04 November 05

Overeager Ogre

Ogre stopped by. The conversation was short and sour.
“I’m movin’ in this room when your celly leaves,” Ogre said.
“I don’t think so,” I said
“You ain’t got no choice.”
“Yeah, I do. I’d have to sign the move slip.”
“Not if your arm’s broken.”

Email comments to writeinside@hotmail.com or post them below

Copyright © 2004-2005 Shaun P. Attwood

Jon’s book wishlist – he is allowed used or new books as long as they are sent direct from publishers such as Amazon.

Do any readers know of a music tape distibutor either online or by phone, who will mail music cassettes directly to US state prisons? Info would be appreciated either through the comment box, or by email.


Anonymous said...

I sent a book-on-tape that got there through Amazon-- and Amazon sells music cassettes.

- Mary in NC

Anonymous said...

Ogre cracks me. His one liners and snarky wit makes me totally think of shrek. I am so glad we dont have pictures (alternately I wish we did) because some of these mental pictures I have are hilarious!

Lo :)