Guest Blogger Submission Guidelines

If you are an ex-prisoner or know someone in prison with a true story that you’d like to share with the readers of Jon’s Jail Journal, here are the submission guidelines:

Please keep the story within the context of this blog. Only prison stories (and occasionally crime stories) are acceptable, and they must be written by the prisoner/criminal involved.

The readers of Jon’s Jail Journal like to make up their minds for themselves, so please don’t go overboard railing against your place of incarceration or the unfairness of the legal system. Detail your situation or environment, take the readers right there with you through your words.

To determine what has worked best in the past with the readers of Jon’s Jail Journal, please read the blog entries. Here are some of the blogs that have attracted the most comments:

Polish Avenger

Rapist on the Yard

Interview with a Blood

Stories that have worked have ranged from a gangster whacking a gangster to something as simple as a prisoner smuggling peanut butter into a classroom via his sock.

Along with the story, please send a short bio. Just a few sentences long describing your age, crimes, sentence length, and the name of your place of incarceration. If you wish your name and prison to remain anonymous, please state so.

If you are no longer in prison, the story should be typed up (preferably in Microsoft Word) and sent as an email attachment to
If you are still in prison, my prefence is for you to mail it to a family member who can type it up and email it to  If you have no outside support, then I will accept the story via snail mail.

Please feel free to hyperlink your own website or blog to the story or bio.

Stories from female prisoners are also most welcome as there are few on the Internet.


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Anonymous said...

This this is the most facinating site for all who have been inside the prison walls or out.Thankyou A motherscry prison advocate for the protection and rights of our Inmates of az

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for posting my comment.I am heading a team A MOTHERSCRY to find a cure for hepc and for inmates rights to treatment in az prisons.As my only son who is incarcarated has been diagnosed with this .And has been denied treatment because they say his liver isnt bad enough to treat.In many opinion this is preferential treatment to pick randomly who gets treatment.Isnt that illegal.So join me at the liverlife walk march 2oth phx az At indian steele park to walk for life of az prisoners and my only sons fight inside the prison walls.Go to and find A Motherscry team.Godbless you jons journal once again.You have made a difference in our lives.A Motherscry protecting the rights of humanity in az prisons.

ML said...

My children and I have been horribly victimized for over 11 years now with no end in sight, because the people doing this to us have very high-level political and law enforcement ties. ALL of the attorneys, legal assistance/advocacy organizations, and law enforcement (including the DOJ) have repeatedly refused to help us; same for the media. We are trying to fight off the outright theft of our house and land with no attorney to represent us, we've been advised to seek protective orders at the same D.A.'s office where an investigator emailed me a death threat, we can provide written proof that we are under illegal surveillance using federal equipment that is made here (by the same companies that make medical implants my ex- uses in his practice), and MUCH more. We are begging for your advice or help in finding proper legal representation and with publicizing our situation so we can get some relief. For additional information, see my blog: ("My Story").

Anonymous said...

Would really like to know how and why prisons get away with charging SOOOOOO much for phone calls. Its crazy!!!! Companies like GTL are taking families broke!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is more of a question than a boyfriend was recently incarcerated 8/19 and is now in Durango jail..Ive only seen him once last Sunday and went back today Sat. since this was a scheduled visitation day for his house #. I called the hot line first before driving 20 miles down to the jail and the hotline msg said NO LOCKDOWNS today, I get there at 6:15am this morning and am told at the window his house number is in lockdown.!! Do you know how long typical lockdowns last? I am desperate to see my man since I have no other means of communication with him outside of postcards, that I have sent to him. So far he has not sent me any in return...I am worried. Help?

Anonymous said...

I read part of your book today shaun. the one called Hard Time. I was an inmate at the Tent city Facility (Maricopa county jail) along with previous times in the estrada and durango facilities from 1990 - 1997. The last time I was in I did 9 months in tent city and it wasnt as half as bad as apparently it got when you were in there. And my god I dont ever remember the cops ever treating anyone that bad, that shit is really out of control. The two distinct things I do remember seeing was the day I got there there was a chick on the upper tier slamming some dope and she pulled the needle out just as a cop walked by LOL so they took her back downtown and rebooked her with new charges. And that was also before the new black and white uniforms, we wore orange and they were getting ready to introduce the new uniforms 2 years later. Sheriff joe is a cheap ass lame piece of shit and he used to actually serve good food back in the early 90's and then it started going downhill and instead of getting 3 meals a day you would get 2 good ones and that god awful ladmo bag shit and the sandwiches were the same old bolony and cheese crap every time. and if we were lucky we would get a big cookie too. He didnt even have mercy on any women who were pregnant either and I distinctly remember one woman who lost her baby because she wasnt getting enough to eat. after I was sentenced I was given the choice of either working in admin cleaning the offices and their weight room etc which was a nice cushy job or go to work in laundry folding clothes all day long. Our pods and rooms were very clean for the most part because when I came in i volunteered to take over everyone elses job so i could stay in shape. The only other drugs I ever saw was 1 time when I cane back from the visiting room and the cops never hardly ever checked us when we came back and I couldnt believe it when this one chick whips out a whole bunch of contraband right in front of me and mind you this was out in the tents outside. She whipped out a small pocket !
size mir
ror, a dollar bill and some dope. My eyes about popped out of my head as I watched her make a line on that mirror, roll up the dollar bill and then snort it. I just looked at her like wtf? I was only in there doing time for being caught with .00009 miligrams worth of shit, basically a scraper baggie. 9 months for possession. unreal. when I got out I swore up and down I would never go back to jail ever again. by that time I had 50 drug charges (misdemeanors) and 2 felony drug charges and
I said enuf. this revolving door has to go cause I almost got prison time last time for sales. I left that state (AZ) and I have never went back. AZ is the worst state ever. They have a new law now where they can put you on probation for LIFE, can you believe that? UNREAL.

Anonymous said...

btw I am a female, I wrote the comment above. sheriff joe SUCKS.

Incarcerated Flavors said...

This is very inspiring at a time whne thing are begging to show up and test my true self.

I am James Vaughan Founder/President of Incarcerated Flavors, not-for-profit Corporation located in Utica, N.Y. Our purpose is to employ previuosly incarcerated individuals through the production of our Magazine and Website as well as commmunity development.

I served 10 years 10 months in prison from the age of 18 until I was 29. I'm at a point in my life where my visions are beggining to come into fruition.

I am in the process of building a partnership with the Neighborhood Investment Association, inc. (NIA Group) Utica N.Y.. Funding is needed to become finsh ernovation so our beautiful building is not taken from us.

Seeing this site was a blessing to know that we actually have other communities accross the nation building for ourselves and Loved Ones.

Please follow our link as we are seeking our first grant and the more activity we can show we can show the demand to unite our resources internationally.

Love is Love,

James Vaughan

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Harris County Jail said...

I see people all the time walking around in jail. They believe they are not free to live, laugh, love, and be happy. I love to introduce people to them selves. Education is repetition. It is similar to applying another coat of paint on the wall.

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Thanks for your blog. I've served time in two other county jails and also served time in state prison. That was over 20 years ago. But two years ago I ended up in Joe's jail first for nine months. Even with past experience behind the walls I wasn't prepared for the level of sick, twisted, cruel, bizzare, and dangerous conditions and treatment in the 4th Ave, Towers, and Tent City jails. Joe is one sick sadist.

Unknown said...

Hiya Shaun ,

I've just read your book prison time and felt the need to write and tell you how much it resonated with me , I'm about to turn 45 and have tried living with anxiety and depression for a lot of those years, being an old skool raver myself I understand that feeling of freedom and pushing boundaries whilst flying on a Cali split or a new yorker etc. Like you I self medicated through relationship breakdowns which resulted in me becoming more depressed , I still dabble here and there with the club drugs and weed is the monkey on my back , gibbering an screaming for attention.

I have now hit my low point and live in my mums spare room after losing my wife and home, the foods good but the cleaning regimes brutal ☺

After reading your book I've booked an appointment with the doctor and I'm asking for therapy. Your humour and attention to people's plight is a wonderful thing and I thank you for sharing and inspiring others.

P.s I grew up in Runcorn and old skool enough to remember club 4 , it would be interesting to know if all the ici chemicals were a precursor to us early nw ravers and our passion for pills :)

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