Write to Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey - Two Innocent Men in Prison

UPDATE: Steven Avery has requested that all donations to him go his defense fund at this link.

Before writing, please follow the instructions in all of the videos below on this page as some of the info has been updated since the above video was posted, including Brendan Dassey's prison address as he was moved. To send money or inmate store items, please see the videos below. 

If you are worried about the prison "losing" the mail, you can send your letters to Al and Dolores (Steven's parents) or Barbara Tadych (Brendan's mum) at:

Avery's Auto Salvage
12930 Avery Rd.
Two Rivers Wi. 54241

The family will relay messages sent via letters back to them when Steven and Brendan call home. They appreciate all of the help and support they are receiving. 

Mail call is the highlight of the day for most prisoners, but please follow the prison rules otherwise the prison will destroy or return your mail.

In January 2016, Steven Avery requested people write to him at his prison address:

Steven Avery DOC #00122987
Waupun Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 351
Waupun, WI 53963-0351
Phone: 920-324-5571

Brendan Dassey's prison address:

Columbia Correctional Institution
Brendan Dassey DOC #00516985
P.O. Box 950
Portage, WI 53901
Phone: 608-742-9100

How to send money is detailed here and in the video below: 

How to send store items is detailed here and in the video below:

Shaun Attwood 
Tags: steven avery, brendan dassey, ken kratz, manitowoc, len kachinsky, robert hermann, teresa halbach, jerry pagel, calumet county, jerome buting, makingamurderer, dean strang, michael o'kelly, mark wiegert, rob herrman, sherry culhane, jerome fox, tom fassbender, manitowoc county sheriff's office, teresa halbach 


Unknown said...

Thanks so much for posting their addresses. I'm sure they need all the support they can get. I'm going to send them all some Christmas cards from BC Canada. :)

Andrew C. said...

Thank you so much for posting this video and these addresses. I am awash with emotion after watching "Making a Murderer." I can't believe that Steven or Brendan were actually convicted. I was so surprised when the guilty verdict came in for Steven and then thought, "there's no way they're going to convict Brendan." I just can't believe it. Even though it's 4am, I'm going to draft up a letter and send it first thing in the morning, Christmas Eve. They need to know there's people out there who care!

Jon said...

The injustice is outrageous and needs to be reversed.

Unknown said...

Ken Kratz is a drug fueled sexual predator that sounds like he has no testicles with that bitch voice of his...I'm on episode 9..this whole situation makes me sick watching these cops and attorneys lie, lie, lie..

Jon said...

i'm still reeling from the shock of it all, best series since breaking bad but all true

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting their addresses. shame i cannot send a christmas card in time but will send them both mail/support from the UK

Anonymous said...

According to the movie brendans written confection that was done this his first laser not present.."whent home watched tv talk to his mom brother got phone call from boss...."and the story he told in court match. My question is why was there no phone records brought up to prove "His" statements that did match a time line? And for both of them Steven and Brendan no one explains how tereasas body went from the house to the garage, where the one bullet was found, back to the fire pit. Third the xboyfriend, figured out her pass word, her sister birthday, and her brother know her pass code. Are they the same n who erased the messages on her phone. Brother or xboyfriend?? Did the xboyfriend or roommate not know not where she was going that day or what she was doing....someone had to of.??

Anonymous said...

Sorry spelling auto correct and a little disgusted.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

This is a outrage!!! Those boys are not guilty and that town knows it ! What is that county hiding !!!!! Complete bullshit ! If I was a lawyer I would represent them both !!!! I hope a good pro bono lawyer will take this case and help these men !!!!

Unknown said...

This is a outrage!!! Those boys are not guilty and that town knows it ! What is that county hiding !!!!! Complete bullshit ! If I was a lawyer I would represent them both !!!! I hope a good pro bono lawyer will take this case and help these men !!!!

Leti said...

I am SO Heartbroken for these 2 Men!! At the same time, I'm Angry that it all started with 1 lying heartless woman & COUSIN whose husband was a cop & believed they could ruin a persons life!! I'm in SHOCK that they were convicted!! It's Cruel what they did to this poor family!! I can only pray that the Avery Family will get enough attention & REAL JUSTICE for what has been CRIMINALLY done to them!! I will write to the parents & let them know that there ARE People out there that do care & believe in their innocence!!

Rhonda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rhonda said...

I haven't finished the documentary. I left off on Brendans trial to see if I was the only feeling terrible for these two men especially Brendan. My theory, is that Bobby Dassey or Barbs husband did it. Maybe that's where some of the stories Brendan came up with came from. You can tell he doesn't want to disappoint his mom. Bobby and Barbs husband, forgot his name where too quick to blame steven. Also they had access to all fire pits, they knew steven would be blamed.one fire pit right behind their house. I feel that the police of course went right along to make sure they get steven this time. Instead of looking for the real killer. The ex boyfriend seems shaddy and roommate, but why would they leave the body out by avery. It would need to be someone who knew of the area.
I don't feel steven is a person who hurt someone. I get the sense that he and his family are respectful very laid back and of course poor. Not enough resources to help him. I believe without a doubt that they didn't want some red neck making them look bad. This was a perfect way of getting him back. What a shame. Shame on all of them for what they did to both of theses families. Averys and the Halbachs for not finding the real killer.

Unknown said...

God will get that "Barbs husband" and that Bobby! In the mean time they need to be kicked off the property! Obviously they shot that woman with a cross bow!

Unknown said...

God will get that "Barbs husband" and that Bobby! In the mean time they need to be kicked off the property! Obviously they shot that woman with a cross bow!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe this is happening to Stephen. I cannot believe these types of things CAN happen and continue. This is a horrific low blow to a poor family. To an amazing obviously family oriented loving family.
This is an outrage. Thank you for the adress' and they will be hearing my support and anything I can do to help money wise etc. . Much love from Ontario Canada

Anonymous said...

Sorry Steven spell check is horrid on a phone.

Anonymous said...

I hope and pray that this documentary ensures there's a re-trial for these men. I watched the 10 episodes yesterday and am just astounded that they are still in prison. Those cops must be shaking in their boots and I wonder what the jurors now think after watching all that?

Unknown said...

This is perhaps the most horrendous miscarriage of justice, ever. An innocent man has been imprisoned- TWICE. A young man was betrayed by detectives and his own attorney; therefore, wrongfully imprisoned. A family has been torn apart, their reputation and business damaged beyond repair. A family has not been told what happened or who killed their daughter. A killer remains free, like a rapist 20+ years before. A county, conspirators, and the justice system have never admitted, nor been held accountable for their actions. My heart goes out to the Avery family, Steven and Brendan, and the Halbach family. It is in the interest of every American; no, every human being to demand the truth be told. We must demand a fair and just examination of the case and all parties involved be investigated and held accountable for any wrongdoing. Money, position, and public perception should not dictate a variant to the burden of proof or presumed "innocent until proven guilty" benefit, we are required to give every defendant. How many times, how many lives, how much TRUE evil will we continue to allow "the law" to get away with- uncharged, unaccountable, not yet changed, even though, found guilty in so many countries, counties, cities, and towns throughout the world?? I'm sickened and embarrassed by this blatant corruption and total disregard for justice. This must be made right. The guilty must pay. It has to stop. Now.

leoinvegas said...

Well said!

leoinvegas said...

Well said!

Anonymous said...

After watching the 10-episode documentary on Netflix - which also prompted me to re-read and more closely scrutinize court and police reports/transcripts - I'm no longer even willing to say that Teresa Halbach was murdered anywhere near the vicinity of the Avery property. To believe that this "opportunity" to frame Steven Avery simply fell into the laps of Manitowoc County law enforcement during the time when officers had been and were recently being deposed and the county was facing a $36,000,000 lawsuit payout, would be the equivalent of believing that all the stars perfectly lined up at just the right time and here comes Santa Claus, his reindeer and all of his elves in all their glory - way-way too much of a coincidence! Somehow someone in Manitowoc County law enforcement knew that Teresa was going out there to take pictures and I believe they seized the opportunity and used Teresa as a pawn to finally get Steven Avery once and for all. Law enforcement knew that any charges brought against Steven had to be of a very serious level [murder] in order for him to face lifetime incarceration and ensure that the $36,000,000 would not have to be paid out. To have killed Steven himself would have put all eyes on them and they knew that no one would/could possibly entertain the thought of officers of the law murdering an innocent young woman - what a "dispictable" thing to accuse law enforcement officers of (KK stated this during a news conference). Well, call me despictable because I will not only entertain the thought, but I'll say it aloud; Teresa Halbach was used as a pawn and murdered by someone in/involved with Manitowoc law enforcement in order to frame Steven Avery and ensure that they would not have to pay out $36,000,000 and lose their "positions of power." How anyone can ever feel safe in Manitowoc County with dirty cops like this is beyond me.

Unknown said...

I know they did't do it. They never tested the mattress. If they had sex on it her DNA would be all over it. They say they searched the house, but then the one cop comes in and points out the key. Everyone else didn't see a key earlier. But this cop sees it in plain sight. It is not under anything. They did not want a "Avery Bill"passed. Thus would bring more shame to them. They truck was not found on the property by the cops and they were all over it searching. But the families friend of the murdered woman did. They framed him. They the cops murdered her.

Anonymous said...

I also want to add something that I neglected to add in my prior post (anonymous - After watching the 10-episode documentary...); I met Teresa Halbach in August of 2005. I do not believe that ANY of her family members were involved in her death - that is ludicrous and cruel to assert. I do however believe that it was easier for them to believe that Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey killed their daughter/sister... than to believe any other scenerio. They believed in the good of law enforcement and I think it's beyond their ability to even remotely comprehend or consider that law enforcement could be anything less than decent and good. Not only did they lose their precious child/sister... they are also victims of Manitowoc County law enforcement - they just don't know it and/or can't accept it.

Emily said...

All of the comments I've read totally ignore the one fact that gets disregarded: Teresa had lived with a guy who she wasn't romantically involved with who later on looked up her cell phone records (very WEIRD) online with an ex-boyfriend. The ex was calm, intelligent and instantly made me think that HE and perhaps the roommate could easily have targeted the Avery's knowing full well their community reputation and the kind of people they are- I personally think that someone might find them guilty later. I was SO surprised that people got sucked in by a bunch of VERY sparse evidence and never looked deeper into the people who knew Teresa- especially the ones who mysteriously examined her cell phone records and KNEW the password. I think the defense had to go with the law enforcement scenario since the judge actually blocked them from investigating people who were probably the true culprits! I'm amazed! It was the ex-bf or one them- I've seen this before. Don't get sucked in. They need to send these poor guys home and LOOK for the real suspects! Those guys they used as witnesses need alibis and they need to be investigated! Stunning that they nailed the wrong guys just out of their own vulnerability and lack of wits!

Kelly T said...

As everyone else posted, thank you for giving their addresses. I have written both of them after watching this documentary. I too, feel both are innocent and wrongfully convicted. I don't know how ANYONE with common sense on that jury panel could have looked at all the evidence and convicted either of these men. What a travesty of justice!! I am completely disgusted that law officials can get away with such blatant crimes, such as planting evidence and tampering evidence. Holding a press conference stating how these two, innocent until proven guilty men, supposedly murdered this woman??? Really...soooooooo many discrepancies in these two cases. Its unbelievable

Erik said...

I live in Europe, in the Netherlands in fact. We have a had our own miscarriages of justice in our country. Still I firmly believe the nature and extent of the misconduct by law enforcement that occurred in the Avery and Dassey cases would never be able to occur in Europe. Defendants in Europe are protected by civil rights and liberties doctrined in international treaties that national governments cannot ignore ithout serious consequences. All European countries have signed and lived by the treaty since shortly after the second world war, with good reason.

I simply cannot believe that the system in the US is so corrupt and continues to function this way. If you are poor and American the system does not protect you. If the cops want to get you there is no effective corrective machanism to prevent them from just putting you in jail and getting away with it.

Fox said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fox said...

I would like to point out to Barb or anyone concerned with Brendans Case: When Brendan mentions he got all his guesses from "Kiss The Girls", it is a book by James Patterson. I am inclined to believe him although I haven't read most of the book. It starts off with this guy cuddling a .22 and talking about raping these girls who's house's walls he has been living in. This is the first page. I googled "Kiss the Girls rape throat cut shot" and each one of my keywords came up in quotes from the book. He guessed she was raped. She had her throat cut. She was shot. He DID NOT come up with it on his own, and this makes it very apparent where he got it from! He said where he got it from and no one listened to him. No one thought a book would ACTUALLY have all those things in it. Guess what? It DOES. This book should be admitted as new evidence so they can do a new trial; I don't know if it works like that and I'm sure it's not that easy. But new trails are allowed to be started with new evidence, so it's worth a try. Also, old recordings of him telling his mother how the investigators got into his head and basically made him say those things should be brought up. All the inconsistent recordings should be brought up, him being forced to guess and called a liar (i dont know how a jury convicted after seeing that!) That investigator that TELLS Brendan what to draw...that video should be brought into evidence. Come on. IF all this had been done I really dont think reasonable people could have convicted him. It's such a terrible miscarriage of justice, so sad.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad I found this... Thanks for posting the addresses... I'm in such shock over all this... Poor guys... I wish there was something we could all do to help them...

Anonymous said...

Steven. Your parents deserve to know the truth. STOP trying to tell yourself and everyone around you that you're innocent. You'll never get out of prison. Quit kidding yourself and your family. Just tell the world the truth and the details of what exactly happened that day. I feel sorry for your family since you continue to lie to them about your innocents and keep giving them false hope that you'll be home one day. You are the most pathetic human-being to have ever graced this earth. Rot in hell!!!

Unknown said...

I watched making of a murderer, I saw a scared 16 year old boy who had obvious issues,questioned w/ no parent or lawyer & he was a minor! I saw him bullied & told what to say by two cops who were at the lowest moment in their careers, serve & protect? Really, innocent til proven guilty? Not THIS CASE! It makes me sick I live in IL & I thank God WI is a state away & my tax money doesn't go to that crocked legal system, his own lawyer, Brendans, basically working with prosicution!! Saying on TV he is responsible ( guilty) before even reading his case file ,not to mention these guys were HIS HELP??? Are you kidding me? Lady justice is blind, & deaf & dumb!! Someone set him up I'll tell you that someone with an axe to grind & they were not putting out 32 million, I honestly believe in my heart a cop saw her there just like the bus driver did, they most likely were keeping an eye on him hoping he would do something so they wouldn't pay 32 million to an Avery of all people,it's hard to say that bcz I ha e law enforcement in my family, but I also know of a cop that set up his own partner to get killed & he got away with it,so I know they aren't all angels, just seeing how they bullied that 16 year old even had to feed him the words about the bullet to the head bcz he had no idea, was any gunshot residue on anyone or on cloths? No blood evidence yet they slit her throat & stabbed her stomach?? Nothing ties Brendan but the bullies words put in his mouth and Steve is only tied by bits of blood left right where you could see it of hjs, so let me get this straight they had time to clean up so that house & garage has no blood of the girl they did the best clean up known to man not one drop, but they totally forgot to clean his blood that's right in plain sight out of the car, and cars are their business but it never occurred to Steve in all that meticulous cleaning that lumanol found nothing, yet the thing that would tie him he forgets & he burns her there not in the incinerator they had? The bones had evidence of being moved!! I have looked at all the evidence,I am a woman that was a victim of extreme Dom violence that left me disabled & in debilitating pain daily, and even I can see these two men are more than likely innocent especially Brendan, who should be set free and Steve deserves a new trial, with out the lies you made that child tell, How do you sleep you should all be ashamed & the innocents project should help at least Brendan, my God my heart bleeds for that young man m for both of them, How dare they say what the y said about his family tree needed to be stopped now, my Gosh if that doesn't sound like the Klan or something! ! The family should start selling Free the Avery s! ! I would buy one for everyone I know & when I ride my motorcycle up to WI in summer we could all be wearing it right by them all let them see what the people believe 7 started at innocent the majority, how in the world did it go siddways?? Something happened with that jury too the whole thing stinks and appeals denied?? Especially for poor Brendan seeing those tapes how does the court not help that kid who is sadly now a man raised in jail soon to live more of his life behind bars than he did out just like his innocent uncle, I'm sick, this could happen to any of us, it's terrifyi`g

Unknown said...

I love how the guy saying own up to it can't even own up to HIS OWN WORDS & stays anonymous, that's hysterical! ! Also. Rot in Hell Really? What a nice Christian attitude I assume if you believe in hell you believe in heaven & God, Jesus said of ALL things the most important was love, he urged his followers to help widows, orphans, & those in prison, that his price on the cross was it, it was finished and anyone who believe s in him, follows in his ways & goes on & tries to sin no more& out of love for God's creatjon, as he was kind enough to forgive us our transgressions so must we forgive, even if Steve did kill this young girl, but I don't believe he did, he will stand before God if he did & give account & if Steve accepted Christ while in prison, Jesus will come wipe away Stevens tears & take him to paradise for which he has a place, the man that attacked me & caused me to have 6 brain surgeries a battery in my chest & back surgery, I am disabled I live in terrible at times unbearable pain, I'm on a lot of medications & doctors are now my life my health robbed & almost my life in front of my 12 yr old daughter who called 911 she went to 4 different high schools bcz he stalked us& he would find us my car would be keyed sp we would move instantly & 2 days later where we were living burned down, I khave forgiven him & I hope I see him in heaven I don't wish him hell bcz if he's in heaven it means he changed & turned his life around, which would be wonderful, if he stopped hurting woman, I do know his son died of a heron overdose at 21 2 weeks before he died he begged his dad to take him to a hospital bcz he had no insurance but his father this man is lite r ally a millionaire but he didn't want to spend the money so he told his son *us promise me u won't do this any more I know you keep your promises, that's all the help he would give his only son, a boy he called his best pal & was his buddy & bought him 2 packs of cigarettes a day since he was 13 let him smoke pot in the garage & let him drink vodka on weekends at 13,lEt him warch dirty movies no limitations no boundaries bcz of Johns bad parenting or non parenting,& having money as his first love over his kid 2 weeks later one month before his 22 birthday John Jr was dead in his dad's basement needle still in his foot Johns Hell is on this earth, my daughter raised in the church had many boundaries but explained out of love & protection She is waiting for marriage she is an old fashioned girl with morals and I am blessed to have her she is my joy my heaven on earth,

I wish no one to go to hell not even the worst of the worst I pray they find peace & joy you can only find in jesus. Your bitterness makes me sad for you, your filled with so much hatred ,b itterness, no person who loves Christ would say such a thing to another, Steven please know that & notice he hides behind his keyboard & stays nameless he can't stand behind those words !!! God Bless Steven if you are innocent & I pray you are & I knowBranden is, just hold on to what God says & pray this prayer remind him of his promise to you his son, That ALL things done in darkness come out in the light , it will only take 1 person who knows the truth to come forward, pray, I will be paying too for both of you & your poor families what they have all been put thru. My goodness. I'm so sorry I pray it ends soon & you get the help you need in Jesus"s mighty name I pray Amen

Is there anyplace that a petition has started that Americans or the world can sign to get an investigation going on this from an external party & with these men having real lawyers this timge?? If so I want to sign the petition email it to me to sign!!

stillbreathes said...

The making of murder .. I feel like I need support after watching it. The beautiful parents so brave, such a loving family - Brendan such a big gentle boy heart breaking. Thanks for posting addresses and creating this site. God bless the Averys may they get all the support and help they need and that finally justice is properly served and the real killer is caught x

Kirsten Hamilton said...

My heart goes out to everyone involved in this case for all the pain felt, but particularly for Steve and his naive nephew. I cannot imagine rational, thinking beings would not have a shadow of a doubt, having seen both presentations of evidence - it is blaringly obvious the chain of evidence was corrupted by the defendants' home County's involvement. I pray the documentary will illicit much needed change in that county - as well as across the board in the "Justice" system - which is shown to have severe failures when making *Life Altering* decisions on "citizens'" dispositions.

Unknown said...

I've just finished watching the documentary 'making a murderer' I'm in absolute shock and astonishment on what I watched! All the comments written on here I agree with you! My heart goes out to steven and brendan. All his family! I hope the truth prevales for them! Also that whoever did commit the crime is held accounted for! It just goes to show that corruption does happen. I only wish I could help in a better way. The more people who come forward and show there support in anyway must help in some sort of way along this painful process for them!

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry you feel my post was rude or ignorant. I do believe I'm entitled to an opinion when I see so many people like yourself saying he's innocent. The fact is that the evidence in the case is substantial and all point to one man, and that is Steven Avery who clearly raped, stabbed, butchered, gang raped with his nephew, murdered, dismembered and burnt the remains of an innocent women who he obviously was obsessing over even before the crime was committed. I remain anonymous for the simple reason that I don't need a convicted killer or any insane person who supports him to know who I am or where I live. There are far too many crazy people out there in the world. As for your rant about Christianity, Well we are clearly two very different individuals with very different beliefs. I am free to make a remark on this thread. For you to make any reference to or to scrutinize my post or religious beliefs is very telling of the type of person you really are. You don't know a thing about me so I suggest you keep your mouth shut!!! Who do you think you are and what gives you the right to comment or judge anyone elses post here. Nobody is interested in reading your attacks on others posts or to listen to your religious rants, save your breath and keep your comments directed toward the topic of discussion. That is Steven Avery the convicted murderer and not me, the anonymous person with a personal opinion. My message was to Steven to come clean and to let his parents know the truth of what really happened so that they can come to terms with the fact their son is a raping murderer rather than continuing to be lied to about it for the rest of their days. Steven is the most selfish person I have ever seen in my entire life for what he has done to her family as well as his own family. I cannot believe the support this evil individual is receiving. He needs the death penalty and for all of us to forget he ever existed.

Anonymous said...

I never thought in a million years I would send mail to inmates in jail, but I will absolutely be sending letters to Steven AND Brendan (to the Avery's home address) and express my overwhelming support and shock with this whole situation. My heart is actually broken for this whole family, and there is nothing I want more than to see these two men get out of jail sooner rather than later. In saying that, there are a lot of people in jail for crimes they did not commit, so let's keep them in mind, as well. I wish the Avery's all the best in the world and hope for a very happy and deserving ending.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what Netflix show you watched- but any individual that thinks Steven is guilty, did not fully pay attention to the show.
The back history was important in all of this also.
... I'm curious - Mr. Negativity... What do you make of Steven being proven wrongly convicted the first time ?

Anonymous said...

I'm not trying to be Mr. Negative here. I'm just saying what I believe is the truth. My thoughts if I may is that I feel absolutely terrible for all that happened to Steven the first time around. He spent 18 years of his life in prison for a crime he did not commit. The DNA proved it. I feel he became a different man during those 18 years in prison. There is no doubt that the system failed him and ruined his life, his families lives, Brendan's life and everyone else involved. Anyone's perception and beliefs in the system would be altered by going though what he and his family went thru during those 18 years. I strongly believe that because he has constantly been telling himself and everyone around him for the majority of his life that he is innocent, that his mind has been so brainwashed that even after committing the rape and murder of Teresa he honestly believes that he is completely innocent. He knows she was murdered because he says he's sorry for the hurt her family is going through. Maybe he's bi polar. The evil side of him did it and the innocent side of him as we know him is completely innocent. This is why he so strongly believes himself that he's innocent. He now just puts blame on everyone else and suggests that he was framed and that evidence was planted at the scene. I'm sorry Steven. We all wish we could tell you it was all a bad dream but the fact is that you committed rape and murder. You need to stop being a coward and tell the truth. Confess already! I'll take the side of law inforcement and the judicial system over Steven Avery in the case against him for the murder of Teresa in a heart beat. The whole thing is extremely sad and a waste of the lives of everyone involved. To be clear, I don't blame Steven. I blame the system for making the mistake they made in the first case. If that never happened then most likely none of this would have ever happened.

Windancer said...

I watch a lot of Crime shows but not one prepared me for Making a Murder. Wow! Just Wow! It's obvious the police were up to some shady tricks. But I feel Stevens Lawyer, I don't remember his name blew the case during the Final Argument. He really through Steven under the bus when he started talking about the police planting evidence to convict guilty suspects. I'm sorry I think he threw in the towel right there. If you watch the last episode he says, "I hope Steven is guilty of the crime he is serving time for." Those two lawyers did a great job up until this point. That tampered Vial of blood was blatantly tampered with. I have to believe it was placed in the RAV4 using a syringe. It sure looks that way. Steven has got to get someone to test that blood for him again. The lawyers also mention that the police were in no way involved with her death. Well why not? They had motive. Steven was suing the police department for 36 million dollars, then had to take a quick settlement to defend himself. I would say the police department had 35 million reasons to be involved not to mention making up for the huge blunder of his 18 years of jail time. The whole story is just awful. After watching it all I'm leaning Stevens way. What I don't get was when the jury went to deliberate they were also in Stevens favor 7 to 5. How in the world do they get swayed back to a guilty verdict. The whole thing just seems dirty.

Unknown said...

I just finished watching the documentary.
I am disgusted with it all. He and Brenden are so clearly innocent that I cannot believe what has happened. I am going to write support letters to them both and endless letters to manitowoc county and anyone I have to, to get them free. It is so clear what happened I just do not understand how they ended up in jail while a killer runs free. God bless the Avery family, know they have my support. Be looking forward to my letters.

Unknown said...

I can go on forever . Simply, is bullshit . Strait bullshit! He is not smart and being takem advantage. I will defend their honor as long as i llive ! Would love to meet them . Messaging from Windsor Ontario Canada . Please reply parents of Steven and Brendan . Sincerely,Ashley

jason said...

after watching the Doc about this making a murderer it made me realize that the show is not about the state making steven a murderer but about how the 36 million and reputations of the law enforcement forced the police in that county to the cold blooded murder of poor teresa so that they could save there county the 36 million and them selves and reputations . I think what happened was they waited for the lady to go to stevens ,followed her after she left his property stopped her had her get outta the vehicle, shot her in the head, threw her body in her trunk and drove to the quarry, burnt her body in a barrel that they got from his house in the 8 days they had the property locked down then all they had to do was wait till the rite time to plant the evidence . lenks and colburn are the true killers here and watching teresas poor brother sit hand in hand with the men that murdered his sister and see that the poor guy believes them is just sad. these men will stop at nothing to keep there reputations in tacked because if they are found to have planted the evidence that would mean that anyone involved in there plot to convict steven would be held accountable for there actions so no one will ever come forward because of the simple fact that if one goes down they will all go down and with these men willing to kill an innocent woman to save there own butts what are they going to do to the person who is willing to bring them all down for what conspired during the night of oct 31 to nov 8. the county is going to deny any chance steven has of a appeal because they have to stand by there ruling and the decisions of the jury . i feel sorry for the parents in this case of both sides. stevens for having to watch the county take there childs life away and teresas for also watching the county take her child away. people on this planet have taken life for alot less

Unknown said...

I don't really know what to write, I just want to let you know, that I believe that both of you are innocent. If I had the power, Kratz would be the first person I'd put in prison. forever. such a disgusting, false man.
I really, really hope that together we can be stronger and find a way to get you outta there.
Don't give up!
Love from Germany,

Unknown said...

I could not have said it better..

Brittney said...


Here's one of the 2 petitions!

Brittney said...


Here's the 2nd petition... my heart ACHES for these two.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for posting this! I feel like I need to DO something to help these guys and the info you've provided is invaluable to that process.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Could you please include the source of the PayPal fund (i.e., how do we know it's an official donation site)? I would like to confirm that it is real (as in it goes directly to Steven and Brendan or Allan/ Dolores Avery and Barb Tadych) and not a scam (which could include an account that funnels into another family member's account...) Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Although I find it difficult to believe that the police could have had anything to do with the murder of Theresa, it's obvious that they did plant evidence on the Avery property to point the finger at Steven. Didn't one of the guys from the police dept actually say at some point in an interview that it would have been easier to murder/eradicate Steven altogether rather than try to frame him? What a bizarre thing to say, especially coming from a member of the sheriffs department.

After watching this documentary I was left with so many unanswered questions, I truly hope that the truth comes out one day and Steven is given a fair trial. As for Brendan, that should never have been brought to court.

Kelsey said...

You are foolish if you believe that. Its a crock.

Kelsey said...

You are foolish if you believe that. Its a crock.

Dingy666 said...

Did you notice the scratches on the ex boyfriends left hand in the documentary when he was crouched down giving instructions for the search?

Dingy666 said...

Did you notice the scratches on the ex boyfriends left hand in the documentary when he was crouched down giving instructions for the search?

Jon said...

anon, the paypal was set up by Carla Chase Steven's niece, I advised her on it

aibreanban said...

Thanks so much for this: just finished the doc. Will definitely be writing to Brendan. Haven't read any comments because I don't want to get upset or engage in discussions: merely want to thank the poster for the info ��

joelle said...

I am disgusted and saddened. The two cops need to be locked up for life. And the sick drunk COUSIN who started it all.

Unknown said...

Finally someone who agrees with me!

Anonymous said...

I have one thing to say, and that is that it saddens me that in the end even Steven says "I just have to prove my innocence..." That just makes my head ache... *rubs forehead* the goal of the prosecution is to shed light on every shadow of doubt that the defense casts on their theory... And another thing... Of course this is only based on what I saw, but the prosecuted has the "easy" side of the job usually... And he still kind of sucked at it. I mean really? His closing argument actually made me laugh a little. It is NOT (supposed to be) the job of the defense, abandoning the metaphors here, to prove his innocence! If he was to be convicted, there needed to be not one doubt that he committed the crime. But in this case, as well as countless across our lost little nation, we time and time again accept the job of proving out innocence rather than making the prosecution PROVE their theory of guilt

Anonymous said...

*prosecution has the easy side

Anonymous said...

Also... My original comment kind of got a little jumbled up... The mobile site trying to fight with my phone, I think... But you get the picture, I'm sure

Anonymous said...

The scientific evidence proves that there is still a murderer out there.steven Avery and branden are Inoccent.I don't think Steven would jeopardize his life after 18 years of imprisonment and was looking forward to the 36 million dollar lawsuit to complete his life.Sorry but the scientific evidence proves that there was no blood anywhere but the suv.the key and the key had no DNA of Teresa only Steve's which was planted by someone who tampered with Steve's blood vile.And they coerced Branden to say those horrible things.never happened.

Anonymous said...

When watching the doc on Netflix I wondered if the hunter maybe thought she was a deer or accidentally shot her but as I read about Barb's husband and his violent tendencies I'm leaving toward him.

Unknown said...

Have yall not seen the news latly? When u read all the evidence against Steven not included in the doc. I admit I I'm kinda thinkin Steven did do this. Only part that stumps me is no blood found in house or garage. Poor Brendan was led astray. Deserves a new trial.

Unknown said...

Have yall not seen the news latly? When u read all the evidence against Steven not included in the doc. I admit I I'm kinda thinkin Steven did do this. Only part that stumps me is no blood found in house or garage. Poor Brendan was led astray. Deserves a new trial.

Steven Avery said...

www.StevenAvery.org - I would be careful sending to family donations. Same family that Avery was put in jail and more.

Anonymous said...

The injustice in these trials is outrageous! Sadly the "man" (police, government, etc.) will always win against the little man no matter how innocent. It's disgusting that these men have lost their lives because of biased BS! I thought people were supposed to deserve fair and just trials, apparently our faith in that is a joke. They both deserve a re trail and fair trial with unbiased juries and the rest of the BS. Apparently, evidence or lack there of means nothing. I hope that the dirty cops sleep well at night and the rest of the dirty cowards involved breathe easy with their guilty conscience. Maybe one day justice will come, doubtful with the shadiness that was proved in these cases, the cowards and filthy people involved in locking up innocent people.

Anonymous said...

Ken Kratz did it and used lent.

Anonymous said...

Have the blood vial tested for lents dna. kratz had somthing on him.

Anonymous said...

Help us get the Avery trial transcripts to publish them online!


Some background on this project:



Dani Kekoa said...

BREAKING NEWS: Steven Avery murder case a ‘Shadow Government’ operation—by Timothy Charles Holmseth | *NEW EVIDENCE SUGGESTS STEVEN AVERY & BRENDAN DASSEY WERE FRAMED!

Dani Kekoa said...

TRUE STORY: Almost Avery—Why Steven Avery deserves a new trial—by Timothy Charles Holmseth

I am only one of thousands across the United States that was almost “Steven Avery”.

I survived a plot by a ‘Shadow Government’ that attempted to frame me for rape and murder of a missing child named HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings.

I would later learn the operatives that attempted to frame me were associated with a man from Colorado named Rev. Bob Enyart.

Enyart is described as a “shot caller” of organized criminal activities by Special Agent Kimberly Milka, Denver FBI.

Enyart authored a written Manifesto describing the “Shadow Government” he erected, which he plans to use to subvert the laws of the United States.

Enyart’s is alleged by former church members to be a satanic cult leader that is responsible for murders and elaborate frame-ups all over the world...


READ MORE AT www.WriteIntoAction.com

Anonymous said...

I have sat and watch the Doc "Making a Murderer" I think at least 4 times time and the one thing that sticks out in my mind is, the phone records for the victim where did the missing voice mail go and who got rid of them and WHY? A few other questions have come to mind,such as and i think the biggest one, through the whole documentary not ONE cop, ADA, DA, lawyer, or even the judge of the case brought up the motive for which the crime was committed. In normal none corrupt cases that is normally the first thing law enforcement looks for (correct me if I'm wrong)
Second: The blood in the back of the Rav 4 it was the victims, don't you think if there was that much blood one or not both men would of had bloody cloths somewhere in their homes or would have burnt them, and the blood found in the front of the rav4 was/is Steven's blood don't you think his blood would also be in the back of the rav 4 mixed in with the victims.? There are so many more things that need to be looked at and the state of Wisconsin just do not want to do it cause it shows they as the Rich and powerful woudl be wrong two times in a mans life . MAKES ME SICK this whole thing i feel in my heart neither of these men COMMENTED this crime . they need a new trial out side the state of WI and with a new judge .

Unknown said...

I watched the entire Netflix series in one sitting, why? The complete and overwhelming shock of it all, the level of utter corruption is absolutely insane , I could not walk away from it. (normally I watch maybe 2 too 5 hours of "t.v." a MONTH) in order for our system too be fair and just we must stand up for the unjust. Currently I'm living way below the "poverty level" however I will not only be writing too Brendan I will be financially contributing although it may be a small amount. Never in a million years would I have thought I would be writing too someone I don't know in prison. My heart and soul ache for BOTH families. How, how, how and truly why has all of this occurred? In the United States money equals innocence. Just sickening

Unknown said...

I completely agree with you!

Unknown said...

I completely agree with you!

Jessica said...

Also Brendan switches up what was used to tie her to the bed. At one point it's ropes and cuffs. At another point it's chains and ropes. I hope something comes up for them soon

Jessica said...

Also Brendan switches up what was used to tie her to the bed. At one point it's ropes and cuffs. At another point it's chains and ropes. I hope something comes up for them soon

Anonymous said...

Well said. Its disgraceful and sickening and blatently obvious to all onlookers. The American justice system is a complete sham.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely! Shame on the American "justice" system, its a complete joke. These men HAVE to go free.

Unknown said...

Anyone else think the ex is up to no good, was there a profile ever done to see who might be a suspect? My money says it would have came back the ex not Steven or Brendan. I can't imagine how these two can cope with the injustice, and not for the first time either,I am not one for praying but I must admit I have said a few for them as I think they both need all the help going, I hope Brendan's new lawyers stick with it until he is free, I also hope someone or something will trigger new evidence to find the actual killer of Theresa as he is still out there...truth shall set them free

Anonymous said...

I've just watched all the episodes too from (Melbourne/Australia) and I believe both to be innocent. I think Steven was set up by corrupt cops who definitely had it in for him. I also think that ex boyfriend of Theresa's has more to do with this than anyone knows.....looked so shifty! Brendan, a simple boy, who obviously read a book, and gave a description of what he had read. Did anyone even get a copy of the book to see if there were any similarities? Good luck. I hope you both succeed in your appeals. Ps. I found Steven's mum and dad to be adorable. ...nothing like a parents love. Many would have given up, but you 2 kept on fighting for your son and have stuck by him. So lovely to see!

Unknown said...

Steve is innocent. This is insane and a shameful use of "justice" in my country. Frankly, even if he was guilty, the police handled this case so insanely that is wouldn't even matter. It scares me that we can be railroaded this way. Poor people (and let's be honest...most of us are poor) can be blamed and prosecuted for anything. We need to free Steven Avery. If nothing else, it will help the rest of us feel a bit free. For a bit. Because the system will strangle us soon. Justice for Avery.

Julietta said...

CORRECT!!! American justice sucks. What a huge blow to American pride. I pray that Steven's and Brendan's innocence be swiftly proven so the Avery family can try to live a reminiscence of a normal and happy life together. Keep your heads high and proud Steven and Brendan.

Dani Kekoa said...

BREAKING NEWS: Why Steven Avery deserves a new trial—by Timothy Charles Holmseth

ShadowGov Operation Frames Innocent People-

Anonymous said...

After watching that documentary I couldn't help, but to feel bad for Brendan and Steven. When you think there is a conspiracy people think you're crazy. I wonder if we have proof that people are working together to get a confession of and innocent person doesn't that person get another shot to prove his or her case? How far does this go? If they could do what they did to Steven and Brendan could they do that to a nation of people? I hope they go free and the truth comes to light. The system only works for the few with money. The poor don't win. I have witnesses a deepening mistrust in the American system through protests post 9/11; even before then. I just can't shake the feeling that there is more than what is going on. Closed door deals made to benefit those who already are in a position of authority or power. The world is starting to wake up to it... but every time it happens Ms. Direction shows up.

Dani Kekoa said...

PLEASE UPDATE ADDRESS: Brendan Dassey moved to another prison

Brendan Dassey was moved to another maximum-security prison in Wisconsin.

The Department of Corrections reports Dassey was moved Wednesday from Green Bay Correctional to Columbia Correctional Institution in Portage.

Dassey and his uncle Steven Avery are serving life sentences for the murder of Teresa Halbach more than 10 years ago.

Dassey was originally sent to Columbia to serve his sentence. He was moved to the Green Bay prison in December, 2009, when his appeal for a new trial was heard in Manitowoc County, about 45 miles away.

This recent move to Columbia comes amid an uproar over Avery’s and Dassey’s convictions, and petitions for their pardons. Their case gained national attention last month when Netflix debuted a documentary series, “Making a Murderer.”

Unknown said...

Just finished watching the shop with my wife and we are disgusted and cant believe how these corrupt cops that who are trusted 2 protect the innoncent and uphold the law (to protect and serve) can frame 2 people 2 help demselves its a disgrace they disgust me.the corruption in unbelieveable.they make a huge mistake the first time when steven was sent away 4 the rape in 85 and when he got out in 03 they new they were screwed and when steven went 4 compensation which he was dead right 2 do and when the corrupt cops were desposed they wanted revenge so they framed steven and breadan.colburn found the rav4 radioed the station 2 make sure it was the right 1 den he got a hold of lenk and day framed him.they had the means and the motive.both the mens are the guilty ones amoung others.colburn planted the car and lenk planted the key.which looks like the spare key 2 me.it was her x boyfreind he done it he deleted his no from her phone because he was the 1 ringing her all the time and the cops know this but didnt care they wanted steven 2 go down we're behind you steven and brendan.hope ye get out soon

Unknown said...

I had to watch the whole thing in one go... How the heck did both of them get sent down for the murder...I can't say ether way if he did it or not..but one thing I do know that this showed how bad the system is...that judge is a joke...he was fighting the states side from the start... And I just want to say...some one above said about the lawyer saying he hope Stephen was guilty... Said cys if he was not guilty the state has a big problem when the truth comes out... His lawyers did not say they believed him guilty...I really hope if and when the truth comes out that both families can find peace...guilty or not...one last point I fnd weird...why were all those random people let on the site but the family could not go home for 8 days?????

Unknown said...

I had to watch the whole thing in one go... How the heck did both of them get sent down for the murder...I can't say ether way if he did it or not..but one thing I do know that this showed how bad the system is...that judge is a joke...he was fighting the states side from the start... And I just want to say...some one above said about the lawyer saying he hope Stephen was guilty... Said cys if he was not guilty the state has a big problem when the truth comes out... His lawyers did not say they believed him guilty...I really hope if and when the truth comes out that both families can find peace...guilty or not...one last point I fnd weird...why were all those random people let on the site but the family could not go home for 8 days?????

Unknown said...

I totally agree kim

Unknown said...

I totally agree kim

Anonymous said...

I will send them some stamps if that is what they need most. Thanks for the "how to" guide. I hope it helps them.

Free Steven and Brendan now! said...

Absolutely, hands down, well said and couldn't agree more ! This corruption has to stop. It's everywhere ! The bitter sweet here, I'm hoping and praying for the happy ending here for both Steven and Brendan along Stevens parents. I'm hoping that as the old saying, everything happens for a reason, that just maybe all of this horrid corruption from one degree to another, that it had to be so monumentous, so significant , and down right blatant for it to come to the spot light like this. Steven and Brendan have more strength and will than any of those lying , cowardly pieces of crap that did this to them. Maybe it's time that enough people can see how corrupt our law system has become, so greedy and selfish, that maybe this is exactly what this country needs to make law enforcement and persons in a position of power and authority to finally be heald accountable for their dastardly doings and just maybe send a message right back to all the other corrupt good old buddy system favorites playing cops out there and elected officials in order to get them to stop. Steven and Brendan need to be out years and years ago. They deserve monetary compensation in the least because they can't buy back their lives , those sobs can't give it back k to them, the least they can do is pay Steven And Brendan and give them anything they have which is only money. I wish it could some how be much more - like giving them all these years back and to be free of this physically and spiritually. The institution in every state, county and city needs a real deep cleaning and an end to this mockery of taking peoples lives for the sake of money and bs. The world needs to know about this !

Free Steven and Brendan now! said...

I forgot to mention, the doosh canoe prosecutor flat out admitted it being okay for officers to plant evidence for a strong conviction. That right there my friends, tells you that that fat disgusting boot licking weasle was out to gain popularity as a "good prosecutor", a six figure income, bragging rights to his lies, and potentially re election as prosecutor. How corrupt is that. There's no justice in this, none of this. Law enforcement can and does selectively apply the laws when he or she fits. It's not a " fair " game. Cops perceive and interpret things just like any other human on the planet. It's how the use their judgement and apply i, as well as taking it one notch further and weigh out what they can gain or benefit from each and every situation. - in this case, they gained $36 mil in their law breaking, lying, MANIPULATIVE , dispicible , corrupt pocket books. Their mode of operendous was beyond stupid, inept , and dishonest. That county on up to the state level is corrupt and evil. I hope KHARMA makes its way around. And the nephew... Ya. Hello ! Why the cops didn't look at anyone else as a suspect, because no one else had a $36mil civil lawsuit filed against them that's why. Shame on all the ignorant mindless drones that follow their leader in that wacked community. Do what's right people and get these two out of prison and hold the dirt bags accountable whom did this and whom murdered the gal. Why Steven had no bolistics studies done on him , his gun, the entire evidence searching , what a circus rink ! The poor parents should sue the basterds for wrecking their lives along with slandering their names! Makes me so angry and sick over this! It's an atrocity

Susanne said...

I have a question... If the link to the store says an inmate cannot receive anything for 12 weeks, does that apply when they have been moved? I ask because Brendan has been moved and I don't want to send anything he would not receive. Thanks!

JustineM said...

Thank you for posting the store where you can buy and send things to Steven and Brendan online. I have sent Brendan a couple of things today. They sell small tvs on the website. Has he already got a tv? Is he even allowed one? Has anyone else been sending things?

JustineM said...

Thank you for posting the store where you can buy and send things to Steven and Brendan online. I have sent Brendan a couple of things today. They sell small tvs on the website. Has he already got a tv? Is he even allowed one? Has anyone else been sending things?

Unknown said...

Watch again... Clearly Barbs husband... Explains why Brendon won't talk straight

Unknown said...

Barbs husband could have easily framed Steven.. You don't take off work to visit your sick mom and then deer hunt the same day... BS.. This guy framed Steven and then the police helped.. Police didn't kill her.. But clearly made it look like Avery did... Barbs husband is the guy to look at for me... Brendon is probably told by the husband to say say the story about avery

Unknown said...

Also the story says Steven was selling the van for his sister.. I'm sure barb's hubby asked for Steven to sell the van... Anybody know of this detail?

Unknown said...

Also doesn't say which County wanted to remove the garage floor for testing.. But clearly you can assume that which ever County did, did not have any involvement in the murder

Unknown said...

Also doesn't say which County wanted to remove the garage floor for testing.. But clearly you can assume that which ever County did, did not have any involvement in the murder

Anonymous said...

Innocence not innocents

Anonymous said...

Obama fan are you? Do you need a safe place to go so people dont hurt your feelings? Grow up and look at the facts. I really hope you aren't that blind

Anonymous said...

Innocence not innocents

Unknown said...

Sick and corrupt in that town. They are innocent!

Unknown said...

He's being set up. No one in there right mind. Wouldn't be able to disassemble a whole body, and cut her up in small pieces, left her vehicle next to the car crusher, leave her key in the trailer, and not 1 speck of blood from Teresa. Then you have a kid, persuaded into whatever they wanted him to say. So, he can go back to school. He has a school project due. He had no idea he was dealing with evil , sick corrupt officers... All of them SOB!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I agree ,we the people need to stand behind this family and protest ,for them and with them , this is a shame, all because he and his family didn't have money , shame on the jurors , cops judge and any person that has to do with this trial !!!!

Unknown said...

No one could have said it better, I'm with you ,I too am so sick I can't eat ,we need to stand behind this family, and start protesting ,let me no when and where ,u can count on me STEVEN and Brenden !!!

Unknown said...

Not sure who you are ,but this is for STEVEN And Berndens supporters, do not post your BS , we do not want to see your comments we know they are Innocent !!!

Unknown said...

Yes ,he's blind or from Wisconsin, most likely, I will rally behind STEVEN and his family anytime !!!

Unknown said...

Yes ,he's blind or from Wisconsin, most likely, I will rally behind STEVEN and his family anytime !!!

Unknown said...

Not sure who you are ,but this is for STEVEN And Berndens supporters, do not post your BS , we do not want to see your comments we know they are Innocent !!!

Unknown said...

No one could have said it better, I'm with you ,I too am so sick I can't eat ,we need to stand behind this family, and start protesting ,let me no when and where ,u can count on me STEVEN and Brenden !!!

Unknown said...

I agree ,we the people need to stand behind this family and protest ,for them and with them , this is a shame, all because he and his family didn't have money , shame on the jurors , cops judge and any person that has to do with this trial !!!!

Keith/ NJ said...

Just finished watching Making a Murderer. I must say I'm fucking sick to my stomach! Is there anyone in law enforcement that is not corrupt in mantiowoc county and the Supreme Court of Wisconsin is also a fucking joke. They all should be ashamed of themselves including that dipshit public defender of Brendans.

Steve and Brendan need to be released ASAP as they are innocent victims that were targeted by corruption. It's a shame! Justice needs to be done to sheriffs and the prosecution officials.
I hope that Steve and Brendan will both get the retrial that they deserve and they are cleared of all charges. They need to put all those corrupt perverted motherfuckers in prison!

All our thoughts are with you Steve and Brendan!

Keith/ NJ said...

Just finished watching Making a Murderer. I must say I'm fucking sick to my stomach! Is there anyone in law enforcement that is not corrupt in mantiowoc county and the Supreme Court of Wisconsin is also a fucking joke. They all should be ashamed of themselves including that dipshit public defender of Brendans.

Steve and Brendan need to be released ASAP as they are innocent victims that were targeted by corruption. It's a shame! Justice needs to be done to sheriffs and the prosecution officials.
I hope that Steve and Brendan will both get the retrial that they deserve and they are cleared of all charges. They need to put all those corrupt perverted motherfuckers in prison!

All our thoughts are with you Steve and Brendan!

Rosa Ch said...

Watching Making a Murderer, I couldn't believe how far could go the corruption, the use of power against poor and innocent people, lack of values and justice in Manitowoc county and the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. We need justice for these men. It happens almost 10 years, that they are convicted for a crime they didn't do, but it was clear how these policemen, sheriffs and prosecutor officials manipulated and implanted false evidence against Steve and Brandon.
My pray and support for them. I will wrote them and make my donation to help them for their free and new trial, that they deserve.
It was really smart to create this documentary to support them, find new evidence and blowup social media, asking for justice and a retrial, but with imparcial and incorruptible judges.
I can believe how is possible a society like this in the world, abusing of poor and innocent people.
I hope that we can join together through social media, donations, letters, any support to make justice for these 2 guys, and the state of Wisconsin can realize that they are not alone.
La Union hace la fuerza!!!

Anonymous said...

My name is William Tyson and am a citizen of the United Kingdom, I work with a team of 1500 volunteers who would like to offer their full support to this case, I contacted the lawyer this morning assigned to this case, I would really like to speak wit the Avery family via email as I have with the defence attorney earlier today.

I believe very firmly that by providing a fresh eye to the case, that this will ultimately lead to the re-exoneration of Mr Dassy and Avery. Since this page is closely linked, please if any admins could help us to get into contact with them, we would be very grateful. This matter only came to my attention a few days ago, and this is going to take a lot more than a Netflix video to make the truth come out.

However in balance the series published on Netflix is the starting point of bringing this result about, we can make petitions, give donations and raise awareness and we need to keep doing that as much as possible. But the key to solving this is to prove exactly what happened, which I believe I and the team I volunteer with can do. And we aim to do so. If anyone would like to get in touch our email address is;

GIA@gmx.comBest Wishes,

Mr William Tyson

Unknown said...

Watched making a murderer it should have been called how to frame innocent men the evidence against them was bull shit and the charged Brendon with mutalation so where was the blood there was none the cops and the judge were probably mates this is a total frame up

Anonymous said...

I absolutely believe that Steven Avery is innocent...I believe that that whole town is corrupt...how could they take his money from a previous case...the cops(pigs) don't like to pay for THEIR mistake so they HAD to set him up! That entire town sounds crooked(including the judge and the defense lawyers)...f*** the law!

Anonymous said...

The entire time i kept thinking "Where is Bones!?" aka Doctor Brennan from the television series. They need someone with an Unbiased view of this case who will look at the facts and follow up on the leads that the Detectives, Sheriffs, and County officers completely ignored.

Unknown said...

I am sending a wwe magazine from the UK . Im fuming about it gutted for Brandon and have emailed the white house its the worst form of blue collar bullying ihave ever seen to such a vulnerable trusting and gentle young lad.

Titina said...

I only watched this after meeting Jerry Buting in Dublin last weekend. I was so sad and frustrated all along. My heart goes out to them. I wasn't surprised of how corrupt the whole process and prosecutors were though, judge included.

Anonymous said...

My heart breaks for Brendan. He was just a child, alone and scared. No one was in his corner. A life wasted. The justice system is definitely a broken one. Hang in there Brendan.

Anonymous said...

I am a victim of a serial rapist who quite rightly got life in prison. I was also abducted and beaten . I have gone through a trial and I truly believe Steven and Brendan are innocent . I hope they both get let out and at least try to have some peace in their lives. Things don't add up ....

Alexander Buhari said...

My name is Mrs Alex from Atlanta Georgia my husband was a habitual drunker and smoker, he always comes home drunk every night and always causing problem to me and my two kids he lost his job because of his drinking habit i was frustrated because i wanted to divorce him but i still love him, all i ever wanted was how to stop him from his drinking habit and smoking because i love him until i met dr ehis info on blog concerning spell for bringing back your lost love, (heart break) bringing back your wife or husband and making your husband to be responsible and stop the habit of drinking, all thanks to him if you have similar problem contact him on ehisakherespellworld@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I just watched this series..i am soo emotional and that isn't often at all!! I absolutely believe steven was set up..and feel soo deeply for brendan..i can't in my mind understand the fact they were found guilty. I am saddened that people are soo ignorant that this is happening.."devils knot" all over again!! Plz celebrities ..amazing lawers ..rich people..protesters..etc...plz HELP THESE MEN!! Do it for free do it for REAL justice etc.. I am mortified this is happening and the fact of how many other innocent souls are locked up without a chance.. I am not super religious but the little bit that i am is dwindling. I am also very sorry for Teresa and her family..i can't imagine their pain as well. WAKE UP THE EVIDENCE IS THERE LISTEN!! My god!!

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Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

on the how to send things to steven avery video, i did not see any sort of link or foot note or whatever telling me where to go to send anything at, can someone give me the info

Anonymous said...

Sickened to my core .how can those cops and creepy lawer sleep at night.those 2 innocent men locked up.f.....g shame on you the system.

Anonymous said...

My daughter just told me about this series, how real it was and all the controversy around it. I finished the whole season in just one day due to how invested i was. Since the first episode i could tell he was innocent without a doubt until the end, the fact that he was blamed by the detectives, lawyers and the same government so they couldn't take the blame of all the pain, time and injustice Steve had to go through. i have no doubts as we all know that it was staged to make him look guilty. Im a mother of two, and i watched the series without any law studies or anything, but i do have morals and ethic. As a mom i feel very powerless and angry for this injustice. How are they giving back this man his years and life wasted? Inside my ignorance by laws i can see clearly the distortion of the information and the bad intentions. I really hope they give him back his freedom, lets keep on hoping and believing.

shorty said...

I just finished the documentary on this and this makes me so mad and sick to my stomach I am from Texas and I believe the justice system is messed up as well how is it that a underage kid that killed 4 ppl here in Texas from driving drunk got 2years in prison all because money talks but 2 ppl that did not kill this woman get life you can't take back 18 plus years this just makes me so mad. I know the cops had something to do with it because when I was watching the show I can read ppl and some of the cops looked scared or worried esp when asked a question the justice system is f%%%

Preston Heffernan said...

I, like many people, have recently become aware of this tragedy via the Netflix Making A Murderer. It has disgusted me to a point where I'm writing this on a blog, which is the first blog comment I have ever written. This whole situation is so wrong on so many levels it's hard to say where to start. The best way I can think is to say, Dear God...sorry Steven! You and your family have been so mistreated, that you all honestly deserve justice and now $136 million to live out the rest of your life. I believe the truth will come out, and hopefully soon. I also think God works in mysterious ways, and what has happened to that slime ball Ken Kratz is only the beginning. So many people in the state of Wisconsin need to be held accountable for their pathetic actions, that hopefully Kathleen Zellner will open the door to that process. As a law abiding citizen, and one who truly believes you are innocent until proven guilty...without a reasonable doubt, I approached this by getting all the facts I could before making my final conclusion. There is absolutely no doubt Steven is innocent, and that Ryan Hillegas is the killer. People more talented than me will hopefully prove that, and let's hope God makes that happen sooner than later. I'm around the same age at Steven, and can only hope he gets to spend the second half of his life in happiness, peace, and love. By all means, I hope when he is proven innocent, he leaves that piece of shit state of Wisconsin!!! Take your money, move to Maui, and drink Mai Tai's for the rest of your life. Stay tough Steven...thanks to Netflix, you have a lot of people on your side.

Unknown said...

I am appauled. Someone needs to bring this to Trump!

carissarama said...

God Bless you. Too many people forget that Jesus died for US so that our sins could bc forgiven. And any true Christian knows that FORGIVENESS is one of the basic tenets of the Word of God. Along with Love, as you mentioned. There is definitely not enough love, kindness, OR brotherhood in the world in this day and age. And to wish someone would "rot in Hell"!?!?! That is an incredibly grave thing to say! That is very serious and wicked to wish that upon someone. If you believe in Hell, you know it is a place of torture and Evil and I, like you, would never wish anyone there! And you have a true, beautiful, Christian heart and soul to be able to forgive someone who has hurt you so badly. I was in an abusive/DV relationship as well and while it can be tough to forgive someone who has done violence to you, it is an amazing feeling to forgive and let go. A wonderful feeling of lightness. And just bc you forgive, it doesn't mean you have to forget. But remembering can help you to be a little stronger in the future bc you know you're a survivor! Bless you. And getting back to Steven&Brendan, I believe the investigation was done in an utterly unprofessional manner. I am absolutely disgusted by the methods that were used to get Brendan to "confess". It literally makes me sick to my stomach and I will continue to pray that both Brendan and Steven can, at the very least, be given new trials. Let's keep praying for them EVERY day! Peace&love!

Unknown said...

Today is October 28, 2018. Are all of the addresses above good?

So interested said...

It's so scary to think how much power our judicial system and police have over us. I don't feel they should have the protect and serve logo. I'm sorry about Teresa she did not deserve this. I'm so fascinated with all this and I know there is so much more I don't know about this case. But I do believe manitowoc county, the cops and all those people have something to hide. The sad part is is this is what the world is coming to. I think Kathleen is an amazing women and I believe if she stays persistent something will change. I believe Steven and Brandon are not guilty.

Unknown said...

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Michelle said...

Is this still the correct address for Brendan? I read something that he has been moved to Oshkosh Correctional Institution. Does anyone know how to mail him letters there?

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