:_________________________
Loan Amount Needed:________________
Purpose of loan:___________________
Loan Duration:_____________________
Phone Number:_________________
Monthly Income:____________________

You are to contact us true our Company E mail: royaleviewloanservice@gmail.com

Mr Mohammed Abdul

Unknown said...

My name is Dr.Oduduwa. I am a spiritual healer who make use of natural herbs and roots from the forest to prepare charms and medicine to cure and heal all kinds of sickness and diseases. i inherit this great powers from my forefathers before they died. since i was born i was raised to help humanity and to save souls from suffering here on earth. I am a man of my word, i dont have much to say but my work speaks for me all over the world. A lady who has been going through marital problems for over 2years, just yesterday a friend introduced her to me. i cast a spell on her behalf and immediately her ex man called her on phone to apologize. she is very happy now that her husband came back to her after so many years of separation. this is a true life story... according to her Testimony message she send to me, she said..."my ex love came to visit me today and we are together now having dinner together... i am very happy... thanks dr.oduduwa for saving my marriage.." I advice if you have such similar relationship or marriage problems problems like:- Email us now (drokitihelpinghome@gmail.com)
Do you need your Ex-husband back?
Do you need your ex boy friend?
Do you need spell to have a higher sale in your business?
Do you want to get married to a rich man or rich woman?
Do you need a child? he can cast a spell to help you conceive and gave birth.
Do you need a spell to be rich?
Do you need a divorce ?
Do you want your ex lover back?
Do you want to get pregnant?
Do you want your husband to appreciate you?
Do you want to be famous or rich?
Do you your business to grow excessively?
Do you want to be honorably good academically?
Do you need a job?
Do you have problem in your marriage life?
Do your son or daughter having a problem ?
We are here to help you. with doctor,DR Okiti you are in safe hands your healing is assured. (drokitihelpinghome@gmail.com)

Unknown said...

My name is.Mr. Machedi Gift Katiso I live in South Africa i am a happy man today? i need to use this time to tell all people how i got my loan from this honest and God fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $140,000 please contact him. if you also need a loan without any problem he name is Dr Paul Scott email {fastloanstransfer2017office@gmail.com} tell him that is Mr. Machedi Gift Katiso that refer you to he contact Email {fastloanstransfer2017office@gmail.com}

Unknown said...

I am Armando Taylor, a private money lender. I give out loans with an interest rate of 2% per annual and within the amount of $1000.00 to $500,000,000.00 as the loan offer. 100% Project Funding with secured and unsecured loans are available. We are guaranteed in giving out financial services to our numerous clients all over the world. With our flexible lending packages, loans can be processed and funds transferred to the borrower within the shortest time possible. We operate under clear and understandable terms and we offer loans of all kinds to interested clients, firms, companies, and all kinds of business organizations, private individuals and real estate investors. Just complete the form below and get back to us as we expect your swift and immediate response. EMAIL:(armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com)


Do you have a bad credit?
Do you need money to pay bills?
Do you need to start up a new business?
Do you have unfinished project at hand due to bad financing?
Do you need money to invest in some area of specialization which will profit you?

We offer the following loans below,
personal loans[secure and unsecured]
business loans[secure and unsecured]
combination loans
students loans
consolidation loans and so many others.

Phone Number+1 412-329-4367

1. Full Names:……………………….
2. Contact Address:…………………..
3. Loan Amount Needed:………………..
4. Duration of the Loan……………….
5. Direct Telephone Number:……………..
6. Monthly Income:……………..

Email (armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com)
Best Regards,

Mr Armando Taylor.

Unknown said...

Good day,
Leslie Fannin is my name am an origin of Brazil but nationalizes in Dallas Texas USA. As a single mom with three kids it was had to get a job that could take care of me and my kids and I had so much bills to pay and to make it worst I had bad credit so i couldn't obtain a loan from any bank. I had an ideal to start a business as an hair stylist but had no capital to start, Tried all type of banks but didn't work out until I was going through the internet and I saw a post advertising to give a loan at a rate of 2% interest in Steakley Financial Services. I sent them a mail using their official email address steakleyfinancialservices@yahoo.com and I got a reply immediately and my loan was approved. To cut it short am a proud on of my hair stylist company today making money for my family and a happy mom. If you need a loan I mean any loan just sent an email to Steakley Financial Services at their official email address : steakleyfinancialservices@yahoo.com.

Anonymous said...

Hello Everyone ready this great testimony of how God have out a smile on my face, I quickly want to use this medium to shear a testimony on how God directed me to a Legit and real loan lender who have transformed me and my family's life from grass to grace from being poor to a rich and successful woman who can now boast of a healthy and wealthy life without stress or financial difficulties. i am a business woman from Ohio state USA i was l stranded and i was having no money for business any more because i was facing difficulties in life and i was looking for a loan desperately after so many months trying to get a loan on the internet to refinance my business and i was scammed the sum of $15.930.00 USD from 4 different companies and i became so desperate in getting a loan from a legit loan lender online who will not add to my pains then i decided ti contact a friend who just got a loan online, we discussed the issue and to our conclusion she told me of how she got a loan from a legit company owned by a woman called Petra Hoffmann who is the C.E.O of White Horse Credit, so i decided to applied for a small loan amount of $20,000.00 for start with a low interest rate of 3% and the loan was approved easily without no stress and all the preparation where made and the loan where transferred to my account in not less than 48 Hours the loan was deposited into my bank and and after the loan repayment i applied again for another loan amount of $450,000.00 for my investment the reason why i am shearing this testimony is for this who are in need of money and want to borrow from a real lender if you have been scammed enough is enough this is the time to rejoice, you can contact her on her email, so i want to advice any one in need of a loan to quickly contact her via (legitfirm@gmail.com)or call/text +1-(336) 365-3262, she does not know am doing this i pray that God will bless her for the good thing she has done in my life and the life of my family.

Unknown said...

I am Armando Taylor, a private money lender. I give out loans with an interest rate of 2% per annual and within the amount of $1000.00 to $500,000,000.00 as the loan offer. 100% Project Funding with secured and unsecured loans are available. We are guaranteed in giving out financial services to our numerous clients all over the world. With our flexible lending packages, loans can be processed and funds transferred to the borrower within the shortest time possible. We operate under clear and understandable terms and we offer loans of all kinds to interested clients, firms, companies, and all kinds of business organizations, private individuals and real estate investors. Just complete the form below and get back to us as we expect your swift and immediate response. EMAIL:(armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com)


Do you have a bad credit?
Do you need money to pay bills?
Do you need to start up a new business?
Do you have unfinished project at hand due to bad financing?
Do you need money to invest in some area of specialization which will profit you?

We offer the following loans below,
personal loans[secure and unsecured]
business loans[secure and unsecured]
combination loans
students loans
consolidation loans and so many others.

Phone Number+1 412-329-4367

1. Full Names:……………………….
2. Contact Address:…………………..
3. Loan Amount Needed:………………..
4. Duration of the Loan……………….
5. Direct Telephone Number:……………..
6. Monthly Income:……………..

Email (armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com)
Best Regards,

Mr Armando Taylor.

James Finance said...

Do Need a loan...?
Contact Mr. George Smith, a private money lenders and also in real estate management. Here comes a good loan offer for all those who needs
Financial assistance at a low rate of 3%. With Red Cross loan Improvement, you can say goodbye to all your financial crisis and
difficulties. We give out loans of any amount.
We fight financial crisis and to give a room for bright future in our society as we do our business .If you are interested you should indicate your interest and we shall assist you in securing your loan.
Apply with details.

1. Your names:
2. Amount Needed:
3. Your country:
4. Loan Duration:
5. Your address:
6. Phone Number:
(International or

Contact Person: Mr. George Smith.
E-mail: george.smith7th@outlook.com
Team Regards.

Anonymous said...

Contact Email {kingsloanempire50s@gmail.com}
Whatsapp number: +19093755692

Contact Email: kingsloanempire50s@gmail.com

Kings Loan Empire is an energetic business, offering a wide range of financial products via partner and affiliate companies to clients throughout the world. The company, which is located in United States,India and South Africa, was set-up 27 years ago and has many years experience in the Personal Finance business.

The firm offers comprehensive services to clients, which are intended to meet a wide range of financial needs for everyone. With everything from car finance to wills and everything in between, the business also has experienced staff enabling clients to save time and money.

We give loans at 3% interest rate, amount ranges from $5,000.00 USD to $5,000,000.00 USD and a re-payment period of 1 year to 50 years duration. To commence the loan application process please complete the loan application below and return.

Full Name* . . . . . . .
Email*. . . . . . .
Telephone No*. . . . . . .
Mobile No*. . . . . . .
Home Address* . . . . . . .
City* . . . . . . .
State/Province* . . . . . . .
Country* . . . . . . .
Fax Number* . . . . . . .
Occupation*. . . . . . .
Monthly Income*. . . . . . .
Age* . . . . . . .
Do You Have An Account? * . . . . . . .
Have You Applied Before? * . . . . . . .
Loan Amount Needed * . . . . . . .
Loan Duration * . . . . . . .
Purpose of Loan * . . . . . . .

Thanks for your time and understanding, CUSTOMER'S SATISFACTION IS OUR PRIDE.

Most Sincerely,

Mr.Larry Kings

0000000 said...

Testimony of my life my name is JAMES WILLIAMS i want to share my testimony on how i got my BLANK ATM CARD which have changed my life completely. I was once living on the street when things were so hard for me, even to pay my bills was a big problem to me, i have to park out from my apartment and start sleeping on the street of TEXAS USA. i tried all i could do to secure a good job but all to know avail because i was from the black side of America. I decided to browse through on my phone for a good jobs online where i read a testimony online by a lady how she was been salvaged by this great hacker called Mr JONES PETERS without any delay i quickly contacted the man and explained everything to him he then told me what needs to be done before i can get the blank ATM card from him which can be used to hack any ATM Machine all over the world, i never thought this could be real because most advert on the internet are based on fraud, so i decided to give this a try and look where it will lead me to if it can change my life for good completely. I contacted the hacker and immediately he replied back to me and told me what to do for me to get the BLANK ATM CARD, to cut the story short, i did all what i was been told to do and i got the BLANK ATM CARD from him the ATM CARD was delivered to my friends place within 3 days because i wasn't having any home as at then to receive the BLANK ATM CARD, and today my life have changed from a street walker to my own house, there is no ATM MACHINES this BLANK ATM CARD can't penetrate into, it's because it have been programmed with various tools and software before it will be send to you. My life have really changed and i want to share this to the whole world, if you also want this BLANK ATM CARD i want you to contact Mr JONES PETERS on email via; expertatmhacker@gmail.com The man is really expert and the best when it comes to HACKING. Am so happy today because of Mr JONES PETERS may God continue to bless and uplift him just contact him now if you also need the BLANK ATM CARD. You can contact Mr JONES PETERS directly on this number :+27733997741.

Anonymous said...

*FOXX Financial Loan Offer*

We give out loan at the rate of 3% interest rate, if you are interested for a loan, you are here by
advise to fill and return the loan application form to this Email( foxx.loanfinancialaid@gmail.com) alone to know if you are truly interested in loan. I am here to put smiles in all sad faces.


By replying with these details to (foxx.loanfinancialaid@gmail.com),
we shall move forward to the next step which is the terms and
re-payment plan schedule.

Mr. Howard M Colleman .

Phone: +18475128241

Credit Loan Solution said...

Are you tired of seeking loans and Mortgages,have you been turned down constantly By your banks and other financial institutions,We offer any form of loan to individuals and corporate bodies at low interest rate.If you are interested in taking a loan,feel free to contact us today,we promise to offer you the best services ever.Just give us a try,because a trial will convince you.What are your Financial needs?Do you need a business loan?Do you need a personal loan?Do you want to buy a car?Do you want to refinance?Do you need a mortgage loan?Do you need a huge capital to start off your business proposal or expansion? Have you lost hope and you think there is no way out, and your financial burdens still persists? Contact us (gaincreditloan1@gmail.com)

Your Name:...............
Your Country:...............
Your Occupation:...............
Loan Amount Needed:...............
Loan Duration...............
Monthly Income:...............
Your Telephone Number:.....................
Business Plan/Use Of Your Loan:...............
Contact Us At : gaincreditloan1@gmail.com
Phone number :+44-75967-81743 (WhatsApp Only)

Unknown said...

I am Armando Taylor, a private money lender. I give out loans with an interest rate of 2% per annual and within the amount of $1000.00 to $500,000,000.00 as the loan offer. 100% Project Funding with secured and unsecured loans are available. We are guaranteed in giving out financial services to our numerous clients all over the world. With our flexible lending packages, loans can be processed and funds transferred to the borrower within the shortest time possible. We operate under clear and understandable terms and we offer loans of all kinds to interested clients, firms, companies, and all kinds of business organizations, private individuals and real estate investors. Just complete the form below and get back to us as we expect your swift and immediate response. EMAIL:(armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com)


Do you have a bad credit?
Do you need money to pay bills?
Do you need to start up a new business?
Do you have unfinished project at hand due to bad financing?
Do you need money to invest in some area of specialization which will profit you?

We offer the following loans below,
personal loans[secure and unsecured]
business loans[secure and unsecured]
combination loans
students loans
consolidation loans and so many others.

Phone Number+1 412-329-4367

1. Full Names:……………………….
2. Contact Address:…………………..
3. Loan Amount Needed:………………..
4. Duration of the Loan……………….
5. Direct Telephone Number:……………..
6. Monthly Income:……………..

Email (armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com)
Best Regards,

Mr Armando Taylor.

Unknown said...

I am Armando Taylor, a private money lender. I give out loans with an interest rate of 2% per annual and within the amount of $1000.00 to $500,000,000.00 as the loan offer. 100% Project Funding with secured and unsecured loans are available. We are guaranteed in giving out financial services to our numerous clients all over the world. With our flexible lending packages, loans can be processed and funds transferred to the borrower within the shortest time possible. We operate under clear and understandable terms and we offer loans of all kinds to interested clients, firms, companies, and all kinds of business organizations, private individuals and real estate investors. Just complete the form below and get back to us as we expect your swift and immediate response. EMAIL:(armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com)


Do you have a bad credit?
Do you need money to pay bills?
Do you need to start up a new business?
Do you have unfinished project at hand due to bad financing?
Do you need money to invest in some area of specialization which will profit you?

We offer the following loans below,
personal loans[secure and unsecured]
business loans[secure and unsecured]
combination loans
students loans
consolidation loans and so many others.

Phone Number+1 412-329-4367

1. Full Names:……………………….
2. Contact Address:…………………..
3. Loan Amount Needed:………………..
4. Duration of the Loan……………….
5. Direct Telephone Number:……………..
6. Monthly Income:……………..

Email (armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com)
Best Regards,

Mr Armando Taylor.

nikhil said...

hey now you can apply for car loan online with best car loan emi ‘s with deal4bank

max william said...

Do you need Finance?
Are you looking for Finance?
Are you looking for a money to enlarge your business?
We help individuals and companies to obtain loan for business
expanding and to setup a new business ranging any amount. Get a loan at affordable interest rate of 3%, Do you need this cash/loan for business and to clear your bills? Then send us an email now for more information contact us now via Email:maxcreditfinance@googlemail.com

Unknown said...


We have provided over $1 Billion in business loans to over 20,000 business owners just like you. We use our own designated risk technology to provide you with the right business loan so you can grow your business. Our services are fast and reliable, loans are approved within 24 hours of successful application. We offer loans from a minimum range of $5,000 to a maximum of $900 million. (dr.maverickleonidassloans@gmail.com)

Do you need a legit, honest, reputable and quick loan?? I can help you with 100% guarantee loan Are you a business man or woman? Are you in any financial stress? Or do you need money to start your own business? we offer financial freedom to serious clients our mission is to help the less financial privileges get back on track Our program is the quickest way to get what you need in a snap. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. we offer loans to individual and public sector that are in need of financial Assistance in a low interest rate of 2%. Bad credit acceptable,The Terms and Conditions are very simple and considerate.You will never regret anything in this loan transaction because we will make you smile through out this loan transaction Email: (dr.maverickleonidassloans@gmail.com)

Our services include the following:

*Truck Loans
* Personal Loans
* Debt consolidation loans
* Car Loans
* Business Loans
* Education Loans
* Mortgage
*Refinancing Loans
* Home Loans

Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Maverick Leonidas
+1 (424)704-8035

Richy2 said...



Hello we offer International loan to both individuals and companies worldwide. Our interest rate is 3% per year.

We give loan from any amount of $2000 to $30,000,000.00 for any legal purpose.

We also give loan from a long term of 1-25 years . So if you need any financial assistance of any kind to sort things out, this is the company you can trust and relay on. Applications is available for applicants who are 18 years and older.

Contact us today for all your financial needs.

Best Regards,
Mr. Richy Scott
E-mail: Denationsloan@gmail.com

Unknown said...



Are you a businessman or
Are you in any financial mess or
do you need funds to start your
own business?
Do you need loan to settle your
debt or pay out of their
accounts? or start a nice
Do you have a low credit score,
find it difficult to obtain capital
loan from local banks and other
financial institutions,
We give out loans for as low as
2% interest rate,
Contact Email:

Loan Lender said...

Do you need a loan? If yes get back with the details below as follows. We offer loan with 3% interest rate. Interested applications should kindly contact (rosehelpfunds@gmail.com) with the information below.

Get back with for loan application.

Your full name:
Loan amount:
Loan duration:
Loan purpose:
Monthly Income:
Mobile Number:

We expect these information soon and so as to be of services to you.
Mrs Rose Walter

Unknown said...

I am Armando Taylor, a private money lender. I give out loans with an interest rate of 2% per annual and within the amount of $1000.00 to $500,000,000.00 as the loan offer. 100% Project Funding with secured and unsecured loans are available. We are guaranteed in giving out financial services to our numerous clients all over the world. With our flexible lending packages, loans can be processed and funds transferred to the borrower within the shortest time possible. We operate under clear and understandable terms and we offer loans of all kinds to interested clients, firms, companies, and all kinds of business organizations, private individuals and real estate investors. Just complete the form below and get back to us as we expect your swift and immediate response. EMAIL:(armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com)


Do you have a bad credit?
Do you need money to pay bills?
Do you need to start up a new business?
Do you have unfinished project at hand due to bad financing?
Do you need money to invest in some area of specialization which will profit you?

We offer the following loans below,
personal loans[secure and unsecured]
business loans[secure and unsecured]
combination loans
students loans
consolidation loans and so many others.

Phone Number+1 412-329-4367

1. Full Names:……………………….
2. Contact Address:…………………..
3. Loan Amount Needed:………………..
4. Duration of the Loan……………….
5. Direct Telephone Number:……………..
6. Monthly Income:……………..

Email (armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com)
Best Regards,

Mr Armando Taylor.


We work according to clear, flexible, transparent and easy to understand terms. We offer very low interest rates in relation to the slowdown of economic activity (recession) in most countries in the world. You may have bad credit, Our company now offers affordable interest rate loan, so what do you need funds to boost your business? Or are you in need of money for some personal purposes? Why not contact us now that we offer individuals and legal loans at an interest rate of 3% for a maximum period of 25 years. Interested applicant can contact us via e-mail now: paulsonloaninvestment@gmail.com

alicia dukon said...

Hi everyone!!!
I am a Frenchman named Madelene Linda, lending financial relations with the IMF, which lends loans to all those who have needs and who can repay me an interest rate of 3% per annum. Please contact me on madelenelinda@outlook.fr My number WhatsApp: + 33644699405

Unknown said...


We have provided over $1 Billion in business loans to over 20,000 business owners just like you. We use our own designated risk technology to provide you with the right business loan so you can grow your business. Our services are fast and reliable, loans are approved within 24 hours of successful application. We offer loans from a minimum range of $5,000 to a maximum of $900 million. (dr.maverickleonidassloans@gmail.com)

Do you need a legit, honest, reputable and quick loan?? I can help you with 100% guarantee loan Are you a business man or woman? Are you in any financial stress? Or do you need money to start your own business? we offer financial freedom to serious clients our mission is to help the less financial privileges get back on track Our program is the quickest way to get what you need in a snap. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. we offer loans to individual and public sector that are in need of financial Assistance in a low interest rate of 2%. Bad credit acceptable,The Terms and Conditions are very simple and considerate.You will never regret anything in this loan transaction because we will make you smile through out this loan transaction Email: (dr.maverickleonidassloans@gmail.com)

Our services include the following:

*Truck Loans
* Personal Loans
* Debt consolidation loans
* Car Loans
* Business Loans
* Education Loans
* Mortgage
*Refinancing Loans
* Home Loans

Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Maverick Leonidas
+1 (424)704-8035

Moore Robbinson said...

ATTENTION: Loan Offer By Robbinson Moore Loans
I am a private lender, I offer loan at 2% interest rate, we are ready to help you out in any financial problem. Do you need an urgent loan? are you in debt? do you need urgent loan to finance your business?, have you been denied by your bank? worry no more our Services are Quick, Easy & Secure in whatever circumstances. Borrow up to $2,000 - $10,000,000 Today, We are a company willing to give you loan with Affordable interest rate at 2%, We offer loans to individuals, private Companies, firms, and all kinds of company organizations, Including real estate investors. We are certified, Registered and legitimate creditors. Contact us with loan information at this email:{mooreloancompany@yahoo.com}

Unknown said...

Getting a legitimate loan have always been a huge problem To clients who have financial problem and need solution to it. The issue of credit and collateral are something that clients are always worried about when seeking a loan from a legitimate lender. But.. we have made that difference in the lending industry. We can arrange for a loan from the range of $10,500. to $3000,000.000 as low as 2%interest Kindly respond immediately to this email: armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com Our Services Include the Following: Debt Consolidation Second Mortgage Business Loans Personal Loans International Loans Loan for any kinds Family loan E.T.C

No social security and no credit check, 100% Guarantee. All you have to do is let us know exactly what you want and we will surely make your dream come true. (ARMANDO TAYLOR LOAN COMPANY). says YES when your banks say NO. Lastly, we fund small scale loan firm, intermediaries, small scale financial institutions for we have unlimited capital. For further details to go about procuring a loan contact us, Kindly respond immediately to this email: armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com

NOTE:Bear in mind that it will only take less than 24 Hours to process your file is 100% Guaranteed no matter your Credit Score.

Get your instant loan approval

Our Services Include the Following:
Debt Consolidation
Second Mortgage
Business Loans
Personal Loans
International Loans
Loan for any kinds
Family loan
Phone Number+1 412-329-4367 We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Worry no more about your loans or finances.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr Armando Taylor.

Anonymous said...

Are you looking for a business loan, personal loans, mortgages, car
loans, student loans, debt consolidation loans, unsecured loans, risk
capital, etc. ... You are in the right place
Your loan solutions! I am a private lender who lends
Individuals and businesses at a low interest rate and affordable
Interest rate of 3%. Contact us by email: powerfinance7@gmail.com

Your full name:
Loan Amount:
Monthly income:

Awaiting your swift response.
May Allah bless you.
power Financial Service Pvt.
Contact Us At :powerfinance7@gmail.com
WhatsApp Number +919717357946

Unknown said...

We offer certified and verifiable bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable
of taking up time bound transactions.


PRICE = 32%+2%

Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded, loan financing by providing you with yearly
renewable leased bank instruments. We work directly with issuing bank lease providers, this Instrument can be monetized on your behalf for 100% funding: For further details contact us with the below information.

Contact: Name: WARREN GARY

Email: inquiry.barkerfinancial@gmail.com

Skype: inquiry.barkerfinancial@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Getting a legitimate loan have always been a huge problem To clients who have financial problem and need solution to it. The issue of credit and collateral are something that clients are always worried about when seeking a loan from a legitimate lender. But.. we have made that difference in the lending industry. We can arrange for a loan from the range of $10,500. to $3000,000.000 as low as 2%interest Kindly respond immediately to thisemail: armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com Our Services Include the Following: Debt Consolidation Second Mortgage Business Loans Personal Loans International Loans Loan for any kinds Family loan E.T.C

No social security and no credit check, 100% Guarantee. All you have to do is let us know exactly what you want and we will surely make your dream come true. (ARMANDO TAYLOR LOAN COMPANY). says YES when your banks say NO. Lastly, we fund small scale loan firm, intermediaries, small scale financial institutions for we have unlimited capital. For further details to go about procuring a loan contact us, Kindly respond immediately to this email: armandotaylorloanhome@gmail.com

NOTE:Bear in mind that it will only take less than 24 Hours to process your file is 100% Guaranteed no matter your Credit Score.

Get your instant loan approval

Our Services Include the Following:
Debt Consolidation
Second Mortgage
Business Loans
Personal Loans
International Loans
Loan for any kinds
Family loan
Phone Number+1 412-329-4367 We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Worry no more about your loans or finances.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr Armando Taylor.

osma said...

Hello Everybody,
My name is Ahmad Asnul Brunei, I contacted Mr Osman Loan Firm for a business loan amount of $250,000, Then i was told about the step of approving my requested loan amount, after taking the risk again because i was so much desperate of setting up a business to my greatest surprise, the loan amount was credited to my bank account within 24 banking hours without any stress of getting my loan. I was surprise because i was first fall a victim of scam! If you are interested of securing any loan amount & you are located in any country, I'll advise you can contact Mr Osman Loan Firm via email osmanloanserves@gmail.com

First name......
Middle name.....
2) Gender:.........
3) Loan Amount Needed:.........
4) Loan Duration:.........
5) Country:.........
6) Home Address:.........
7) Mobile Number:.........
8) Email address..........
9) Monthly Income:.....................
10) Occupation:...........................
11)Which site did you here about us.....................
Thanks and Best Regards.
Derek Email osmanloanserves@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I am MR. HARRY (mrharryscottloancompany@gmail.com) certified loan lender, I offer loan to individual and public sector that are in need of financial Assistance in a low interest rate of 2%. Bad credit acceptable, The Terms and Conditions are very simple and considerate. You will never regret anything in this loan transaction because I will make you smile. Our company has recorded a lot of breakthroughs in the provision of first class financial services to our clients, especially in the area of Loan syndication and capital provision for individuals and companies. We have brought ailing industries back to life and we back good business ideas by providing funds for their upstart. We have a network of Investors that are willing to provide funds of whatever amount to individuals and organizations to start business and operations. I want you to understand the fact that I MR HARRY is out to help the less financial privilege get back on track by providing all type of loans to them (E.G) mortgages, home loans business loans and bad credit loans commercial loans, start-up working capital loans, construction loans, car loans, hotel loans, and student loans, personal loans, Debts Consolidation Loans, what are you waiting for asap why don’t you try. MR HARRY Loan home and be free from debts any interested.

Contact us via mrharryscottloancompany@gmail.com,
call/text via +16193593454

Unknown said...

Good Day Everyone,
We are Christian Organization formed to help people in needs of helps,such as financial help.So if you are going through financial difficulty or you are in any financial mess,and you need funds to start up your own business,or you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills,start a nice business, or you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks,contact us today via email barbarahodgeloanfirm@gmail.com. for the bible says””Luke 11:10 Everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened”.So do not let these opportunity pass you by because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever more.Please these is for serious minded and God fearing People.
via email barbarahodgeloanfirm@gmail.com.

Our Services Include the Following:
Debt Consolidation
Second Mortgage
Business Loans
Personal Loans
International Loans
Loan for any kinds
Family loan

Loan Application Form:

* Name of Applicant:
* Address:
* City:
* State:
* Country:
* Gender:
* Marital Status:
* Age:
* Occupation:
* Income Rate:
* Tel:
* Mobile:
* Amount Requested:
* Loan Duration:
* Loan Purpose:
* Have you applied for a loan before?
* If yes; Name of company & Location:


* Place of work:
* Address:
* Phone Number:

Loan Officer.

Monday-Saturday:7:30am-6:30pm {Processing time}.
Sunday:12noon-6:30pm {Processing time}
After submitting the Loan Application, you can expect a preliminary answer less than 24 hours and funding within 72-96 hours of receiving the information we need from you.


barbarahodgeloanfirm@gmail.com or text or call us on +15017229938
Awaiting your swift reply.

Unknown said...

Good Day Everyone,
We are Christian Organization formed to help people in needs of helps,such as financial help.So if you are going through financial difficulty or you are in any financial mess,and you need funds to start up your own business,or you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills,start a nice business, or you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks,contact us today via email barbarahodgeloanfirm@gmail.com. for the bible says””Luke 11:10 Everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened”.So do not let these opportunity pass you by because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever more.Please these is for serious minded and God fearing People.
via email barbarahodgeloanfirm@gmail.com.

Our Services Include the Following:
Debt Consolidation
Second Mortgage
Business Loans
Personal Loans
International Loans
Loan for any kinds
Family loan

Loan Application Form:

* Name of Applicant:
* Address:
* City:
* State:
* Country:
* Gender:
* Marital Status:
* Age:
* Occupation:
* Income Rate:
* Tel:
* Mobile:
* Amount Requested:
* Loan Duration:
* Loan Purpose:
* Have you applied for a loan before?
* If yes; Name of company & Location:


* Place of work:
* Address:
* Phone Number:

Loan Officer.

Monday-Saturday:7:30am-6:30pm {Processing time}.
Sunday:12noon-6:30pm {Processing time}
After submitting the Loan Application, you can expect a preliminary answer less than 24 hours and funding within 72-96 hours of receiving the information we need from you.


barbarahodgeloanfirm@gmail.com or text or call us on +15017229938
Awaiting your swift reply.

Garry said...

Do you need an urgent loan to sort out your debt or to start up an business of your own, We are Government approved / registered for giving out any type of loan and amount.

We give out loans to individuals and cooperate bodies in the interest rate of 3% if you are interested in obtaining a loan do get back for more details via email:sunloancompanyfinancialservice@gmail.com

Telephone: +14098771884


Unknown said...

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Best Regards
Chrysler Kings

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