Women's Incarceration Experiences: Cherry Valentine

“So you’ve been to jail?” I asked.
“Twice. Well, the first time, let me start off with what I went to jail for. I was shopping at Dillard's – one of my favorite clothing stores in the mall – and ran into this girl who thinks I stole her man (who is actually a homosexual). She had this whole Revlon collection in her purse that she decided to start throwing at me. She began screaming, and something in me just snapped. I grabbed her head and threw it into a display case full of I don't remember – it could of been ties for all I know. Then I began to pound on her face. She called me a kike too, so that didn't make me any happier. Luckily for that girl they had cops around and they grabbed me away and brought me up to this office where they asked me to tell the story over and over again. I was in this office for over an hour. A squad car picks me up and it's very embarrassing to walk out the mall with cuffs on, especially when you know a lot of people. So I was very nervous to go to jail cause I had never been.
I was wearing a really nice suit with runs in my pantyhose, and all these African American guys start screaming, ‘Hey baby.’
And I remember telling them to fuck off.”
“Where was this jail?”
“Southeast Texas. In this jail there are two giant men cells and one cell for girls. Then you have three of these individual cells for the really crazy ones they put in these strange straight-jacket-like outfits. One of them got a little violent with a guard and eight of them climbed on this guy and tasered him, then he pissed all over himself. That was pretty entertaining for me. In the women's cell I was in was a group of really nasty larger girls.
I remember one of them saying she was hungry to a cop, and he replied, ‘Your fat ass doesn't need any food.’
They were very mean. One of the girls was taking a pregnancy test and there was another young lady all washed up that had fallen asleep. We had no benches to sit on, just a cold concrete floor, and of course the food was awful. I really didn't like having to stare at these girls taking their jumpers off so they could pee, ’cause there are also no stalls or anything, just one nasty toilet. If you have to go, everyone has to see. That's embarrassing for me. They took the girls in blue jumpers away to their own cells where I was alone until a girl in an orange jumper came in. She was African American and in there for murder but was very nice to me. We had quite a conversation and she made me want to turn my life around. She told me her story and that she had a daughter who wrote her a card on Mother's Day. I felt sad for her. Eventually, I fell asleep after all the finger painting that was done. Then I heard bail. I wasn't in there but a few hours the first time, my father had to bail me out.”
“What about the second time?”
"The second time I was framed. My car broke down so I called my brother and asked him for a ride. Two of my brothers were in the car along with a girlfriend of theirs. I am in this vehicle for not even two minutes, and a cop pulls us over. He arrests both my brothers because they had warrants for their arrest for whatever reasons. The cop is talking to the other girl and I asking us if we have anything on us.
I proudly said, ‘No officer I don't do drugs and you can search through all my things if you like.’
The other girl said no as well. He searched through her purse and opened up a cigarette box where he found a joint. He said, ‘You fucking lied to me, what else do you have?’
She replied, ‘I have a stash in my panties.’
The officer calls for another squad car and they handcuff her. He searches through my things and tells me I can go.
I just start walking towards my brother's telling them I would call Mom when the cop yelled, ‘Wait a second, put cuffs on her too.’
I yelled, ‘For what? I haven't done anything.’
The officer screams, ‘There's marijuana all over the backseat where you were sitting.’
I know there was no marijuana there, and I remembered that my brother just cleaned his car and he said there was nothing back there. So I started talking shit to the cops, calling them dirty, and well, every name in the book as they cuff me. So they take me back to the same place and I am pissed off. I am giving every cop in there attitude. They called me a bitch and threatened to spray mace in my face. It was very strange to be in jail with my family, but comforting at the same time ’cause we could all see each other across from one another in our cells. So we were giving each other messages back and forth. We all tried calling everyone we knew to bail us out of jail. The cops laughed as they listened to me tell my grandmother that were pulled over by a dirty cop that planted marijuana on us. They even planted a crack pipe but charged my brothers for it. That is something my brothers have never tried, so I know that for sure was made up as well. I mean, we're Jews, we aren't into that heavy shit. But our family has been pretty notorious for getting in trouble and we are the only Jewish family in this area so everyone referred to us as the Notorious Jews. I always thought that title was lame. So we all sat in jail all night waiting for someone. I saw another man get tasered like the first time and I remember my brothers thinking it was quite hilarious. In the women's cell there was only me and the other girl that was dating my brother. This girl was only eighteen years of age. But she acted like she had been to jail before. One of the guards came and checked on us and was watching the girl sleep.
I didn't like the way he was looking at her so I asked, ‘What the fuck are you looking at you pervert?’
The cop replied, ‘Bitch you better shut up before we decide to keep you in here longer.’
All night I was arguing with the cops. Luckily I never got into trouble for it. Around eight o'clock in the morning my mother bails us out leaving the other girl in jail by herself. I was still talking shit as I was leaving the jail house but I couldn't help it, I was very angry. If I can help it, I will never go back.”
“What do you think of the jail guards?”
“The guards all had pretty huge egos which really doesn't fly too well with me. When I was being searched it was hard for me ’cause at the time I was very modest and hadn't broken out of my shell. I was nineteen years of age. The female cops were okay I guess.
I got testy with one and she said, ‘Oh so you think beause we are all dressed in blue we are all the same?’
I said. ‘Yes.’"
“What’s the worst thing a guard did to you?”
“I can not remember what the worst thing a guard did to me. Just a lot of arguing going back and forth. Me being a smart ass and the cop not liking the way I talked to him. I can honestly say that I hate cops with a passion ’cause most of them are dirty and when I've needed help several times in the past, they were never there.”
“I read some of your blogs at MySpace. Your attitude is similar to that of my friend in Paradise Valley, Jill Cuomo – funny in a tough way – who I spent some of the best times of my life with.”
“Yea I like to blog a lot. I always have opinions on things but most of the time people don't know how to take it. I don't like to sugar coat things and I just say whatever is on my mind.”
“You were a SuicideGirl member. What happened?”
“Yes, I can not believe SuicideGirls. They said I was too harsh and honest, or well rude to the other girls when people really just took things I said the wrong way. The other girls and I did not get along at all. Hard to believe. But I model for all kinds of sites now so I'm not worried about it.”
"Well thanks, Cherry Valentine, for sharing your jail experiences at Jon's Jail Journal.”
You can check Cherry Valentine’s blog and modelling pics out at: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=133534047
and her horror modelling shots at: http://www.deadlycreations.org/cherryvalentine.cfm
Email comments to writeinside@hotmail.com or post them below
Copyright © 2007-2008 Shaun P. Attwood
Cherry is gorgeous, but probably has an anger problem. It's messed up that the cops framed her the second time, but typical here in the States.
I'd like to ask Cherry what was so bad about the food in the Texas jail?
It's good that you're including women's stories here as well, but I don't think this one is typical. And I would agree-sounds like there's an anger problem. I disagree that all COs have ego issues. Some are hard to deal with, but I've seen more who are decent. If you could it would be good to find women less high profile, which is what I find amazing-all classes of society are affected, particularly when the crime is tied to substance abuse.
who's next, Paris Hilton?
From Cherry Valentine:
No I don't have anger issues. That's the first time I ever started a fight with someone, and believe me when I say she had it coming. Please don't judge me when you don't know me. I didn't eat the food cause it tasted like crap. All the COs there did have ego issues, in fact every cop I've ever talked to has had ego issues except for maybe a few female cops. I already know Paris Hilton's experience in jail and it wasn't that bad.
Something I have found to be true with female inmates-it's hard to get them to share because more typically they are deeply ashamed of being in prison. Many leave children. I offered to write to one young lady, and she struggled to even put her thoughts down-I only received one letter and don't know what happened to her. I found out later why Jazz was incarcerated. Most of the girls just loved her-she was this beautiful, tiny hispanic girl with black eyes, pretty full lips with a really ugly scar on her lower lip, big hearted and sweet. Her much older live-in man thing was a dealer. So when the police nabbed him, she was taken as an accessory and given half his time. She was pregnant going in, gave birth inside and had her child taken from her immediately. Her real crime was being incredibly naive-she didn't even understand her sentence.
Cherry Valentine is right. What kind of scum help keep their fellow countrymen and women locked up for Big Brother? All prison guards are complicit in taking away our freedoms.
Jimmy Hoffa, quotes about Prison:
I can tell you this on a stack of Bibles: prisons are archaic, brutal, unregenerative, overcrowded hell holes where the inmates are treated like animals with absolutely not one humane thought given to what they are going to do once they are released. You're an animal in a cage and you're treated like one.
I agree. But I for one have always loved to share. Whether I am in jail or what not does not change me, I stay my sweet self. I like to help others out, IDK.
-Cherry Valentine.
Some thoughts and observations about being the mother of an inmate and a volunteer at our local prison-the missing link is an involved and caring public. To paint prisons and their employees with a broad brush is wrong.
I really believe, after dealing directly with the system for three years, is that it takes individuals in the community to pair up with inmates-write to them, visit them, mentor them. COs don't have time. Many inmates don't have families, or relatives to help them. If you really want to help, I think most institutions would welcome it. Prisons are overcrowded, staff is overburdened, abuses happen, but the success stories are generally the ones who have someone on the outside ready to assist. I agree it took me a personal family disaster to get there, but I'm glad I did.
What does Cherry Valentine think of suicide girls now some of the girls have jumped ship and claimed bad things about Missy Suicide?
Joannie said, "To paint prisons and their employees with a broad brush is wrong."
I have to agree, based on my own personal experience.
"Prisons are overcrowded, staff is overburdened, abuses happen, but the success stories are generally the ones who have someone on the outside ready to assist."
Agreed, again.
Respect, compassion and attitude is a two way street. Someone has to take the initiative to create positive interaction.
People are people.
Well that's a completely different topic from what we are discussing but I don't have many thoughts of Missy Suicide. I don't want to get caught up in any drama. I know a few people that are being sued by suicide girls and a few people that are trying to sue them. I personally am running out of good things to say about suicide girls. But whatever Missy's problem is, I wish her the best of luck.
-Cherry Valentine
The police have beaten me to a pulp over jay walking tickets and a smart mouth....why wouldn't they frame a young woman for a brief power trip......prison guards are the worst........Oh well without roaches there would be no lions I suppose!
err vicky pollard?
I don't think this chick was ever an SG. I've been an SG for the past four years, and I've never seen this girl, and there is already a Cherry Suicide.
Please verify your facts before you start throwing titles around. If I'm wrong, please correct me.
-Sydni Suicide
Sorry, people,but this girl is lying when she says she is an ex-Suicide Girl. Unless she can provide her SG name?
I don't know what else she is lying about.
I've figured it out. She was a SG "hopeful" named CherryValentine, never an actual SG.
Considering that she lied about that, you might want to check and see what else she has lied about in regards to this story.
Ex suicide girl huh? More like ex wanna be suicide girl, she never made it past hopeful and got kicked of the site for being a pill.
I personally wouldn't believe a word this trick says. She was never a Suicide Girl. In fact, she had been rejected from the site a few times and was a well-known delusional hopeful.
Hi, I've been a member of Suicide Girls for over three years, and I remember this broad quite well. She was NEVER an SG, she was a "hopeful." She sent in multiple photosets, none of which were accepted because they were not up to SG's standards. SG NEVER paid this woman for a set, and she never "posted in pink."
If a model is archived on the site, you can still view their photosets. Check for yourself: there is not an SG named CherryValentine. There was, however, a member by that name back in 2004, but you can clearly see this person was not an SG:
The broad in the article used the member name "Rivka," and she was removed from the site for violating TOS, among other things.
Haha thank you all for showing your concerns and calling me a liar but the majority of you don't even know what you are talking about. I decided to stay on as a member because I still wanted access to the site. I don't know why they then decided to put my pictures in the hopeful section but that wasn't my intention. I never got kicked off the site, I still have access and I was never being a pill. I had a lot of morons twisting my words around IN A CHAT ROOM of all places trying to say I was racist, homophobe, and that I hate the military or something retarded along that effect. I had used several different names while I was on there. I model for five other websites and that's good enough for me. They recently added some of my photos on member review on sg without asking too. But yea I'm not about to go on the internet and spurt out lie after fucking lie about a little jail story. I have way more to do with my time then write a long paragraph on the topic from scratch. But this is really fun for me, so if you want to comment back and tell me how much you dislike me...Oh don't worry...I'll wait.
I happen to know that what actually happened was that they wanted her first set but she said no to being an sg because she wanted to model for other sites that she was on. She had told them to keep her on as a member yet they kept putting her sets on hopeful when she told them not to. Oh and I read the chat logs that started the whole mess with her, Vanessa Suicide, and Churtch Suicide. Uhm people were rude to her for no reason. She mad a few outbursts but always clarified she was joking, and the morons couldn't even tell her sarcasm in all that. I don't know about her violating any rules, it must of been that rude comment she left Churtch after Churtch started fucking with her. But no Cherry never said she was a Suicide Girl, she didn't want any part of the contract after reading it and that's why she TOLD them to just keep her on as a member. All of you are wrong and don't know what happened. Not trying to start shit. Just saying. I think you can find her on GodsGirls though, if she decided to go through with it.
i happen to know that she did go to jail for these things cause i am her brother. and yes, she does have a bad temper like say tyra banks or whatever that model's name was that hit the help with the phone
lol this is wierd but I am Cherrys brothers girlfriend Leah and i was told about this and all i can say is...it was my marijuana that arrested her and when she was arrested the first time, i had to call her job to tell them she wouldnt be coming in. i just want to say i think cherry valentine is a wonderful person and very nice. for a bunch of people to come on here and call her a liar and this and that, i have to say something about it. none of you actually know her so back off.
ya u ppl dont even kno what u r talking about
I don't know cherry as well as some others may. But from what I've seen, she is a very level headed person. I can't say I blame her for arguing with the cops. It seems just a wrong place wrong time situation in both.
So whats going on here? Oh yea that's right, sg is mad at you cause they think you hate the military, gays, and obese people. Is that why all these people are trying to make you look bad calling you a liar? Hmm I think so. Yea I already know the story behind this, good thing you didn't stay on as a suicide girl and took that other contract instead. But seriously. I HATE THE MILITARY, I DISLIKE FAT AND GAY PEOPLE WHY DON'T YOU PEOPLE TAKE SOME ANGER OUT ON ME!
she was arrested another time but guess she didn't want to tell that story
this is julian on cherrys top friends list for myspace you can find me at, you may also remember me from churtch suicides blog. i just want to say that well first of all cherry, i don't even know why you tried to get on sg in the first place when you have your picture in an art gallery in another country and model for like a billion other sites girl you dont need no sg membership, all those girls are ugly anyway. sounds like people are still making up rumors about you eh?> yea well i know that you eat that shit up instead of getting offended so you dont need me to stick up for you
hahaha see how much drama suicide girls is, told you not to go on there
Okay, I know Cherry personally, and she is a good friend. She is outspoken and opioniated, without a doubt. This trait might rub some people the wrong way, but if you put yourself out into a public forum like SG, you have to realize what you're opening yourself up to. The Cherry I know is currently working on her Master's Degree, while raising a child and working full-time. Additionally, She has an active and successful modeling career and has been featured on a number of Internet sites. Cherry also manages a number of Internet site dedicated to film reviews. All in all, a pretty impressive body of work and number of accomplishments for one so young. I hang in Cherry's life, so I'd be the first to say that's it's not a place for the faint of heart. If you can't run with the "big dogs," you better stay on the porch. A Friday night out with Cherry is always an adventure, and I cherish those moments, because life can be pretty BORING most of the time!! Cherry is a shark in a little pond. A player, a mover, and a shaker, and I wouldn't want her to be any other way!!
hahaha is this Wilt Chamberlin?
I love Cherry Valentine. She's one of the best characters I've ever met.
cherry is a bitch but i like her that way. honesty is a good thing but ya I don't agree with Suicide Girls knocking her off because some pussys in a chat room don't know how to take criticism. don't put yourself on a forum if you can't take criticism. suicide girls is suppose to be a bunch of girls that don't give a fuck, apparently they care too much. well cherry is one of those that doesnt give a fuck and to me she's above all of them.
I like how the comments went from stupid crap to talking MAD shit about suicidegirls.com
I was in the midst of all of this girls drama. Her and two of her friends decided to send me hate mail on Myspace and She decided to send me hate mail on SG. then blocked me so I could not reply to her message.
Suicidegirls.com is a wonderful site with wonderful girls. Who in fact are extremely Sweet if you don't piss them off. but if you do, you know what they say "hell hath no wrath like a woman scorned" and she pissed off everyone in her path.
And Yes she did try to become a Suicidegirl, She posted that fact many many time in the SG hopefuls group. And SG will not put a set on member review unless the girl submits the set herself for that process.
Also what I wanna know. is why all of Cherry Valentine's dance pictures have the face photoshopped out. and them the caption says " this is a preformance from when I was 14 when the girl in the picture is CLEARLY not 14.
Jon you need to check out you interview before you write them....
ok about the whole SG thing, which is completely off topic, i dont have anything negative to say to cherry about it.
i just want to say that i love that you're STILL talking about churtch suicide in such a negative manner.
i'm not sure what you're attempting to do with that, but everyone knows that bad press is good press...even for someone that disgusts god...
now back on topic.
i'm not sure about cherry having anger issues, but theres definitely obsession issues.
may you modeling career do you good =]
dont bother replying to me, i wont be back looking for one, just wanted to put in two cents from someone that knows what went on.
and yes im remaining anonymous, my myspace doesnt need to be crammed with insults and threats from your friends.
Oh you just HAD to respond didn't you Churtch? I didn't start talking mad shit on SG, others did and I put in my opinion. You're not even telling the story how it happened. I sent you that message on myspace because you started shit with me remember? I never even said shit to you, you just started saying rude comments to me
so I decided to reply back. And yes I did have friends stick up for me and send you messages as well, only because they wanted to after they saw that you and your friends were attacking me on SG. I never said anything about being in a hopefuls group or being rejected. I clearly stated when I first started that I didn't want my pictures on SG
because I wanted to model for other sites, I had changed my mind. On some of those I may of submitted onto the wrong section though, I never understood why it was under hopefuls until I realized what section I was uploading them onto. And you know this, I don't know why you are on here lying or well replying for that matter. I don't have any obsessions. You're the one looking
around at all my stuff and my pictures, are you sure you don't have an obsession? That picture was taken when I was 14, k thx. The reason for the blur in the face is because the website that I put my dance pictures on requires that we don't show our faces
for security reasons and I never got around t saving the pic without the blur yet I have all these other dance photos that you CAN see my face you retard. The only reason why I brought you up Churtch is because nobody had the right story of what was going on so I explained and that's the only reason why your name was brought up. Doesn't mean you're special or that I am obsessed with you.
I would say your attempt to lie and try to turn things on me failed and you're a fucking moron. I see you still have NO life. For those of you who actually KNOW me and know what's going on, thanks. Have a lovely day Churtch <3 oh and whoever anonymous is that's not going to read this again apparently, my modeling career is going just splendid, thank you. Last but not least, for the record...my friends have never threatened any of you.
Uh oh, the SG posse is back against Cherry Valentine. Hey douche bags, remember me???? It's Mr. Blonde. Well this is just sad but we know how you loves the drama so have at it. If you're going to start shit then at least tell the fucking truth Churtch.
Just admit it, you attacked Cherry Valentine first because you're an imbecile that can't take sarcasm, or even her apology for what she said that offended others. We all read the fucking chat logs. Stop lying, I fucking saw it and she did nothing to you ugly people.
You all attacked her without even thinking about it. She was nice to you too, I do remember one of the first times she commented you on your pics but then you went ape shit on her so she was like, okay then that's how it's going to be.
Why the fuck are you even looking at her dance photos anyway you freak? Stop trying to turn all this around on her. She didn't even attack you, she just told them what happened with you and that's all. Get a fucking life dude. And for your other friend, we don't cram people's messages up with
insults and threats. I sent her like two messages just sticking up for my friend, no threats involved. Ugh all so stupid.
church is a liar and tell your mom to stop sending us messages
i see that someone else started talking about sg NOT Cherry V
i also see in the chat logs that she had posted on a site for all of us to see that this is what she had said....
CV: I like Sash Suicide. Have you ever noticed one of her boobs is bigger than the other?
CV: I still think she's pretty.
I don't think she's being rude, sorry. Next topic....
CV: My room mate wanted to hang up that stupid poster of the girl flexing her non muscle and it says "We Can Do It" but we aren't lesbians so I told her to take it down. I don't her I hate dykes lol.
CV: But the truth is, I don't hate dykes I was only joking with her, kind of an inside joke between us. We have a lot of homosexual friends and I love it.
You guys didn't even read her next message in the chat because after the first sentence you all started ranting towards her about how she hates the military when she never stated that.
You may be asking yourself, this is why Cherry got such a bad rep at SG? Yes, it's because all the girls on there are fucking morons. Clearly. Believe me when I say that's not even all, there was more but I don't care to type that much. That is where bad things started happening between Churtch and Cherry because of that poster comment she made Churtch just started being really mean to her and that's why she sent Churtch a rude message. You can try to change the story as much as you want Churtch but we know what really happened. I am staying anonymous too because I don't want crap mail but I would like to say
cherry is a wonderful person, deep and caring and oh so eautiful. she may have honest opinions but that doesnt make her a bad person in fact i envy her for it. i think churtch might just have some jealousy issues. love you cherry valentine, i'll call you later so youi know who thisa is
Ok, here we go, this is Churtch and this is the first time I am commenting on this. First off, there are no chat logs, SG doesn't keep chat logs, so I am really very sorry but stop telling everyone that you all read the chat logs. I was not the first person that attacked Cherry, I had a problem when she said that she watched a movie she thought was going to be good but it ended up being about female empowerment and apparently because of that the movie sucked because female empowerment is "bullshit" other people had a problem with CV for some other issues she had started with other people in the chat room while I was not even in there. The first thing she said about me was "I think Churtch is really pretty" I said "thanks" and someone else told her not to suck up to me. Then there was the issue of her saying "I just hate dykes" joking or not, I don't think it is appropriate for you to approach a lot of people that you don't know saying things like this, joking or not its rude and tactless. Then CV wrote a blog on SG and seeings as she was on my friends list I read it, the blog was basically calling me stupid, fat and ugly, I responded, and I did it in a much classier manner than she is claiming. Then CV left a comment on my set that said "I bet God is disgusted" I laughed and she later denied leaving the comment saying her boyfriend was on her account and left it, I told her to own up, it really wasn't that big of a deal.
Not long after I received hate mail on my Myspace from CV and two of her little buddies, I screen capped it and left it up in a blog, I figured if I was going to be attacked I wanted to the world to see how tasteless the people attacking me were. My mother is very proud of the woman I am and emailed Mr Blonde back telling him basically to fuck off. I did not ask her to, and when I found out she emailed them I asked her not to do it again because I didn't see the point in giving them the reaction they so desperately craved. I emailed Mr Blonde myself telling him I was done and I wanted nothing to do with him or CV and their little posse, and he wouldn't even take the 2 minutes to read the email, he just emailed me back talking more shit.
I received the link to this article from the author, I assume he found me because CV and her buddies have links to my Myspace on their pages. I told him I was not interested in reading about her being in jail, he did however also leave the link to this article as a comment on my Myspace hate mail blog. I have numerous friends that checked this article out and didn't understand how the comments turned into something against me and thought it was sad, I do too. If CV spent time in jail good for her, but I don't really understand what that has to do with me. I think it is time for CV and her buddies to get over this whole thing with me, CV was removed from SG because she was being a bitch to numerous models and members so she can start taking responsibility for her actions because I am really fucking tired of her blaming other people for her faults.
Umm That was NOT Churtch. It was I Pandorial that posted that comment....... don't forget you and your friends sent me hate mail as well. but whatever. I'm glad I came across this.
Well if anyone needs some proof of her cunt behavior I have some great screen caps of her verbally attacking Churtch Suicide, Vanessa , Tons of people in chat and I
You know, because of all of this bullshit that YOU have caused Your career will go down the crapper in a matter of time. plus you are attractive at all..
This is retarded. We are suppose to be talking about something else but you guys just have to start drama.
They aren't 'really' called chat logs but I call them that and believe me, I know how to save that shit. It isn't exactly my first time to use the computer. I said that movie was bullshit cause I thought it was bullshit, they advertised it as some great action filmed that turned out to be a boring ass chick flick so of course I'm going to say that's bullshit. Whoop te fucking doo, guess that makes me a bad person. don't need to suck up to anyone, I looked at your default pic and thought it was pretty so I told you so, but I hadn't looked at your profile pics then. That doesn't make me a suck up, sorry. My ex boyfriend really did leave you that comment, I don't care if you believe me or not. I cannot speak for my friend's actions on sending you messages, I don't care what they're doing or if they're craving something out of it, but I am not. Once again, don't know how many times I have to type this out. I DID NOT start a topic on SG. If you maybe read the fucking comments you can see that others brought you and SG up, not me. I was just replying to their comments telling them what had happened. I wasn't being as bitch to anyone on SG until people started being a bitch to me, once again I have to keep repeating myself. I take responsibility for my actions and I still believe I did nothing wrong. It's a free fucking country and if I want to talk about some movie I thought was bullshit and boring then I am going to. I don't need to apologize for that. Maybe people should just stop trying to start shit in chats or maybe you shouldn't be on there if you can't handle it. I have no beef with you but I do feel sorry for you. I already tried to clear this up with you and what not but you never responded. Don't care if you do or not.
Lol I remember that moron Pandorial or whatever the name was. She sent me hate mail on SG so I sent her hate mail back. Haha I don't know why they wont admit that they sent me rude messages first, same with Vanessa. And once again for you slow folks that can't get it through your retarded head, THEY ATTACKED ME FIRST, DO YOU UNDERSTAND? YOU-FUCKING-MORON. I'm not going to send someone rude messages for no fucking reason, not my style. My career is just fine. Modeling is just something I do on the side cause it's fun but don't care to pursue because I have a brain and many other talents. I don't care if you think I am attractive or not. 98745975982573 people disagree so one different opinion, OH MY POOR SELF-ESTEEM. I CAN'T HANDLE WHAT ONE PERSON SAYS ABOUT ME ON THE INTERNET SO I AM GOING TO SLIT MY WRISTS!!! You're no Kim Basinger so I don't know why you're judging anyway. If you guys reply with the same shit again I am going to have to assume you're retarded. Cause I've had to point out like a billion times now that I only sent you people messages because you sent me rude messages and started being rude to me in chat. Have a nice day :)
are these bitches for fucking real? lol this is hilarious. lol @ someone saying you aren't attractive too. Priceless. we may of sent you guys like a couple of messages but only because we saw how rude you were being to someone who did nothing to you. you can keep 'attempting' to prove that cv is lying and started shit but that's not the case. I am not here to call anyone ugly by no means and I hate that you ladies actually act like this but i just wanted to clear up the fact that you guys started this first. i was on sg and read her comments constantly and you all attacked her together because you aren't smart enough to understand sarcasm or well her brilliant jokes. you people are just too fucking stupid. and Pandora, whatever the fuck your gay name is, you need to lose some weight before criticising other people and just so happens that this will not ruion CV's modeling career because now of this SG nonsense it has gotten her more gigs and several people are starting to frown upon SG because of the girls stupidity. grow a fucking dick man, I agree with Stryker, if you can't play with the big dogs then stay on the fucking porch you loser.
wait, okay so all this started over the fact that CV said a movie was bullshit? ROFL! I cant belive you girls are fihgting with her because something she said about a movie. well you guys dont know her and everyuthing you have typed about her in these comments are nothing but lies and not even her. and whats up with telling this dude to check out his interview first? why the fuck would she come on her and just make up stories about jail? uhm i think if she were going to make up stories about jail her stories would have been a little more interesting and chaotic. (No offense CV-love you but it doesn't sound like jail was that bad for you all three times you went doll.) i happen to know that her dance pictures are real because she was one of the best dancers in this area and ive seen her perform. heh that amanda person made me laugh, stupid. "plus you are attractive at all.." hahaha who are you kidding you fat bitch? and about her modeling career, uhh yea i seriously doubt anyone gives a fuck that CV couldn't get along with a couple of girls from SG. it doesnt work that way girly. this is the only time i am replying, i just thought i would comment and doubt i would read this stupid crap again. oh and cv congratulations! forgot to tell you last night.
lol @ morons hating on Cherry, as if you weren't popular enough Cherry.
I would just LOVE to see a reality show with CV, Churtch, and all these other girls bickering away at each other on television. I find this all pretty entertaining.
CV is gorgeous, all I am saying
cv=one of the best characters of all time
I would just love to see CherryValentine get horribly disfigured in a firey car crash
Lol Amanda it's okay. Don't be upset. For this is the INTERWEBZ. In a few months you wont even be worried about it. So just get over it now. I would say that I would love to watch someone stab you in the knee cap with an ice pic and use your skin as the skin on their suitcase. But I don't get offended like you people on the internet so I don't care to wish harm upon you. Relax girls, fuck, life is too short to be worried about this shit.
Oh and yes Leah there was another time I was arrested when I lived with that stripper we attepted to take off with a couple of t-shirts from a clothing store when we were 19. But the jail experience, there wasn't much to tell. I was in there for like 2 hours before my daddy got me out. So I just decided not to add that one in there. Guess my brother filled you in on all that already though.
This has to be the best internet drama I've ever read. Everyone already knows Suicide Girls is nothing but drama and girls wanting to sue everyone. But leave Cherry Valentine before. I've had the pleasure of meeting her once and she was very sweet and pretty. I find it hilarious that all these girls are trying to gang up on her when really they're the ones out of line. Much love CV and hope to hang again. -JOshua
Lol I got banned from SG Houston chat.
holding cells are NOT jail.
I have a question:
Did you model for Dillard's before or after this incident?
The modeling for Dillards was when I was like 12. A LONG time ago. Lol. I would consider being held in a holding cell against your will all night to be jail. Especially when you feel like you're starving to death and there's nothing to fucking do.
just browsing through, thought this was funny as shit and entertaining, lets see who else cherry will piss off!
lol how long has this been up here?
This is why I refuse to be a member of SG and give them my hard earned money. The level of high school drama coming out of that place is a huge turn off.
Anytime SG is mentioned anywhere on the net the membership turns up and takes over the site with catfights and more drama than a gay soap opera.
The blog is about jail and jail conditions and one man's exposure of the same. It's not a forum for airing out SG laundry. Go Away, please.
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